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Topic: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus
Started by: Lucca
Started on: 8/14/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/14/2007 at 2:24pm, Lucca wrote:
Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Hi all, I have been a avid paper rpg player for nearly 18 years.

I would like to introduce a new D20 system titled Iapetus Fantasy RPG to everyone. It can be download free at this link.

You can adapted it into your campaigns or use the ideas in it to lend ideas and creativeness to your existing campaigns or playtest Iapetus.

Thanks and best regards

Character Stats can be rolled here.

Message 24549#238903

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On 8/14/2007 at 3:19pm, Lucca wrote:
Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

The Iapetus FRPG have several unique and innovative game mechanism in this D20 System.

1) All Player Characters have the same initial number of points in their stats. Only importancy of the attributes are attached to a Iapetus Status. Player Characters (PCs) have to decided which attributes or stats they would like to attach importancy to it. It is still random however to give a sense of fun.

2) A player or monster may roll 1 dice to determine all outcomes but as they advanced, they may roll additional dices and choose the better rolls. For example, Loma reached 300% in morale and he gained six sense, and he gained an additional d20 to roll for hits (Roll at the same time). Instead of moaning over a natural failure, he can choose the 2nd dice. No more freak deaths. Instead, Iapetus focus on character development and PCs can become heroic characters. Fancy a famous fighter due to his experience, he had never been hit before in his life, all due to superior fighting finess or luck. Class Mastery allows the character to gain more dice roll in his or her field of specialty.

3) In Iapetus, Magic and Warrior Class are almost the same. Since attack magic can miss. Magic classes may have bluffs but Warrior Class may have speed and high evade rolls.

4) Recovery system. In Iapetus, all classes can recover LF, SF, MP every round if they use more than 10. It is to encourage PCs to lend a helping hand to their companions. LF wil recover = Sta, SF recover = Spirits, MP = Magic Strength, the usage of Magic Skills and techniques are relative cheap. Classes can crossover or multi their feats.

5) Having three types of Attack and Defense just by rolling a single d20.
For example,
Evade / Block % to dodge an normal attack
Divide by 5/ is the chance to dodge an Auto Hit Attack + 1-2
1-2 + Luck, a PCs can even dodge a Tremendous Hit with lucky rolls. But it is not all luck. With multiple rolls and choose the better ones after rolling, and at least a 10% chance to dodge the most powerful of all attacks, including magic, Iapetus gives the PCs a fighting chance against powerful monsters even if they are overpowered - Simply by looking at the damage - "I know i will die if that Dragon would to hit me, it is so monstrous. But who knows, I may be luck." It encourages Players to take the chances.

6) Skill Based Speciality skills to encourage the GMs to create techniques and Skills.

7) Can be adapted into any campaign or simply to give inspiration. After all, it is free.

Cheers to all gamers!

Message 24549#238907

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On 8/14/2007 at 3:32pm, Justin Nichol - BFG wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Just so you know, this cuts dangerously close to an advertisement which aren't allowed. Generally you have to be looking for feedback or advice, not just touting a new system.

Message 24549#238908

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On 8/14/2007 at 3:39pm, Lucca wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Justin wrote:
Just so you know, this cuts dangerously close to an advertisement which aren't allowed. Generally you have to be looking for feedback or advice, not just touting a new system.

Oh, sorry I new here.

I thought this section is for showcasing a new d20 system or ideas^^; The moderator pls direct this post to the correction section, thanks :)

Message 24549#238909

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On 8/14/2007 at 4:27pm, Justin Nichol - BFG wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

I don't think there is a section for advertising fully written games, although if you want playtesting, you could post a request in the Connections section I believe. But honestly, I don't think you'll find a wide array of people interested in D20 variants here.

Message 24549#238912

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On 8/15/2007 at 11:47am, Lucca wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Thanks Justin, it is written free for all d20 gamers, and not as a full campaign. So I drive straight into it. The full game is still in development. It have been in development for all over 1 year + now. There are many secret variables unavailable to the public so at first glance it look complex. Therefore tables and charts were inserted, while avoiding unnecessary words to mislead the players, or else it would easily run into more than 100 pages of text and explainations. The print is exactly like a DM screen for those that remembered the days of Ad & D 2nd edition.

Therefore Iapetus is for DMs/GMs/players to introduce into their campaigns or create a simple character using Chapter 1 step to 4 easy methods. So I made it very brief. But for those that are really interested, simply followed the guide lines which is written in a mystical pattern to 'find out' about Iapetus. It can proved to be very interesting;)

Message 24549#238947

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On 8/16/2007 at 9:28am, David C wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Is it really an advertisement, if the game offered, is free?

Thank you for sharing your game with us, Lucca! Finishing a complete game system is quite an undertaking, especially if it isn't your native language. Am I correct in that you are from Singapore?

Lucca's system really isn't D20. It uses a d20 from what I read over, but it is NOT a d20 system. I do have to say it has some very interesting concepts. It has a randomized rolling system for stats, that is a closed point value, meaning that all player's stats will add up to 150 no matter what they roll.  It's done by rolling stats in pairs. Stat A = 5d6 and Stat B = 30 - Stat A.  The game also captures the feel of many Asian CRPGs like Final Fantasy. Items change 4-5 stats by a small amount, and many values are percentile, allowing you to have like a 27% chance to evade an attack.

I personally enjoyed the fresh perspective on how a RPG can be built. :)

Message 24549#238975

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On 8/27/2007 at 12:32pm, Lucca wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Sorry for late reply, I was buzy working=)

Thanks David:)

Yes I am from Singapore. English is actually the first language in Singapore...

