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Topic: StrikeForce:2136 short session
Started by: darnest
Started on: 6/29/2007
Board: Actual Play

On 6/29/2007 at 7:27pm, darnest wrote:
StrikeForce:2136 short session

Since no one really knows this system yet (its being release at GenCon this year) a short explanation of how the system works is in the thread on the combat system revision of StrikeForce to increase the variability of damage and make the combat system a tad less mechanical. the thread is in playtest about that if you want to read it.  but on to the player info and the gaming.  One thing about the system, the EF is the Skill total - roll. The higher the better, and you can combine relevant skills to get higher EF's but usually you need these higher EF's  to succeed.

So The players name is Danny. His character is Bud a Special Tactics Officer outfitted with an exoskeleton, carrying a type 4 plasma rifle mounted on the right arm, a type 4 Laser, a left shoulder mounted grenade launcher and 25 mm guided missiles on the right shoulder. These weapons are all linked for multiple shots at a sinlgle set of targets. Electronics wise he has full sensory array and targeting plus a ton of armor additions. His fire combat skill is 540 other skills com in around 200-300. he just got his Artificial Intelligence program installed in his Armor as well. Pretty accomplished character all around.

So the adventure starts out with Bud in sub level 3 of Chicago. He walks out of a cesspool bar and see an obviously drugged out gang banger shouting at civilians the he is "unstoppable, the most dangerous man in the world". Bud has a passion about protecting civilians and so he decides to take the guy on. (System note danny could have chosen to roll against the passion and if he made it could have written it off as things happen in a sub level) The guy sees Bud in his ExoSkeleton and points to him saying "I'll show you man I am more powerful than you.." Bud does a threat analysis and see the guy has light armor a Weapon type 3, and few other enhancements, no real threat to him. Combat starts
So Bud wins reaction 145 to like 75

1ST Active Action
BUD action: jumps the 10 meters between them and knocks the guy down.
GANG BANGER action:"I'll show you man"

2and Active Action
Bud action: takes the guys weapon and tells the guy to haul ass outta there.
GB action: "I am more powerful than anyone else, we'll show you!"

3rd Active Action
Bud Action: he moves back about 10 meters in case there are more of them
GB action; still high as a kite, says" I'll show you" and throws a combat knife from a weapons sheath (no action cost to draw or throw, made of an organic material that aids in the draw) at a woman trying to get the heck outta there.
Attack flow ( this is the only detailed one I have)
GB has a 150 Hand to Hand Advanced skill + 25 (accuracy of the weapon) + a targ system with a TEF 85 and + his base skill of 60 gives him a total attack of 320. I rolled a 37 for a total attack EF of 283. Thats a level 7 critical to the woman. Add the power of 112 from the knife and 500 for his melee combat damage for a total attack of 895. It is an attack rating 1(chart) and because he has a TEF 80+ targ he calls his shot location (other wise it would be a random roll). He calls for a head shot and since he had 200+ EF he gets 1 combat influence which he uses to add another damage roll. The woman takes 10 pts of Endurance damage (chart) and I rolled a 32 and a 75 for a total of 117 endurance. Chance for acrit was like a 45 and I missed it. Down she goes at -65

4th active action
Bud shoots GB with his plasma:
Buds EF is over 1000 partly because of close range, He gets 5 combat influences (Danny picks: 2 damage, 2 increase malfunction chance, 1 roll malfunction), hits the guy in the head. GB dies as his brain falls out of his head. cool thing was he took like 320 pts of damage and we hit a crit we had not really seen before... the GB armor did take a malfunction as well lost 1 to Armor rating.

Bud calls the cops and tries to help the poor woman, rolls a skill learning attempt with first aid ( 1/4 base skill) for first aid. He fails to help but does not hurt her. The cops show up and the med techs help the woman so she does not die.

One of the Cops tells Bud the gang the ravagers has been acting like that for about 2 weeks putting civilians in harms way. Bud checks the UNIWeb and finds 3 sub contracts, 1 looking for a stolen drug shipment, 1 a bunch of businesses looking for protection from the ravagers, and a Pharma company looking for its drugs (this last one is the real bad guys).

Bud takes accepts all 3 subs and the cops tell him where the ravagers base is.
The ravagers have setup a smaller version of the black markets here and I really thought danny would call them up and tell them these guys are messing with the black market but he decides to take on the whole gang by himself.

