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Topic: Empires Fall:
Started by: BenW
Started on: 7/19/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 7/19/2007 at 2:43pm, BenW wrote:
Empires Fall:

Firstly, I would like to say hello, and that I hope you’ll treat me nicely. It is worth noting that I am very heavily dyslexic, so I apologize in advanced for my spelling. I am currently working on flintlock and sorcery style game based in a setting with many similarities to regency Europe. It is still mostly inside my head, but I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the ideas spill from my head like Athena being born.

Core setting details:

- Lornia is a continent, ruffle analogous to Europe, it is divided between five empires wielding countries, roughly the same as England, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

- The dominant religion of the lornian world is “The Holy Church of God the Watch Maker.” Who’s philosophies state that god created the universe, in a perfect orderly fashion, that all things can be understood through science and that magic, demons and the like are nothing but superstition. Its preachers are urbane, polite and intelligent.

- Despite the churches power, there has been little social, economic or scientific advancement has occurred in almost twenty years. This is because, at the core of it. The world is not scientific in nature, it is magical. Trains work because the fires stokes in their boilers are prayers to the elements, black powder is alchemy. Scientific minds have taken the world as far as they can.

- With the growing madness of the head of the greatest empire, the empires are starting to gather their forces while the regent and his sister duel in the political sphere for control of their father.

- Four secretive and manipulative secret orders of mages retain arts that have the power to shape the future of Lornia. The Hermetic Order of  the four, make pacts with elemental spirits, while its former ally the order of key, who deal with the spirits of the 21 arcane. The Weavers and The Cads use more intuitive and subtle magic’s, be it the weavers who’s webs bind and chain social networks and influence with preternatural skill, or the Cads, who trade of their vices to acquire supernatural luck.

Message 24338#237399

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On 7/19/2007 at 3:11pm, xenopulse wrote:
Re: Empires Fall:

Hi and welcome to the Forge, Ben. I'm Christian.

I like the reversal on the science/magic front. Very cool.

Can you tell me more about how play will work in this setting? What do the players and characters do? Are the players playing the regent and his sister, or are their characters pawns in the game? Is it a traditional setup with a GM and several players? Is magic a collection of pre-made spells or is it something the players make up? Is it focused on social intrigue, and how does that work in your system?

Oh, and is there anything about the design right now that you're not sure about and that we can maybe help you with?

Message 24338#237402

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On 7/19/2007 at 3:44pm, BenW wrote:
RE: Re: Empires Fall:

Sorry, i am at work and i wanted to just get something up, i was going to go into a lot of those, but kind of got distracted.

xenopulse wrote:
Can you tell me more about how play will work in this setting? What do the players and characters do?

Players will generally be allied with one or more interest groups, politicial organisations, secret sociaties, companies and patrons, all of who have numerous agenda's be it war mungering for profit, family honour or esoteric weirdness. The characters personal goals and the goals of their families will influence how they deal with these. Add to this a few, very clearly antagoistic groups, such as the youth movement called the grays, who are drug taking necromancers and the astratic order who are very conventional worshippers of polysilabic gods with tentical. The theme of the game is survivial and better ment of one self despite dutie.

xenopulse wrote: Are the players playing the regent and his sister, or are their characters pawns in the game?
They are generally playing magicians or exceptional people fromthe upper social layers of sociaty, exceptions do exist, however these people tend to be exceptional indeviduals in the employ or patronage of nobles. Exceptional characters might be "the worlds greatest detective", "The Greatest Pugilist" or the fairest maid in all of Lornia.

xenopulse wrote: Is it a traditional setup with a GM and several players?

Yes, it is very much a traditional game in that respect.

xenopulse wrote: Is magic a collection of pre-made spells or is it something the players make up?
I am working on three seperate but linked magic systems.  Weavery, will work by providing a limited number of 'spells' with clearly defined effects, however these are very powerful, but subtle effects, related to spying, manipulating the social system and controling the influence system. The two "hermetic orders" gain there power by making deals with spirits, so while they keep their oaths, they can set a elemental of fire to destroy a building or cloak them selfs in shadow and forgetfulness. The system is based upon making a deal, what the spirit can offer is based upon its nature.  The Cads have no control over their power, but luck is always with them, this manifests in part by referee manipulating the enviroment to be in the characters favour, and offering them extra bonus to rolls, however, there luck can run out, and it can go against them, if they donot keepup a suitible chaotic life style.

xenopulse wrote: Is it focused on social intrigue, and how does that work in your system?

I am working on an influence system, but i am not sure i can sumerise it yet.

xenopulse wrote:
Oh, and is there anything about the design right now that you're not sure about and that we can maybe help you with?

Really, the core problem i am having right now is what to run it of, i am thinking of using a version of fusion to help with the development of the setting,until i can find something better

Message 24338#237404

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On 7/20/2007 at 12:29am, Eldrad wrote:
RE: Re: Empires Fall:

Hi Ben your setting is somewhat similar to my 14 year old setting The Olde Realm. Very cool.

Take a look.
My cities in the Olde Realm are over a million people. Kinda like a renaissance version of the cyberpunk genre.
Here is a play test.

So what do the cities look like? How are the people dressed?

What were the influences to the setting of this game?

Possible collaboration?

Keep on posting! Looks very cool.


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 24072
Topic 24247

Message 24338#237438

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On 7/20/2007 at 6:37am, BenW wrote:
RE: Re: Empires Fall:

Eldrad wrote:
Hi Ben your setting is somewhat similar to my 14 year old setting The Olde Realm. Very cool.

Take a look.
My cities in the Olde Realm are over a million people. Kinda like a renaissance version of the cyberpunk genre.
Here is a play test.

So what do the cities look like? How are the people dressed?

What were the influences to the setting of this game?

Possible collaboration?

Keep on posting! Looks very cool.


Erg...who ever invented mornings needs a good kicking. I haven't finished reading your thread yet Eldrad, but i'll answer some of the questions i can now.

So what do the cities look like? It will tend to vary, I hope. But as a general rule, smog covered, packed with mills, and factories. Poor areas are winding narrow and clostrophobic. In the heart of the cities, those buildings associated with institutions are built to monumental scale.

How are the people dressed?
The fashions of the day are pretty much in line with those of the regency. However some
of the youth cultures have their own fashions, specially the grays, who have a destinctly Emo touch to their fashion sense.

What were the influences to the setting of this game?
Cyberpunk 2020, Mage, orpheus, A little bit of sharpe and a does of the dresden files

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 24072
Topic 24247

Message 24338#237443

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