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Topic: One Roll "High" School
Started by: CSBone
Started on: 6/12/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 6/12/2007 at 3:32am, CSBone wrote:
One Roll "High" School

This started as Power 19: One Roll Narrative Role Playing System (Long). This is the first of three concepts. My goal is to get the One Roll system ready to publish as a PDF and a break even mini-book by the end of the summer.

If the setting looks to be working the goal would be to have an "Ashcan" version ready by Gencon next year with the idea that the finished version would be hyped, advertised and ready to POD for the Christmas season the following year.

My target audience is the mainstream young teen demographic that sucked up Harry Potter and parents looking for alternatives to video games and TV.

C.S. Bone
First Concept: One Roll "High" School

Mix Tom Swift, Harry Potter and Tales of the Jedi with the Legion of Superheros cartoon. High school meets Star Fleet Academy drawn by Ben Caldwell.

Background: Approximately 80 years ago  the Galactic Confederacy made First Contact with Earth. They are always concerned with how a "primitive" civilization will be affected by finding out they are not alone in the universe but they are equally concerned with how "gallactic" civilization will be affected by the contact.

Their solution is to invite "students" to attend the galactic equivalent of a magnate school via Link. Because of the nature of "Einsteinian" space travel the only effective way to travel faster than light is via Link. Link uses wormholes to transmit "Entangled" qantum data which is then used to create a copy of the original. The original then lives thier lives and "dreams" of their copy "out there". THe copy lives their life "out there" and "dreams" of their original self.

The original is enriched by "dreaming" of life out there and when the "Einsteinian" ships finally arrive from the "galactic" civilization their culture already has memes in place from the "dreamers" to handle the contact. Galactic civilization is enriched because they get acess to new ideas and new ways of looking at things without the potential disruption of full on contact with a "primitive" society.

It is a win/win situation for everyone.

"High" School is not like school here on Earth. Galactics beleive that the only real way to learn is to go and "do". School consists of Linked feild trips to a variety of places for a variety of experiences...some good...some bad...but all designed to enrich the student and teach them something about themselves and the worlds on which they live. When the "Feild Trip" is over the student writes it up and prepares for the next.

The game consists of Feild Trips and the time in between at the school.

Player Characters are those "students" chosen to go to "High" School.

They go through "Summer School" to be prepared for the experience. This could either be handled as an introductory scenario with agressive scene framing or could be "assumed" and the Player Character starts at "High" School.

Students can be humans with limited abilites protected by an "Angelnet" or enhanced in some manner by Galactic technology (Galtech). They could also be aliens or "Atlantians" (humans from the first diaspora 12,000 years ago).

Things I'd need to make this concept viable as an RPG:

• Need a tool for writing "Feild Trips" with built in Bangs.
• Need to describe Galactic Civilization and Galtech. It is all hard science but should have a fun vibe.
• Need to describe aliens and a tool for creating interesting ones that don't break verisimilitude. Aliens are NOT men in suits...those are Atlantians.
• Need to create a method for doing "Summer School".
• Need to create a tool for GMs to keep "School" between feild trips fun and exciting with built in Bangs and to help emphasize the personal interactions both Player Character to Player Character and Player Character to Non-Player Characters.
• Need to intergrate Kickers as part of Character Creation.
• Need to figure out starting totals for the dice pool and maximum totals, both for individual Traits and the dice pool itself.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 24007
Topic 23866

Message 24114#235641

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