And oh yes, it is free;) However, it is exhausting to write in fuller details, i dont want to mislead or confuse readers with too many distractions, or maybe i too used to reading charts and codes^^; I'm a engineer^^;

It to inspire players and game masters;) Although a creative player or GMs/DMs can quickly generate monsters and items in a double fast time. The combat is based on d20 Dice, so is the stats setup. Only damage is not determined by d20, (base on D6 rolls).

This game have been in development for nearly 2 years, and the system can also be adapted be a console or computer game. Combat have three layers of Attack Mode and Defense Mode, using only a d20. To see the layer, i use 1), 2) and 3).

For Example,
1) Attacker roll a d20 to hit. Add all Hits together higher than defender's evade eg 30 to hit.

Hitting someone is always very easy, it is based on the principle of a non-moving target.

Defender roll d20, evade 30= 30% chance to evade all attacks. That is, the defender just need to roll 1-6 on a d20 to evade the attacks. If a defender have shield, let said 47%, (round down to 45%), he can roll 1-9 instead of 1-6, to totall dodge an attack.

Some classes have better evade, some classes have better block%, some have attributes that inclined towards Evade or Parry.

In Iaptetus, 1 and 2 is always a miss for the attackers and 19,20 is always a failure for the defender. There is always at least 10% chance of failure regardless how much a player can nerf his stats.

During playtesting, especially monty haul compaigns, the number of players using special skills or equipments to attain 90% evade/block is attainable.

Note: A player always have 20% chance to evade or block irregardless of how much evade or block he has. Only when the 20% is breeched, only will a player gain the higher % evade or block%.

That is when Layer two combat comes in to nerf all the players:X

2) There is also certain number of chances when a player will score 'an autohit' attack irregardless of how much evade/block a player have. Let say, Attacker have 10 and above chance to autohit (In Iapteus, all special rolls/layer 2+ are capped at 50%, again, it is to prevent players from abusing).

Irregardles of how much evade a player have, against an auto hit attack, he will always have at least 20% too, adding Evade all% (An upgrade form of Evade). Evade all% is capped at 90%.

Breathe weapons and 100% hit techs/magic belonged to this category.

3) The third layer is the most powerful attack and a natural roll of 20 can cause a tremendous attack. This require a 1 and 2 plus luck% to evade/parry successfully. Because the third layer is the most powerful, there is a cap of 25%, that is a tremendous attack cannot go below 15. Artefacts, special skills, high attacking finess can increase Tremendous rolls.

The chance to evade a Tremendous attack cannot exceed 50%.

Sounds complex? Not really, you can summarize an attacker with just a d20.
d20 + 30 Hit
>=15 on d20 = Auto Hit
>=18 on d20 = Tremendous Hit
>=10 = Critical Hit

For a defender
Normal evade/dodge <=8 on d20
Evade all% <=5 on d20
Super evade% <=2 on d20

Because if a attacker rolls a '20', it is always a Tremendous, the player need not really need to calculate so much. It encourages the player to improve his finess and charactistics.

At the same time, since 1-2 on a d20 works against the best hits, if a player is lucky enough, he can role play like the heroes of legend, surviving against terrifying monsters at which a hit is equivalent to death.

That when high level players can roll multiple d20s to dodge an attack! (Choosing the better ones). That is when the fun starts, when crazy GMs can throw in legendary monsters, science fiction creatures to test the players. As long as the players do not run out of luck, they can do fine. Some campaigns may not have healing or the GMs are running a realistic campaign, where a wounded player actually needed months to recover. That when the Iapetus system offered an insight.

As noted, Iapteus is a system that inclined to the defenders, based on the principles of still overcoming the motion, the calm shall overcome the taunted.

In the ADnD and the Palladium Role playing system (I quoting from these two systems as these are my favorites. I simply love the fantasy aspect of ADnD and Robotech settings), if a player got hit, there is rarely any chance to avoid an attack. The Robotech system or rather the Palladium system, when players are fighting in a mecha, because everything is computerized, if a player is trained in hand to hand combat, he gets a free auto parry too.

However I more inclined to the defenders, in ADnD/Palladium system, a natural 20, can only be countered by a natural 1. I give it 1 and 2.

Breathe weapon is 100%. In Iapetus, even though magic, force attacks and breathe weapon are 100% hit, it is considered layer 2 offensive, therefore all players have at least 20% to evade.

Try it, it is quite fun;) Some of my players died trying to perform feats against the odds. They may roll 3d20s and choose the best and it extremely funny when they rolled 3 '20s' to avoid a dragon breathe weapon and got fried. Mathematically, it is impossible and with 3d20, the odds actually favored the players but still...

Iapetus is also designed with diablo2, WoW, in mind, when items, artefacts gets excessive. And players have too much choice or become Ultrapowerful. However, if no one knows how Iapetus works, the system will be unbeatable since the max chance to evade is only 50% chance.

The entire Iapetus system is also designed along the lines of the ADnD system; to keep a balance. That is why even the stats generation are equalized.

Message 24549#239609

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On 9/20/2007 at 12:18pm, Lucca wrote:
RE: Re: Introducing a New D20 System - Iapetus

Hi all again!

Finally, work have began on the Iapetus FRPG. I hope the Handbook/Iapetus Screen helped some DM/GM/players with some inspiration.

This is the real Iapteus FRPG, downloadable free as a review and it is still in the planning stage. (There will be changes, and this download is a little outdated!)


Message 24549#241152

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