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Topic: InSpectres: The Whispering Vault
Started by: Henry Fitch
Started on: 6/9/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 6/9/2002 at 3:04am, Henry Fitch wrote:
InSpectres: The Whispering Vault

Just a thought.

Come to think of it, Nobilis might work too.

Message 2413#23452

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On 6/14/2002 at 12:27pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: InSpectres: The Whispering Vault

Okay, posted a message, now keep talkin'.

Message 2413#24313

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On 6/16/2002 at 1:04am, Henry Fitch wrote:
RE: InSpectres: The Whispering Vault

Hmm. Alright, if I must. That was really just a throwaway post, which seemed like a perfectly good idea at 3 o'clock in the morning, but ah well. I suppose I'll try to elaborate.

First, forget the Nobilis bit, I was kidding.

As for the Vault, though. I've read a lot of complaints about how TWV's system gets innapropriately crunchy at times, such as in combat. I don't actually know the system very well, but that's a bad thing for narrativist play. The setting, of course, is extremely cool. Seems to me that another system might be called for, and the InSpectres system seems uniquely suited.

I mean, look. Discrete episodes. Focus on investigation. "Home base" issues. I think it'd work swimmingly.

In fact, now that I'm thinking about this again, I might even attempt some sort of conversion. If I can get all the proper blessings, of course, and assuming my impressions about Vault are correct (getting my copy next week).


Message 2413#24486

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