So he talks his way into the area saying he wants to buy drugs. He uses stealth and camouflage skill rolls to plant 2 charges of C16 at the gate and at a weapons booth. Then he heads for the bar.

meanwhile at the cesspool bar (I had too... ) Bud hits up the nice bartender with piercings and a forehead tat that says property of snake, and asks her for some good drugs he heard they had. She sells him a dose ( he does not even haggle never good to give the PC 's money, but he saving up to design a new weapon). he uses his Exo Sensory array to scan the coke and compare it to the "stolen" coke the bad guys want traced. (really they don't care they are testing the stuff out, they want Bud stopped before he figures it out). So danny combines a bunch of skills, and gets some help from his AI, for the analysis and gets a 700 EF. He gets 7 questions about the coke, based on any of five forces that his Sensory array uses ( he used the Chemical force in this case). He confirms its what the Pharma company lost and that it was precut at the factory, top grade components. When his Psi intuitions goes off ( there goes my surprise close range attack). He does a Perception roll 500+ EF and the guy shooting him gets a 320 EF on his Stealth:stalking. I have the guy try to tweak his chameleon chip, but the tweak EF does not add enough TEF to the Chameleon to stop danny from seeing him and combat starts.

Reaction to Bounty Hunter
Active Action 1
BH action: Shoots type 4 chem project with tech Level 6 AP rounds from close range at Bud. Bud dodges. with the ECM from Buds EXo and the Dodge the guy does not have a TEF 40 targ or a 400 EF so he has to roll location. he hits bud in the leg for 30 points of damage, no crit and no malfunction. He takes his second shot (type 3&4 ChemProject and Plasma get 2 shots per pull of the trigger, Type 30 has a minus to the second shot). Danny doges again, even better and the guy misses.

Bud action: He shoots with Plasma and laser (linked) at the BH. His EF even after the dodge os like 800+. crit severity 1, 5 penetrations to the guys armor and 4 Combat influences (2 damage , 2 increase malfunction chance) danny calls the torso, rolls 250 pts of damage and does a crit that fills up the guys lungs with fluid and then kills him. Bud searches the body, finds a Rom chip with instruction from the Pharma company with his coordinates and the kill order. Danny figures out he has steped into something bigger, and see the pharma as the bad guys, (You just cannot hire good help on short notice). Buds' linked laser also fires but does nothing important as the guys is just more dead...

So Bud tells the bar tender he wants to talk to some body important to discuss subcontracting the drug sales out and making everyone some cash... the bar tender sends down snake. danny and I role play a conversation which gets him a Con:lying roll to convice the guy to show him the coke. danny rolls okay I roll like crap and suddenly Snake wants to show off to the guy in the Exo. They go to the adjacent storage area and there is the Cargo crate that was stolen (sub #1 now complete) danny rolls 2 fantastic Stealth:stalking and another Stealth:camouflage to hide 2 points of c16 in the room full of ammo, weapons and drugs...

They return to the bar and Danny tries to get Snake to take bud to his leaders but snake won't budge, con roll not so good that time, so snake leaves. Bud gets up walks out of the bar (after loading the bar with 2 points of C16 as well). Bud walks to the middle of the market and blows the storage room full of drugs and the bar which collapses as it loses the center post that help hold up the roof.

It goes up in a big boom, here come the guards and the leaders of the ravagers out of their rooms. Danny fires a grenade from his launcher at one group and tosses one at another He only could do this cause he could fire the grenade from the launcher at a pre-aimed point in front of a door. The grenades do some damage and hurt them all, no kills but 6 of them fail their emotion rolls and lose an active action. 2 guys take damage but stay up and shoot at Bud. Both shots do some damage but little else. They happen to be standing right by the Weapons booth Bud placed earlier (go figure I did not even plan that) so buds AI blows the booth, the gang bangers take some damage but most of the explosion is away from them. They roll Emotion and both stand up, but setting off the explosion was done by danny's AI ( Danny gave him release talking is a free action) so now its dannys turn, he lays another grenade and rolls great he Incapciates one witha torso hit, and the other one had a messed up leg and was at -80 and down.

The leader of the Ravagers ( I want to use the NPC again) stands up and starts talking to danny. The gang takes that as a sign to get the hell out and danny makes it his mission to get the Leader at least. danny looks away to the gates to see who's left and then looks for the Leader who ois stealthing away. danny rolls to see him with his ESA and gets like a 500+ EF. the leader only has a 400 EF so I have him tweak which gets him higher than danny, Who forgets to tweak himself and the leader gets away (to be fair it was late and danny was looking for an attack from any side. Using a passive action to tweak may not have made sense.

So Bud contacts the Pharma people who say come see us and we will pay you your cahs, he knows thats a trap and refuses and they come see us and we will play (new adventure some other time). the other 2 pay up and Bud is free and clear to fight another day.

So that was may latest session. Hope what i typed made sense. feel free to ask any question about the session or the system.

