The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Harn: Free pdf adventure module
Started by: Dan Bell
Started on: 6/29/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 6/29/2007 at 9:17pm, Dan Bell wrote:
Harn: Free pdf adventure module

(I've been told via PM that this subforum, rather than Actual Play is the correct subforum for this post):
Hello all

I want to announce the release of a new free pdf adventure module set in the world of Harn (but easily adaptable to another gaming world). I am a longtime lurker and would be pleased for any feedback on this material. announces three new articles. Goffin along with Henewes are location articles and Will in the Way is a Hârnic Adventure Module involving the two. All three articles are available for immediate download at [URL=http://""][/URL]:

[URL=http://""] -> Downloads -> Adventures & Plot Ideas -> Will in the Way [/URL]
[URL=http://""] -> Downloads -> Places -> Goffin[/URL]
[URL=http://""] -> Downloads -> Places -> Henewes [/URL]

Please do not read these files if you are a player (or a potential player)! Send this notice to your GM and tell them to download them as soon as possible. Let the GM decide what information you as a player have access to, for your enjoyment of the adventure will diminish if read by a future player. You have been warned! (In fact stop reading this now!)

Goffin Manor is a generous single knight’s fee held by Sir Edric Quarne. The fief lies close to less than a league due south from the castle at Olokand, but except for local traffic, the road is little used as most travelers between Olokand and Abriel usually take the more direct route through Iversen.

Henewes Village is a satellite hamlet of Abriel Abbey. Its daily governing is done by Abriel’s Reeve for the Rekela (Bishop). The village was once held by Clan Quarne of Goffin but was willed to the Church of Larani as a sign of devotion upon the death of Sir Edren Quarne eight years ago.

Will in the Way is a HârnWorld adventure module for HârnMaster, but is generic enough for other rule systems and can be fit in other game worlds. The adventure is set in northwestern Kaldor, a feudal kingdom in eastern Hârn and involves the manor of Goffin and the hamlet of Henewes southwest of Olokand. Most of Hârn’s common people toil in the soil on manorial fiefs, and their lords often have differences with each other. The Lord of Goffin, Sir Edric Quarne, is a caring knight of mediocre fighting skill. Eight years ago the local nobility was surprised when Sir Edric’s father granted a subordinate hamlet to the powerful Church of Larani as a sign of his piety. Now plots have ripened as someone is concerning themselves with the Church’s management of Henewes and the burdens that they have inflicted on the hamlet’s serfs. They are looking for some loyal people of character. Can there be an end to the Will in the Way?

Goffin Manor contains 22 pages:
1pp – Introduction and background
41/2 pp – History, economics, current events
1pp – B&W GM’s map
1pp – Color PC’s map
4 1/2pp – Description of the village and its inhabitants
5 1/2pp – Interior scale maps and detailed description of the manor house
1/2pp – Information on Sir Edirc’s finances
2pp – Detail on Goffin NPCs
2pp – HarnManor data on the fief

Henewes Village contains 12 pages:
1pp – Introduction and background
2 1/2pp – History, economics, current events
1pp – B&W GM’s map
1pp – Color PC’s map
3pp – Description of the village and its inhabitants
1 1/2pp – Interior scale maps and detailed description of one resident
2pp – HarnManor data on the fief

Will in the Way contains 22 pages:
4pp – Cover, credits and dedication
1pp – Introduction
2pp – Hundred area maps and key
2pp – Background
1pp – Implementing the Plan
1pp – Shotren Woodland and encounters
1pp – B&W GM’s map
1pp – Color PC’s map
2pp – Forest Clearing maps and descriptions
1pp – Hidden Cache
1 1/2pp – Confrontation
1pp – Resolution
1/2pp – Additional adventure hooks
1pp – NPCs
2pp – Back cover

These total 56 pages!

Goffin, Henewes & Will in the Way are intended to be used with the fanon articles of: Lady of Paladins, Abriel, Iversen, Cyre, Medarsin, and Stybrin, (found on and the canon articles of Kaldor, Tashal and Olokand (found from The Nelafayn Hundred Project website can be found at and contains other local manors that may be used with these articles.

While intended for Harn, the ideas behind this adventure may be used in any feudal kingdom with the locations themselves easily dropped in as is or modified to better fit another gaming world.


Message 24242#236674

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On 6/30/2007 at 7:50pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Harn: Free pdf adventure module

Hello Dan,

You have misunderstood my moderation in your Actual Play post. If someone contacted you by PM, it wasn't me and it wasn't good advice.

What I told you in Actual Play was that your post was not suitable for this website, not just that forum. The whole site. Your post isn't for the Forge.

No replies from anyone, please. This thread is closed. Dan, if you're interested in what's suitable for posting here, then contact me, the content moderator, by private message.

Best, Ron

Message 24242#236699

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