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Topic: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)
Started by: forlorn
Started on: 7/27/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 7/27/2007 at 12:29pm, forlorn wrote:
mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)


Having experience playing and running a rpg, I prefer getting solid thoery down first.

I'm working on a tactical/battle centred concept. The idea is it can be transferrable, but working as a scifi fleet atm.

Thus far...

Battles are spilt into three stages. Each stage starts with skills calc-> the bat calc-> scenario.

One fresh idea, is Prediction.

The Player has to write a plan of a battle and make a prediction on success.

For example if Player A underestimates the enemy, and player B is laying a trap. Even if Player B is less skilled, Player A arrogantly walks into the trap. Hence making the game more balanced.

A valor/tactical/moral points system, to balance out fighting style, thus people who fight defensively have low valour, meaning they are more likely to retreat than fight on. People can fight aggressively, though may loose tactical point by placing themselves at risk.

Hence if a player takes the initiative and pushes forward and wins, Points+ all round, but if it goes bad they only gain Valour whilst loosing moral and tactical points.

I think the hardest thing is to balance the combat system outright.

For example I would like to have fighters to balance out larger ships dominance. Yet would fighters just get in the way? Or to balance out a Battleship for example, fighters become too powerful?

Thanks, any ideas insights throw them my way.

Message 24428#238005

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On 7/27/2007 at 1:24pm, ynnen wrote:
Re: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)

My first question is what level of abstraction-v-detail are you looking for?

Are you thinking about a tactical game with ships represented on a map? Or positioning and maneuvering being abstracted in a narrative style? Having staging areas to hold different units which represent general commands or orders? Players simultaneously assigning/resolving actions, or going turn-by-turn?

There are a lot of different ways to approach this - I'm curious to see how you envision ships and their orders interacting.

Re: Fighters balancing out larger ships. There's no reason why fighters would need to be represented individually - you could have a "unit" of Fighters representing a wing of 10-12 smaller craft specializing in dogfighting and strafing runs, while an Imperial Class Cruiser "unit" may be comprised of just a single ship.

Depending on how damage is tracked, it could abstractly represent hull integrity or damage/fire control on the larger ship, while with a unit depicting a squadron, damage relates to individual ships being taken out of the action. Depending on how you choose to approach things, there are opportunities to treat all sorts of vehicle classes consistently - and consistency could help streamline both the mechanics and the time it takes to resolve conflicts.

Good luck!

Message 24428#238007

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On 7/28/2007 at 11:38am, forlorn wrote:
RE: Re: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)

Turn based with a map. The idea being the player is the overseer, sending out units. Battles modded events. (although I like the idea of an indepth battle)

In terms of conflict I haven't got it pegged, but the idea being its fairly close to basic, add everything together in one big mass, then dole out damage.

Although saying that as battles are spilt into stages, with skill levels and planning involved.

Interaction would be based on fleet basis.

For example Player A, launches a sneek attack, aimming to take out 1 destroyer. First wave goes in, (roll) successfully avoiding detection, (roll) scores some type of bonus for consentrated fire, and at the same time (roll) has a chance of getting tunnel vision.

To counter act this Player A has a Wave 2 which comes in to relieve Wave 1. (roll) Wave 1 pulls back with some damage. Wave 1 Retreat, whilst Wave 2 (expendable drone fighters) take most of the flax.

Given stuff like prediction and each others tactics, skills, chance rolls. It could of gone either way.

Interesting point about fighters acting as one unit.

I'll have to think up something then condense it down...

Fighter Squadron
Expendable small fast drones, designed to get in close to warships and off load thier payload.

Total Offensive: 480KT
Command Bonus: 5% survival rate bonus
Experience Bonus: 5% fire bonus

Long Range: 80% survival, 40% fire
Medium Range: 50% survival, 60% fire
Short Range: 20% survival, 80% fire

Something like that, although you have to have a system so that survival can't hit 100% easy.

I agree i would have to stream line it futher, so the system would aply to all in the task force...

Light Skirmish: 80% survival, 40% fire
Controlled Assault: 50% survival, 60% fire
Do or Die Attack: 20% survival, 80% fire

I need it simple enough to mod and play, yet have user modifiers. A destroyer with purely light missiles and one hanger.

I'm thinking have a set tech tree, with variation, but not the ability to make any random ship otherwise it be a nightmare keeping track of individual ships in a fleet situation.


Message 24428#238063

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On 7/29/2007 at 6:56am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)

Hi Forlorn, welcome to the Forge!

Is this a game where you can win and lose like in chess? Could someone say 'I lost at the new game Forlorn wrote' and that'd make sense to say?

Message 24428#238101

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On 7/31/2007 at 10:52am, forlorn wrote:
RE: Re: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)

in short yes, its really a pet project at this stage

but I'm trying to engineer it so that if you do go around trying to kill outright you have low valour

i've got

detection calc for Attacker and Defender, with skills included

default weapon accuracy, hit damage - bug splat effect


i want to have a system where by weapons hold a significant threat, yet at the same time bonus hits like vital systems are rare.

Message 24428#238232

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On 8/2/2007 at 3:40am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: mechanic concept, tactical/combat centred rpg (scifi)

Probably a blunt question, but if I've won regardless of my valour rating, I don't care about valour. Is a particular valour rating going to be a condition of victory?

Message 24428#238344

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