Message 24241#236668

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...from around 6/29/2007

On 7/2/2007 at 4:15am, darnest wrote:
Re: StrikeForce:2136 long session

Well another installment of StrikeForce:2136. We played tonight. One of my group has been difficult to contact so no Nano Tech profession tonight but we did have a PSITech and Danny's STO and we finally did a mission I wrote up months ago and had just never been able to do. So here Goes.

The two Characters, Gimbal the PsiTech and Danny the STO ( danny has like 3 levels on gibal which is a huge amount meaning danny has higher skill totals and tech). Leave the UN Base they were at with like 20 minutes left. In a previous series of adventures they had discovered that the Interior Minister of the United Free Kingdom was a bad guy, in league with the Pirates, and was trying to delay them from returning to the Factory Complex (FACOM) for 4 hours, so they had 20 minutes left. The flew in danny's Helo and contacted the Interior Minister, who told them see ya in 20. The got there 3minutes later and decide to fly to the top and drop off from the helo. Danny had his AI fly the Helo in a Combat Air Patrol with orders to contact him if anything tried to leave the FACOM.

The FACOM had been shut down previously and was home to a technology cult which was the whole breadth of the mission. They were to find these super guns the Conspiracy was making and follow them to the Pirates and get the breadth of the conspiracy from that meeting. The tech cult was building the super guns and as such would try to stop them. for the whole thing to work however they needed to come in the front door. Instead they came in through a hole in the roof. I went with it just to see where it would go, and saw I had left a second plot open on this mission dealing with 2 of their passions. The company they work for, Krosensky Electronics, is a bad company does bad things. They were making a bad version of a drug that would make EVLabs ( a passion of Gimbals to protect) look bad and they were gonna distribute it through china ( Buds passion to protect). And the best part was Krosenky had sent them here to make sure the drugs got made. okay back to the action...

They stumble upon a balcony above the processing area, both stealthed of course, and find the foreman tied up as the drugs are being made and there are 7 droids in here and a security chief. They find a way down to the next level and the Psi hits the 3 guards out side the doors with a Euphoria Psi effect attack, all three go gaga for their weapons and armor, so very happy they see nothing else. Bud uses his computer skill to compromise the security grid of the IZONE (Internal Defense Zone) and takes control of the droids. The Sec Chief sees something is up but he is not quite sure what , then gimbal tries to sneak in the SC see the door open and its on. Danny rolls a great reaction and beats the SC. Danny blasts him with a plasma the guy does a dodge and still gets hit danny gets a high enough EF to influence combat 3 times. He adds 2 damage rolls and a malfunction roll. The damage is in the 270's to the head with a severity 2 crit. SC goes down but uses flash (a wicked drug) to fix the damage, however he won't be back for 9 actions. Danny then nails him with a laser shot that incapacitates him. Combat influence works. They move in danny takes a sample of the drug and chooses to analyze it. He gets 3 information points and asks some questions about the drugs and their origins and the whole evil plan about Ev labs and China spills out. They both choose to go with their passions ( protect EV Labs and China) so they come up with a plan to protect the two by blowing up the production line. The foreman from Krosensky asks what they are doing and they tell him and help him and the Factory workers find some cover (very bad to kill Civies in 2136). So they take off towards the main section of the FACOM (where I had written all this detail out... So they get in and danny takes complete control of their IZONE security and gets them into the cargo area above where a vehicle is being loaded with some interesting creates. afraid its more of the drugs they choose to get moving and stop the helo from leaving.
danny also brings all 7 droids as an escort, certainly not in the play book I wrote. I manage to loose 3 of the droids in a cargo chute but they keep 4. I roll with it to see where it goes.

They get to the cargo room, the vehicle bay where they want to go is below them. Two security driods attack them as they come out of the chute, Gimbal goes astral to avoid getting shot, danny takes a hit from one of the droids, takes a minor crit, and blows the emotion roll, losing his action this phase. then 2 of their driods pop out of the chute and start blasting the other driods. Dannys AI is controlling them and tweaks their targeting increasing their attacks. by 50 and 75. The 4 droids kill the second sec droid befor it can attack and cause the first one to lose its action. Danny blaps it with that plasma cannon and with a crit blows it up. His armor protects him from the blast.

They all get on the elevator and pan to go down to the vehicle bay, guns a blazing when the PSITech says wait and does a cloak others ability. The power basically covers them with astral essence and makes it very hard for any one to see them.

