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Topic: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)
Started by: JC
Started on: 7/24/2007
Board: lumpley games

On 7/24/2007 at 3:39pm, JC wrote:
[DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

hi :)

a quick question about escalating

I understand that you can escalate from any arena to any arena (clarified here on the forum)

so starting out with shooting and escalating to talking is legal

I also understand that, when one side escalates, the other has to escalate to match, or else give (from the rulebook)

am I correct in then deducing that if I shoot you, and you talk back (after blocking first), I have to either talk back again or be forced to give?

let me give an example of what I mean:

Brother Adam shoots Sister Eve (raise)

Sister Eve shoots back (block)

Sister Eve escalates to talking and talks (raise)

Brother Adam won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t give, so escalates to talking as well

does Brother Adam now have to block with a talking action, or can he still block with a shooting action, even though he got the extra dice from escalating to talking?


Message 24389#237739

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On 7/24/2007 at 5:13pm, Gaerik wrote:
Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Um...  Are you sure that's in the rulebook?  I wasn't aware that if 1 person escalated the other had to do so also.  I know I've been in games where one side pulled guns and the other kept talking. 

Can you give me a page reference and a quick quote?

Message 24389#237757

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On 7/24/2007 at 5:22pm, JC wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Andrew wrote:
Um...  Are you sure that's in the rulebook?  I wasn't aware that if 1 person escalated the other had to do so also.  I know I've been in games where one side pulled guns and the other kept talking. 

Can you give me a page reference and a quick quote?

just reread the rulebook section about escalating

I was wrong

apparently, nothing makes me have to escalate to match when you escalate

sorry about that, and thanks for pointing out the mistake

Message 24389#237758

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On 7/24/2007 at 5:36pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)


I thought I'd been going crazy or something.  It wouldn't have been the first time I played a game wrong for a while and didn't know it.

Message 24389#237761

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On 7/26/2007 at 4:59pm, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

I find comments on DitV from this thread very insightful as far as escalations are concerned.

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 23047

Message 24389#237940

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On 7/26/2007 at 6:43pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

JC:  here's how it works, I'm pretty confident I have this right, unless Vincent wants to correct me.

Adam shoots Eve and Eve Blocks.

Eve escalates to Talking and says some stuff about "putting sin behind you" yada yada and rolls the talking dice

Adam blocks with "I ignore the crazy cow"...that block entitles Adam to roll his Talking Dice as well.

Adam can then raise with whatever he wants.  If he just rolled really awesome with his Talking Dice he can use those dice for his raise and declare "I shoot her in her big fat mouth".

Important Note #1:  Dice once they hit the table have no further tie to the Trait they're derived from.  I can use my "awesome with a gun" Trait and once I roll the dice I can use those dice for any raise I choose.

Important Note #2:  Fallout is based on the Raise...not the current "escalation level".  So when Adam says "I shoot her in her big fat mouth", Eve is taking shooting fallout not talking fallout.

Important Note #3:  When you escalate you only get to roll each stat once.  So once you roll your Body dice you can't roll your Body dice again in the same conflict even if you escalate to something else that also includes Body dice. 

Message 24389#237948

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On 7/26/2007 at 7:55pm, JC wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

OK, let me see if I get this straight...

once one of the participants in a conflict (let's call him A) escalates to a new arena, the other guy (call him B) can roll the dice corresponding to that arena as well, no matter what his subsequent actions are

this is because when A escalates, he escalates the whole conflict

B can then use actions of the old arena or the new arena as he chooses (even though he rolled the dice for the new arena)

extreme example:

- A decides to start out just talking
- A and B roll the talking dice
- A talks
- B talks back

- A decides to escalate to physical
- A rolls the physical dice
- A gets physical
- B gets to roll the physical dice, because A escalated the whole conflict to physical
- B keeps talking back, using his new dice

- A decides to escalate to fighting
- A rolls the fighting dice
- A fights
- B gets to roll the fighting dice, because A escalated the whole conflict to fighting
- B still keeps talking back, using his new dice


Message 24389#237951

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On 7/26/2007 at 8:44pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Yes...because remember, when B blocks he blocks whatever A did.  So if A escalates to Physical, A will do a "physical" raise.  By DITV definition whatever B does to block A's physical raise, its itself physical and so earns the physical dice.  What B does next as his raise is B's choice, entirely independent of any current or prior escalations.

Message 24389#237954

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On 7/26/2007 at 8:58pm, JC wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Valamir wrote:
By DITV definition whatever B does to block A's physical raise, its itself physical and so earns the physical dice.

I hadn't thought about that part

so if A's raise is physical, B's block has to be physical?

can't B just block A's physical raise with talking?

like: A grabs B by his coat, trying to intimidate him (raise), and B recites the Book out loud to give himself courage (block)

Message 24389#237957

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On 7/26/2007 at 9:38pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Sure he can.  Same as you can block a bullet (shooting) with dodging (physical).  If someone escalates to shooting and you block with "I dodge" you're still entitled to your shooting dice because being in a gunfight is what you get the shooting dice don't actually have to pull the trigger.

Likewise being in a physical confrontation is why you get physical dice even if you aren't being physical yourself.

That's why I specified "by DITV definition"

Message 24389#237961

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On 7/27/2007 at 12:51am, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

Escalating to match, on a see. That is, I escalate on a raise, so now I've rolled my gunfighting (let's say) dice, and it's your see: what do you have to have your character do so that you get to roll your gunfighting dice too?

The answer is, with Ralph:

If you have your character respond appropriately to my escalation, you've escalated and you get your dice. "I shoot you!" "I dive behind the woodpile!" All you have to do to escalate is make a gunfighting-esque block, dodge, reverse, or take the blow.

Now, if to prove a point you want to act as though I haven't escalated, and stand on your current dice, you can. Just never make a see appropriate to the new arena.

Make sense? "I dive behind the woodpile" is escalating to gunfighting because it's the kind of thing you do when you're in a gunfight, not a footrace. It IS gunfighting.


Message 24389#237976

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On 7/27/2007 at 8:45am, JC wrote:
RE: Re: [DITV] Escalating (quick rules question)

OK, gotcha


Message 24389#237995

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