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Topic: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine
Started by: fluency
Started on: 6/17/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 6/17/2007 at 6:01pm, fluency wrote:
The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

The Drunken Man in the Corner
By Gilbert Kraag
Translated from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer

You need:
*3-10 players
*An empty beer bottle.

Sit in a circle. Spin the bottle. The person the bottle ends up pointing towards is The Drunken Man in the Corner.
The Drunken Man in the Cornerspins the bottle again. The one the bottle points to has to listen to what the Drunken Man in the Corner really thinks of him or her.


The Drunken Man in the Corner looks at the person withnarrow eyes, and slurs out the most negative he can think of about him or her.
It has to be truthful, personal and heartfelt.

Once the Drunken Man in the Corner has said the truth, the person who was exposed to the truth takes on the role as The Drunken Man in the Corner. It is that persons turn to spin the bottle,and tell the truth about the person the bottle points to (even if the bottlepoints at himself).

The form-experiment continues until someone starts fighting, crying or gets up and leaves.

Mr. Happy Loveshine

By Bolla Pinnsvin
Translated from norwegian by Skjalg Kreutzer

You need:
*3-10 players
*An empty bottle.

Sit in a circle. Spin the bottle. The person the bottle ends up pointing towards is Mr.Happy Loveshine.
Mr.Happy Loveshine spins the bottle again. The one the bottle points to has to listen to what Mr.Happy Loveshine really thinks of him or her.


Mr.Happy Loveshine looks the person in the eyes, smiles and says the most positive he can think of about him or her.
It has to be truthful, personal and heartfelt.

Mr.Happy Loveshine has said the truth, the person who was exposed to the truth takes on the role as Mr. Happy Loveshine. It is that persons turn to spin the bottle, and tell the truth about the person the bottlepoints to (even if the bottle points at himself).

The mood-game continues until someone starts hugging, kissing or goes away to sleep together.

Message 24151#235970

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On 6/17/2007 at 6:11pm, SkuToV wrote:
Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

Maybe have a combination of both where two people have a conversation where one person is The Drunken Man in the Corner and one is Mr. Happy Loveshine. The Bottle is spun twice, the firth is The Drunken Man in the Corner the second is Mr. Happy Loveshine?

That would be more fun I think.

Message 24151#235971

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On 6/18/2007 at 12:16am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

What I'm seeing is a social game, or even some form of therapy or group therapy I imagine, but it's not fitting well into the topic of the site.

The thrad will need a discussion topic or some useful framework for discussion, from "fluency," before it can continue.

Best, Ron

Message 24151#235987

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On 6/19/2007 at 6:37pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

Riffing off of SKutov:

1) Spin bottle. Person it points at is Happy Sunshine (HS).
2) HS spins it to point at another person (can't be self).
3) Person at whom it points is Drunken Man (DM).

4) HS says best true thing(s) he or she can say about DM.
5) DM says worst true thing(s) he or she can say about HS.
6) HS, heartbroken, becomes the next DM and spins to make a new HS (can't be self).
7) Return to 4. Repeat until catharsis or destruction of relationships ensure.

I'd rename it to "Fuck You and Your Affirmation, Hippy" (FYAYAH) and release it as a game actually printed on the label of an empty beer bottle, though there might be packaging and shipping issues (plastic bottle, maybe?).

Hmmm.... I think this might get stolen by a brewer friend of mine--it would fit on half of a bottle's back label, and he has an... odd... sense of humor for his brew names anyway!

[Ron, out of curiosity, why isn't this germane to First Thoughts? Because there's no Character and a thin Situation and, as such, it's not a role playing game? I actually think this too-real-game could make for a very interesting warm-up/drill, if applied to in-game characters or if done as part of group creation for a game in which dysfunctional relationships are relevant to tension, like soap opera/drama games and even survival games. Just wonderin'....]


Message 24151#236095

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On 6/19/2007 at 9:17pm, SkuToV wrote:
RE: Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine


I', going to us ehits as a way for the characters in my game to *bond*

If this appears on any beerbottle I'm gonna send my lawyers round your house.

Message 24151#236107

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On 6/25/2007 at 9:16pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

SkuToV wrote: If this appears on any beerbottle I'm gonna send my lawyers round your house.

Heh heh... OK, good luck with that. FIRST, you gotta extradite me, THEN you gotta prove loss of income or duress, and THEN you've gotta explain how you secured copyright when you published it in a public forum without the © symbol.

MEANWHILE, I have taken my patently extensive, clearly derivative, attributed, value-added variation and published it under Creative Commons license:

Mind you, if you use it for characters it will lose some of the punch it has when played between real people (like a punch in the eye, a punch in the mouth, etc).

Message 24151#236402

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On 6/29/2007 at 12:00am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: The Drunken Man in the Corner & Mr. Happy Loveshine

Hey. I moderated. You guys need to respect that.

Without a post from "fluency," no more posting.

Best, Ron

Message 24151#236611

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