The elevator comes down with 4 droids and no one else. Danny controls the secnet so he tells the 4 guards the droids are here to help them, while they sneak up on the pilots. So danny's droids roll up and drop 3 guards with a very cool surprise close range attack. The 4th guard rolls an awesome dodge and also gets no crit, (Side note the Combat Influence design works awesome, combats are quick and deadly, but the players have the tools, drugs and clones and luck points to save their lives). Danny grabs gimbal and uses his gravlectric jets to fly the 30 meters to the helo. They land unseen next to the helo and Gimbal blasts the pilot with euphoria Pilot rolls a good save, but not good enough. The pilot begins to blather about the awesome dodge the last guard did. the other pilot gets out to help the guard and they Steal the helo loaded with the Guns that are the center of the whole Conspiracy. Bang like that the Conspiracy is done and they blow the Drugs from ealier and like that they get huge Commendations ( XP in Strike).

They do get fired by krosensky, but they get Krosensky in huge trouble with the IJC ( International Justice Council Ie the FEDs...) which closes another sub mission they have had for a while.

Over all an excellent adventure that went totally off the story I had written, I just used the pieces I had made and force fit them. The characters did a great job of unraveling the the clues and still was able to make it enjoy able

so there it is a long session much got done. Questions comment?

Message 24241#236741

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...from around 7/2/2007

On 7/2/2007 at 7:33am, Noon wrote:
Re: StrikeForce:2136 short session

Hi Darnest, welcome to the forge!

Is there any part you want to ask a question about or want some help with?

Message 24241#236748

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...from around 7/2/2007

On 7/6/2007 at 4:37am, darnest wrote:
RE: Re: StrikeForce:2136 short session

Hey thanx for the question. 
I would love any questions people might have about the game as I have described or questions about the Games system itself.  I am writing it as much to "spread the word", as to get peoples impressions and/or questions.  Hit me with anything that seems screwy or cool or just does not make sense.  I love talking Strike and though I am very confident in the system I am always interested in others peoples takes on Strike, the world, the system whatever.


Darnest and really happy to be here

Message 24241#236875

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...from around 7/6/2007

On 7/16/2007 at 3:30am, darnest wrote:
[StrikeForce:2136] full session #2

Another great session. The tech had to drop out due to some personal issues. I hope he will come back when they clear up perhaps after gencon. But on with the story.
The two adventurers, Bud the STO and Gimbal the PSitech, last time were fired from their employer and were once again freelance. MAC (UN military) hired them to goto the country of Malli in Africa. The country was deciding which of 2 generals would be given authority over a critical Ezone that bordered the Moroccan Imperial States. The MIS and a company called AsaPac Pharma wanted to force this ezone into the Moroccans control. They planned to create a fake uprising of some Violent Buddhists (I know its crazy that anyone could think that Buddhists would be violent, but one of Buds passions was defending buddhism so it fit). MAC wants the 2 of them to observe the transition proceedings and make sure that no corps or other nations mess with the transition.
So they take off in Bud's helo and fly off to the location inside the ezone. They land and start asking questions. They find out about the security and such and Gimbal the Psi takes off into the Astral plane to see whats about. He gets the feeling he is not the first Psi in the last 48 hours to scope this place astrally. They do a whole bunch of computer rolls and find out all the info they can on the players at this transition hearing. They discover that one of the candidates seems to have a history with the Morrocan Imperial States. immediately theyy dig deeper, Bud broke 1000 EF with several computer rolls thanx to some good tweaks from him and his AI unit. Bud gets detailed information on missions that made the 1st candidate famous. Turns out they were all against the same StrikeForce from MIS and this Strike Force is now on "Vacation".
They figure out that the one candidate is probably bad news, but their orders prohibit interference unless attacked.

