The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Help
Started by: SaintandSinner
Started on: 8/20/2007
Board: Dark Omen Games

On 8/20/2007 at 8:44pm, SaintandSinner wrote:

I just bought LoA from the Forge Booth at GenCon.  You had just left though and no one there could run a demo.  Having gone through the book twice I'm still lost on how to run the thing. 

So...other than character actions are there rules for all the cool other stuff in the game (the undead things, blessed, dragons, outsiders etc).  Any help would be much appreciated.

Message 24586#239121

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On 8/21/2007 at 5:15pm, GreatWolf wrote:
Re: Help

Hello, SaintandSinner.  I see that you're pretty new here, so welcome to the Forge!

I'm sorry to have missed you at GenCon, so I'll see what I can do to help you out here.  I'm going to work through your answer in reverse.  (It'll make sense in a moment.)

So...other than character actions are there rules for all the cool other stuff in the game (the undead things, blessed, dragons, outsiders etc).

If you mean, "Are there rules to simulate the other cool stuff in the game?", the answer is "No".  Being Restored (for example) does not give you a mechanical edge.  This doesn't mean that it's a meaningless consideration.  Color is still important.  The different characters in the example scenario "Blood of Haven" demostrate this.  In particular, check out Uriel's being a Blessed but also Victor's flechette gun.

So, for example, let's say that Victor is fighting Uriel and won an exchange.  He could narrate firing the flechette gun at Uriel and wounding him.  This could be true, even if Victor were far away, because he is using the gun.  Someone else would have to narrate crossing the distance first.  But even here, the point isn't tactical advantage as much as the effect on the unfolding narrative, either by advancing the plot or demonstrating some characteristic of one of the characters.  To quote the book:

By now, it should be obvious that Legends of Alyria does not have anything resembling an equipment list or a chart of weapons. Moreover, the information on the various cultures is intentionally vague, with only hints at the appearance of characters within these imaginary cultures. However, this does not mean that the way that a character is dressed, what he is called, or what weapons he wields are unimportant. Quite the contrary. In Legends of Alyria, these and other details about the character are perfect opportunities to express the character’s nature.
  (Storymap Preparation--Character Exposition)

(Sorry.  I don't have my book at hand, or I'd give you a page number.)

So the lack of these sorts of rules is a deliberate design decision, because I want the mechanics of Legends of Alyria to focus attention on the moral attributes of the characters that are in conflict.  So, even though two characters might have unequal physical resources, the game ensures that they have equivalent moral resources.  As such, the rules point gameplay towards moral decisions, rather than small-unit tactics.

But, all this doesn't help you with your first point.

Having gone through the book twice I'm still lost on how to run the thing.

Here's what I propose.  Why don't you and I work together, here on the forum, to assemble a storymap for a hypothetical game.  It won't be quite as easy as doing it face-to-face, of course, but I can demonstrate how it is done, which should make your life easier when you sit down to play.  We can then use this storymap as a basis for discussing other parts of gameplay.

Would this be useful to you?  And do you have other questions that you'd like me to answer?

Message 24586#239178

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On 8/23/2007 at 3:08pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Yeah that might help.  After that could you explain to me how the "big bads" in the game are suposed to, through the mechanics, challenge the players?

Message 24586#239346

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On 8/23/2007 at 3:19pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
Yeah that might help.  After that could you explain to me how the "big bads" in the game are suposed to, through the mechanics, challenge the players?

Sure, although I think that you'll find the answer to that question as we go through the process.

First, some rules for this thread:

If you want to participate in this thread, please PM me.  I'm willing to add a couple people, but I don't want to confuse the thread.

If you want to comment on the thread, please start a new thread.  I'm more than happy to answer questions, but I'd like to keep this thread clean.

Let's pretend that you and I and a couple other people are sitting down to play Legends of Alyria.  Right now, these other people are imaginary, but if we pick up a couple more folks along the way, that's cool.  We're going to make our storymap.  I'll be the Narrator, and everyone else will be players.  That means that I'm responsible to facilitate the discussion.

So, here I go, facilitating!

The first question I usually ask is this:  what are the parts of the setting that especially interest you?  I figure that we decide on about three setting items that we think are nifty, then we work on the storymap from there.

