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Topic: Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!
Started by: simon_hibbs
Started on: 6/12/2002
Board: HeroQuest

On 6/12/2002 at 1:04pm, simon_hibbs wrote:
Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!

I have an interesting situation in my current Hero Wars game, and would appreciate some input.

The adventurers are Lunar agents, on an assignment in the city of Karse. In the medium term, the Empire wants controll of a tidal port with access to the main seaways of Glorantha. At the southern end of Dragon pass, Karse is an ideal choice. They have already been repulsed by Esrolia to the west and Heortland to the east.

The adventurers' task is to evaluate the political and military situation in the city, and come up with a plan for it's capture. If they can destabilise or weaken the city while there, so much the better.

The situation in hand is that, for various reaons, a Troll smith has obtained a pint of blood from the Lunar Ambassador (Vanaxis, a player character). He obtained it as the price for some magical aid the adventurers needed getting through a door, but that's a different story.

The question is, what to do with it? I wasn't actualy expecting Vanaxis to give up his blood so easily, but there you go. If you were a powerfull Troll magician, what would you do with the blood of an Imperial officer and dignitary? I've got a few ideas (make a homunculus, wash down some pixie fries, etc), but what would you do?

Simon Hibbs

Message 2454#23884

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On 6/18/2002 at 6:57am, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!


In my humble opinion, the troll would either use it against him, or save it in case he needs to use it against him later.

Blood is of great symbolic (and thus magical) significance. The principle of contagion tells us that things once in contact, retain a magical connection even though widely separated. In my opinion, the troll now has a unique ritual item in his possession, giving a +20 ritual bonus on performing magic affecting the poor fool who gave his blood away. Theoretically, this bonus could be used to aid the hero in question, but that wouldn't be much fun, would it.



Message 2454#24639

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On 6/18/2002 at 2:45pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!

Hi there,

I regret not getting to this earlier.

My take is that the whole idea of "using Vanaxis' blood against him" is terribly simplistic. This is a big deal - a statement of trust to the troll guy. It's almost like giving him a courtesy hostage, in the sense of "I place my precious etc in your hands, as a symbol of the trust and friendship between us." It matches perfectly with the character's role as an ambassador; in many ways, he just opened up diplomatic relations in a very admirable, high-potential way.

So I'd take that seriously. I suggest building on "the blood" as both a symbolic and a magical foundation for further troll-Lunar interactions in the area, which of course means personal adventures and issues to address at the player level.


Message 2454#24659

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On 6/18/2002 at 3:23pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!

Yeah, I gotta go with Ron on this.
The alternative is just yet another lesson as to why a player should never trust a GM.

Much better (and likely unexpected) to turn this into one of the most powerful central features of the campaign. The gesture whose meaning will impact generations.

Message 2454#24660

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On 6/18/2002 at 4:59pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Bring me the blood of Vanaxis!


You are right, Ron. "Use it against him" is overly simplistic. I bow my head in shame.

Best regards,

/Peter N

Message 2454#24670

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