Bud hooks his AI into the Security system he had hacked earlier and tells the AI to beep him should anything happen that night. The AI wakes him when 2 sensors malfunction in the secure office of the civilian arbitrator who will decide the successor. She is not there getting there in the AM.
Bud gets over to the secured room where the arbitrator will be staying. He turns on his light bending invisibility and sneaks in. The C-Spy in the room sees him at the same time he sees her. She knows she cannot beat him in a EXo so she plans on making a quick escape. She loses reaction to bud and he shoots her in the torso with his plasma. He gets several combat influences and really labels her with 2 great shots. She uses all her luck and most of her drugs to just live. She used an active dodge on the shot to try and get to the wall which is allowed with an active dodge. The hits stopped her from getting to the wall she was aiming for.
She had done an active dodge meaning her only action of this phase needs to be a passive action, meaning it can only affect her and her stuff. She activates a device on her armor with that action. The device, unknown to danny changes the consistency of a solid to that of a hard liquid so you can walk through a wall. danny shoots her control panel on her armor and does a small crit and shorts out the pannel, even with a -600 on the attack. What can I say bud is good with a gun. She uses her action to basically fall through the wall, bud runs to the wall and sticks his hand through it to grab her. bud has his AI call Gimbal and wake him up as he drags the CSPY back in through the wall. She cannot turn off the wall device as Bud shot out her controls. she is about 3/4 back in when the folks with her destroy the device and her head is separated from her body. Gimbal finally gets to the room 2 minutes or so later and goes astral through the walls. He sees her head bashed in, and the device smoking from a gun blast. he also does a tweak on his optics and sees the barely visible dust trail of a vehicle that took off a few minutes ago.
Both characters now have a passion conflict to protect civillians cause this place is gonna be crawling with civilians in about 3 hours and a StrikeForce is lurking about trying to disrupt the event. danny also finds these discs on the cspy that are marked with the terrorist buddhists symbol. Another passion conflict for him as he wants to protect Buddhism and its perception around the world.
They wake up security, find some walls that are setup for breaching ( thin concrete and the Psi defenses disabled in a section of the wall). So they cover those with Calon energy ( PSi Enegrery) detectors on pig type 2 anti personnel emplacements. they confirm the dead cspy is with the Spirt of Africa StrikeForce, who is supposed to be on vacation. Then gimbal uses his optics and a tweak. Gimbal scans it with his optics and figures out its a device meant to shut him down (-250 EF to any concentration roll). that plus the cspy's identity is enough to prove that real Buddists are not with this group, passion conflict gone.
So the next day finally comes and the civilians show up with the two generals. Big impressive appearencew by the CEO of Wagnaer Androsyne Tech, who pick the good general. Then ASAPAC pharma chooses the bad general and stays in the room. The other StrikeForce then attacks taking out several guards, and their tech coops the security program danny put in place on the security net. In comes 2 STO's in EXO's.
Gimbal goes astral and places 2 grenades and attempts to hurt the attackers for damage by placing a grenade in the astral plane and stepping out. The grenade goes off but does not do a critical so he is hurt but not dead. Bud sets up a trap so with any onewho comes through a door gets hot with a plastique blast.

Then they lose the security system, So bud has his AI turn on the Helos sensors. They have a TEF of 450 or so so he can see blips as to who is where. Using the Helo the AI is given release to blast the Tech who is outside the building. The AI is not a great shot, wounds the Tech with a vehicle cannon with the first shot and and turns him into read mist with the second.

The Tech is dead and the 2 STO's decide to try and finish the mission. They get to the doors. Gimbal does the astral grenade trick again but puts them right behind the dude. The blast rips him several new holes and Exo number 1 dies. Exo # 2 decides its time to boogie. Danny steps through the booby trapped door and takes 2 hits from the Dudes plasma cannon, takes some damage and a minor crit. Danny fires back and incapacitates him with a major artery blast. he is down for the count. Meanwhile back in the room the civilians are all huddled behind a desk when the Bad general pulls a gun and asks to no one in particular "should I kill Him" He is talking to the ASAPAC pharma Executive, who wisely does not respond. Gimbal tells him and his cronies to drop the weapons. 4 do. 1 of them, A diplomat from the MIS says to bud and gimbal. You have no authority over me. So bud slags the guys gun with a great roll.

Civillian picks the good general, the ASAPAC exec is told never to return and the guys get paid for a well done mission. All the pasison conflicts are also resolved. Very neat and clean. Always a fun time.

Let me know if you have any questions as always...
StrikeForce:2136 RPG: The System Dominates; Will you fight it?
StrikeForce:Stacked Deck The decks are Stacked, are you smart enough to out play them Pure Imagination No Limits

"You have to know WHY things work on a starship; not just how" Admiral James T. Kirk
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[StrikeForce:2136] another great session
Another great session. The tech had to drop out due to some personal issues. I hope he will come back when they clear up perhaps after gencon. But on with the story.
The two adventurers, Bud the STO and Gimbal the PSitech, last time were fired from their employer and were once again freelance. MAC (UN military) hired them to goto the country of Malli in Africa. The country was deciding which of 2 generals would be given authority over a critical Ezone that bordered the Moroccan Imperial States. The MIS and a company called AsaPac Pharma wanted to force this ezone into the Moroccans control. They planned to create a fake uprising of some Violent Buddhists (I know its crazy that anyone could think that Buddhists would be violent, but one of Buds passions was defending buddhism so it fit). MAC wants the 2 of them to observe the transition proceedings and make sure that no corps or other nations mess with the transition.
So they take off in Bud's helo and fly off to the location inside the ezone. They land and start asking questions. They find out about the security and such and Gimbal the Psi takes off into the Astral plane to see whats about. He gets the feeling he is not the first Psi in the last 48 hours to scope this place astrally. They do a whole bunch of computer rolls and find out all the info they can on the players at this transition hearing. They discover that one of the candidates seems to have a history with the Morrocan Imperial States. immediately theyy dig deeper, Bud broke 1000 EF with several computer rolls thanx to some good tweaks from him and his AI unit. Bud gets detailed information on missions that made the 1st candidate famous. Turns out they were all against the same StrikeForce from MIS and this Strike Force is now on "Vacation".
They figure out that the one candidate is probably bad news, but their orders prohibit interference unless attacked.