Personally, I'd like to see the Web be part of our game.  What about you, Scott?

Message 24586#239349

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On 8/23/2007 at 10:43pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I want to see more of the conflict between the Unicorns and the Dragons.

Message 24586#239416

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On 8/24/2007 at 12:31am, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Excellent.  So a throwdown between the Unicorns and Dragons in the Web.

Ordinarily, that means that we will want a dragon cultist and a Chosen as characters.  That's not always the case, but that's my suggestion for this setup.  So, unless you object, I think that we have found our first two characters.

Also, we need to have some arena for their conflict.  Remember that Legends of Alyria is all about moral conflict, so we don't just want to have two characters lobbing bolts of power at each other.  At least, not yet.  So, Scott, tell me what they are fighting about.  Is it an object?  A person?  Something else?  What will constitute a "win" for one side?

After that, tell me about one of our characters, be it dragon cultist, Chosen, or someone else involved.  What's he like?  How does he dress?  What's his personality like?  In particular, tell me three things about him that you consider to be good or evil.

Message 24586#239426

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On 8/27/2007 at 5:30pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

They are fighting over a young child destined for the fall and rise of many.  Bringing this child "into the fold" of either side will constitute a "win".

The Chosen is a Jack who has recently undergone a bought of conciousness after nearly dying on his last "mission".  Saved by a Unicorn he realizes he has a higher calling.  But...he is still locked into the whole status thing and fears the loss of prestige or even an attack if its discovered he's "gone soft"

Message 24586#239641

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On 8/27/2007 at 5:47pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
The Chosen is a Jack who has recently undergone a bought of conciousness after nearly dying on his last "mission".  Saved by a Unicorn he realizes he has a higher calling.  But...he is still locked into the whole status thing and fears the loss of prestige or even an attack if its discovered he's "gone soft"

Ha!  That's very cool.  So, on the one hand, he will want to do what's right and follow his true calling.  On the other hand, he's afraid of what that will cost him.  Very nice.  Conflicted characters are good.

They are fighting over a young child destined for the fall and rise of many.  Bringing this child "into the fold" of either side will constitute a "win".

This works for me, too.  I'm going to say that this "young child" is about nine or ten years old, with goals and desires of her own.  Let's say that she runs with a gang in the Web.  Oh, and let's say that she is female.  Aside from that, let's keep her indistinguishable from other folks.  I mean that she isn't Blessed or anything.  Her being special is the result of her future destiny, not because of her current position or abilities.

So then, I think that we need to complicate the existence of our chosen one.  I'm thinking that we put her in the middle of a gang war of some kind.  Something that is actually significant to her group.  Like, maybe, if they lose, they will end up taking the Long Fall.  If this is cool with you, Scott, then go ahead and tell us a little about the opposing gang.  I'm thinking that they have some sort of leader who is significant, but I'll leave that up to you.

Also, do you think that this gang war is affecting the Citadel at all?  If so, are any of the Noble Houses sending patrols into the Web to stop it?  Or is my vision getting to be too large?

We also need to hear a bit about the dragon cultist.  Jamey (aka Marhault) has volunteered to join us in this thread.  Hey, Jamey!  Why don't you tell us about the dragon cultist?

Also, if either of you don't like the ideas that I've put forth, go ahead and say so.  Obviously, this would be easier if we were face-to-face and could hash this through, but I don't want to force this example into places that you all don't want to go.

Edited to fix formatting

Message 24586#239642

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On 8/27/2007 at 6:47pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

GreatWolf wrote:
Ha!  That's very cool.  So, on the one hand, he will want to do what's right and follow his true calling.  On the other hand, he's afraid of what that will cost him.  Very nice.  Conflicted characters are good.

Heroism always comes at a price or it just is an illusion.

GreatWolf wrote:
This works for me, too.  I'm going to say that this "young child" is about nine or ten years old, with goals and desires of her own.  Let's say that she runs with a gang in the Web.  Oh, and let's say that she is female.  Aside from that, let's keep her indistinguishable from other folks.  I mean that she isn't Blessed or anything.  Her being special is the result of her future destiny, not because of her current position or abilities.

