The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Playtesters needed for Detective/Superhero PC RPG
Started by: comicalman
Started on: 8/17/2007
Board: Connections

On 8/17/2007 at 12:34pm, comicalman wrote:
Playtesters needed for Detective/Superhero PC RPG

I am looking to recruit a few good playtesters.  As I am new to the forums, I suppose I am past some of the early design questions. However, I am looking for feedback on the general playability of the game.

I would best describe this game as a mixture of CSI/Detective comics meets limited-powered superheroes.  This is a turn-based PC game that has elements of comic book story-telling in addition to combat and gadgetry to help the players.  For now it is a single player game (although you can play up to 4 different heroes/sidekicks at a time).

If you are interested PM me, and I will send you more info on getting started.

Message 24562#239017

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