Bud hooks his AI into the Security system he had hacked earlier and tells the AI to beep him should anything happen that night. The AI wakes him when 2 sensors malfunction in the secure office of the civilian arbitrator who will decide the successor. She is not there getting there in the AM.
Bud gets over to the secured room where the arbitrator will be staying. He turns on his light bending invisibility and sneaks in. The C-Spy in the room sees him at the same time he sees her. She knows she cannot beat him in a EXo so she plans on making a quick escape. She loses reaction to bud and he shoots her in the torso with his plasma. He gets several combat influences and really labels her with 2 great shots. She uses all her luck and most of her drugs to just live. She used an active dodge on the shot to try and get to the wall which is allowed with an active dodge. The hits stopped her from getting to the wall she was aiming for.
She had done an active dodge meaning her only action of this phase needs to be a passive action, meaning it can only affect her and her stuff. She activates a device on her armor with that action. The device, unknown to danny changes the consistency of a solid to that of a hard liquid so you can walk through a wall. danny shoots her control panel on her armor and does a small crit and shorts out the pannel, even with a -600 on the attack. What can I say bud is good with a gun. She uses her action to basically fall through the wall, bud runs to the wall and sticks his hand through it to grab her. bud has his AI call Gimbal and wake him up as he drags the CSPY back in through the wall. She cannot turn off the wall device as Bud shot out her controls. she is about 3/4 back in when the folks with her destroy the device and her head is separated from her body. Gimbal finally gets to the room 2 minutes or so later and goes astral through the walls. He sees her head bashed in, and the device smoking from a gun blast. he also does a tweak on his optics and sees the barely visible dust trail of a vehicle that took off a few minutes ago.
Both characters now have a passion conflict to protect civillians cause this place is gonna be crawling with civilians in about 3 hours and a StrikeForce is lurking about trying to disrupt the event. danny also finds these discs on the cspy that are marked with the terrorist buddhists symbol. Another passion conflict for him as he wants to protect Buddhism and its perception around the world.
They wake up security, find some walls that are setup for breaching ( thin concrete and the Psi defenses disabled in a section of the wall). So they cover those with Calon energy ( PSi Enegrery) detectors on pig type 2 anti personnel emplacements. they confirm the dead cspy is with the Spirt of Africa StrikeForce, who is supposed to be on vacation. Then gimbal uses his optics and a tweak. Gimbal scans it with his optics and figures out its a device meant to shut him down (-250 EF to any concentration roll). that plus the cspy's identity is enough to prove that real Buddists are not with this group, passion conflict gone.
So the next day finally comes and the civilians show up with the two generals. Big impressive appearencew by the CEO of Wagnaer Androsyne Tech, who pick the good general. Then ASAPAC pharma chooses the bad general and stays in the room. The other StrikeForce then attacks taking out several guards, and their tech coops the security program danny put in place on the security net. In comes 2 STO's in EXO's.
Gimbal goes astral and places 2 grenades and attempts to hurt the attackers for damage by placing a grenade in the astral plane and stepping out. The grenade goes off but does not do a critical so he is hurt but not dead. Bud sets up a trap so with any onewho comes through a door gets hot with a plastique blast.

Then they lose the security system, So bud has his AI turn on the Helos sensors. They have a TEF of 450 or so so he can see blips as to who is where. Using the Helo the AI is given release to blast the Tech who is outside the building. The AI is not a great shot, wounds the Tech with a vehicle cannon with the first shot and and turns him into read mist with the second.

The Tech is dead and the 2 STO's decide to try and finish the mission. They get to the doors. Gimbal does the astral grenade trick again but puts them right behind the dude. The blast rips him several new holes and Exo number 1 dies. Exo # 2 decides its time to boogie. Danny steps through the booby trapped door and takes 2 hits from the Dudes plasma cannon, takes some damage and a minor crit. Danny fires back and incapacitates him with a major artery blast. he is down for the count. Meanwhile back in the room the civilians are all huddled behind a desk when the Bad general pulls a gun and asks to no one in particular "should I kill Him" He is talking to the ASAPAC pharma Executive, who wisely does not respond. Gimbal tells him and his cronies to drop the weapons. 4 do. 1 of them, A diplomat from the MIS says to bud and gimbal. You have no authority over me. So bud slags the guys gun with a great roll.

Civillian picks the good general, the ASAPAC exec is told never to return and the guys get paid for a well done mission. All the passion conflicts are also resolved. Very neat and clean. Always a fun time.

Let me know if you have any questions as always...

Message 24241#237188

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On 8/6/2007 at 4:34pm, darnest wrote:
RE: Re: StrikeForce:2136 short session

Only one player the other got called into work, so it was a PsiTech only night. Gimbal the PsiTech decided to take a vacation after the hard work in mali. The STO dropped him off in Rio and took off for china. I made sure the PsiTech noted two jets that took off and followed Buds helo off to china. Gimbal tries to contact Bud and he cannot get through, so he sends and email just in case that might work. Then Gimbal is off to the beach.

Lets talk cities in 2136. There are 3 types of city. The first is the Domed city 12 levels above ground, 4 sublevels. The dome is really a reactive electric armor dome, so energy blasts protect the city. The second type is the Platform city a central tower with 10 -30 platforms with buildings and such. The platforms are connected via trams and elevators. The last is the maze city. Similar to cities of today, the maze city is more sectioned off, but have very little planning in the less wealthy sectors. Rio is a maze city and a poorer one at that. Brasilia got all the cash and is a Platform city actually built inside the rain forest. But I digress..

Gimbal goes to the beach and is getting ready to have some fun on the beach, when his MAC contact IMs him and offers him a 25,000 sub contract to pickup a reactive armor chip made by a company called Trandel inc. IJC is hearing hey released a new tech without approval. So gimbal needs to find the Black market in Rio. He tries computer, but gimbal is lacking in computer skills, and blows the roll. he gets a list of like 30 possible locations. Gimbal decides to go the other route, he goes into a bar and hits up the bar tender for info. It works and the bar tender sends him on his way to the blackmarket. Gimbal hops on a tram and goes to the center of the city. The center of Rio is much nicer towards StrikeForces than other cities. In Rio the Corp and civilians tend to acknowledge the Strike members. In other cities they are ignored by anyone of rank, unless they have business with them.
Because he is a tad bit paranoid Gimbal does a perception roll to see if he is being followed. He notices 4 kids skipping from building to building and also realizes he saw them in the beach area earlier. Gimbal uses his Psi powers to slip into the astral plane and comes out a few 100 meters away, losing the kids. He walks into the area where the black market is located. The whole area is one of the older sections of Rio, and all the buildings arranged to defend the market should there be an incident. Gimbal walks in a decides to see if he can get a better weapon on the sly. He finds a weapon design booth and gets a Type 2 burst laser built for 104,000. A decent weapon made of reinforced ceramic. With a good roll Gimbal could make an attack rating 6 or better.
Then he moves off and gets some armor upgrades. He adds reactive armor and advance targeting giving him an armor rating of 7. He purchases the reactive armor chip he needs to complete his sub contract. His gun will be done in about 2hours and then he also notices that more and more people are whispering and pointing at him. He does a quick check on the UNIWeb and finds a Bounty on his and Bud's head. 25000 if we are wounded and 50000 when we are dead and thats each. So 75,000 to kill him. Gimbal turns on his new Light bending invisibility and disappears. He then goes astral again and sees what he can see in the balckmarket area. Then he sees a group of 4 armored folks pointing to where he was. They lost him. He does notice that 2 of the 4 are carrying spear guns. the 4 have a symbol of a chain surrounding a bullseye with a knife, they don't appear to be a StrikeForce, they just look not as good. he waits the time till his gun is done and then appears at the dealer. As he shows up there 2 of the members from the Bullseye team moving towards the booth, Gimbal only sees one of the 2. He gets his gun and sees the bulleye team moving in. Gimbal drops behind the counter and uses a Stalker Psi ability called Phantasm to create a look a like that he sends running out of the back of the booth. The second bullseye guy shoots his spear at the phantasm, which ionicly bonds to the booth wall when it goes through the phantasm. Its a cruel weapon at best. Gimbal gets the hell out of there with an astral World Jump.
He goes back to the beach area, steps out of the astral plane and sees the kids he ditched earlier speaking with a man in a white hat and another in armor. Reaction is rolled and gimbal beats the guy in armor. He does an active dodge of 548 into a nearby shop. The guy in armor only has a 387 to hit and he misses gimbal. Gimbal uses his Euphoria ability to knock the guy in armor for a 10 minute happy ride. The kids and the guy in the white hat start running away. Gimbal nails the guy in the white hat with a euphoria as well and asks him a few questions about who's after him. Turns out they are bounty gangs after the 75,000 for his hide. he bounty was put up by a middle man called Lizzard larry, who resides in the thiland free zone. Also the guys with the bulls eye are called the Chain Gang. So Gimbal decides to get out of Rio. He hops on a train and goes to the landing field to get out to a shanty town.
When he gets to the tram station he finds one of the Chain gang waiting for him. He tries to use Light bending invisibility and even though the Chain Gang guys optics completely fail ( his TEF was 60 to Gimbals 225) so gimbal get to double his EF to like 556, the chain Gang guy rolls a 1. So his EF is A 664 and he sees through his messed up optics and spots gimbal. Gimbal wins reaction and kicks into the astral plane as the guy lines up to shoot him through a whole bunch of civilians, thus stopping any civis from getting hurt and successfully adjusting his passion.
The Chain Gang guy the projects a message in his face plate that says "surrender or we will hurt some one you care about. "
Gimbal hangs about in the Astral plane and watches as the chain gang guys hops on a tram and goes into the City Center. Gimbal watches as they meet in front of a building and a man comes out and gives them a ROM chip. Gimbal then uses his astral grenade trick to try and end this problem. He blows both Prowess rolls and the grenades do no real damage. The Chain gang scatters and Gimbal tries the Grenade trick again and blows both rolls again. the Chain gang gets moving out of the area and Gimbal is out of grenades. They hop on a tram and go to on of the other landing fields in town. Gimbal has to exit and renter the astral plane at least 2 more times to keep up. He has used 10 of his 18 Psi Actions needs to be careful not to run out. From the Astral plane he watches as the convince a young STO to take them up north. Gimbal watches the STO program in his target coordinates and realizes the guy is going north where his family is. Passion Conflict confirmed. Gimbal needs to get north fast, first he tries to disable the controls of the jet using a Psi power called spirit of the machine. The attack is partially successful, putting the jets control at a level 2 malfunction (-75 on piloting rolls). So Gimbal decides to world jump from brazil to the capital of the Free Merican nation , called free hold. It takes him 3 minutes to get there on the astral plane. and now he is in front of his parents building in free hold level 7. His brother at encom vander labs offices in Western Ameracan Confederation tell him that Hades Chariot ( the jet the Chain Gang is in) is about 4 hours short of free hold.
Gimbal sends his family on vacation, contacts MAC to turn in the reactive armor chip gets his 25 thou. His MAC contact also creates a retroactive sub to clear his name of the bounty, so Gimbal has some clout with the Cops if it all goes bad. working for MAC has its perks. Gimbal then hits sub level 4, fully morphing his armor to look like a rank 2 tech. In the blackmarket he tries to get some axeon grenades with 12 doses of flamblue glue, basically the super grenade. Unfortunately its 1.9 million cause its way above his tech level. So he settles for a couple of souped up crack jack grenades and a 25mm missile stick with a reload. he then goes off to level 12, vehicle storage in all domed cities. At the waiting area Gimbal kicks into the astral plane and exits on the landing platform. Then he tries to use Cloak self, a stalker Psi Power. He succeeds at the effect attack, however the calon energy is absorbed by a Calon Lightning generator which attacks him from the side. The attack does 70 points or so of damage, hits him in the leg but no crit. Gimbal needs to get out but guards are on the way to find out what set off the Generator. Gimbal activates his Invisibility and tweaks his camouflage to a 500+ EF. The landing bay guards don't see him, this is not a high security area so the guards are not that good. As he is waiting the jet comes into the bay. the alarms are turned off and the jets lands. As they open the hatch one of the Chain Gang looks around and her optics fail as the TEF is too low and she does not roll a 1. She misses Gimbal completely. He fires the 25 mm missile into the cabin. Its a surprise attack and its a cramped jet cabin. the missile hits one guy who takes 700+ points of damage and loses a leg the other two lose arms and take 500+ points all dead. The woman on the CG who opened the cabin door , and the missile flew right past her ear, takes 470 endurance damage and she takes a head critical from some shrapnel and dies at gimbals feet. The pilot also gets hit for 470+ damage and gimbal slides in and activates the guys drugs to give mim a chance to live. the Methalyne Phostphate puts his body in stasis. Gimbal then moves to the back of the cabin and tries to world jump. The bulk head interferes with the Calon generator and it halfs Gimbals concentration roll, but he still makes it into the astral plane. Passion issues resolved.

We stopped at that point with Gimbal deciding he would be off to Thailand Free region to see who paid Lizzard Larry to take out the bounty.

SO that was the session pretty fun all the way around and the Simple NPC generation worked just fine. The NPC's were strong but had weaknesses and laked some tech bonus. All is ready for Gencon. thanx for reading and please post if you have any questions.


Message 24241#238554

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...from around 8/6/2007