This is cool.  Let's call her Stella (Latin for star). 

GreatWolf wrote:
So then, I think that we need to complicate the existence of our chosen one.  I'm thinking that we put her in the middle of a gang war of some kind.  Something that is actually significant to her group.  Like, maybe, if they lose, they will end up taking the Long Fall.  If this is cool with you, Scott, then go ahead and tell us a little about the opposing gang.  I'm thinking that they have some sort of leader who is significant, but I'll leave that up to you.

Maybe the opposing gang is led by a outcast Noble from the Citadel (Henry).  This isn't common knowledge though.  He sees the other group as easy mark to show other gangs who's boss.  The Chosen's gang just got picked at 'random'.  Unfortunantly, now that Henry's commited he will not stop (or he will lose the manufactured respect he has up here). 

GreatWolf wrote:
Also, do you think that this gang war is affecting the Citadel at all?  If so, are any of the Noble Houses sending patrols into the Web to stop it?  Or is my vision getting to be too large?

A little to large for me.  I would like to keep it simple for now.  Maybe later she has to leave the Web to seize her destiny.

GreatWolf wrote:
We also need to hear a bit about the dragon cultist.  Jamey (aka Marhault) has volunteered to join us in this thread.  Hey, Jamey!  Why don't you tell us about the dragon cultist?

Can't wait.

GreatWolf wrote:
Also, if either of you don't like the ideas that I've put forth, go ahead and say so.  Obviously, this would be easier if we were face-to-face and could hash this through, but I don't want to force this example into places that you all don't want to go.

Just fine. I want understand how all this works.

Message 24586#239644

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On 8/27/2007 at 6:59pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Heroism always comes at a price or it just is an illusion.

You are definitely in the target audience for this game.  That's exactly the kind of thinking that sits behind Legends of Alyria.

Stella is a cool name, and it fits with the naming scheme put forth in the book:

This is particularly important when naming a character. Alyria does not have an invented language or a particular linguistic feel. Rather, names should be chosen for symbolic meaning, providing additional character exposition. (p. 113)

I'll go ahead and name our Chosen character.  Let's call him "Fixer".  Gives a nice double meaning of having been the go-to guy to get electricity, and now he has to fix the situation that he's in.

Maybe the opposing gang is led by a outcast Noble from the Citadel (Henry).  This isn't common knowledge though.  He sees the other group as easy mark to show other gangs who's boss.  The Chosen's gang just got picked at 'random'.  Unfortunantly, now that Henry's commited he will not stop (or he will lose the manufactured respect he has up here).

Good deal.  And I'm cool with keeping the circle small.  So, for now, we keep the story up in the Web.

Jamey will tell us about our dragon cultist.  Then I think that we will be ready to move onto chargen proper.

Message 24586#239646

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On 8/27/2007 at 8:51pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Heroism always comes at a price or it just is an illusion.

Villainy, by contrast, is often both cheap and easy.

Our Cultist comes from the courts of the High Lords, where he has accumulated a rather impressive amount of both wealth and power.  He is rich, good-looking, charming, and ruthless.  He knows that there is something in the Web that will control the destiny of many, but doesn't know what form it takes, or that it is, in fact a little girl.  Yet.

Of course, slumming it as he is, he's mostly cut off from his power base, but he is quickly finding others who can be bought or swayed to his purpose.  After all, he has much to offer those who would escape the Web, and they are not few.

Is that Webby enough for you, or do his ties to the High Lords bug you?  I like the idea of him trying to make connections in a new environment, using wealth and lies to corrupt.

Message 24586#239662

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On 8/27/2007 at 9:55pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Marhault wrote:
Is that Webby enough for you, or do his ties to the High Lords bug you?  I like the idea of him trying to make connections in a new environment, using wealth and lies to corrupt.

I'm cool with it if Scott is cool with it.

Got a name for this villain?

Message 24586#239668

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On 8/28/2007 at 12:49am, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I'm cool with the set up...I just wanted to keep the environment of the action a little limited for now.  Also, if Henry isn't good for the pseudo-allegorical naming structure let me know.  I'm willing to find something else.

Message 24586#239694

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On 8/28/2007 at 1:22am, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
I'm cool with the set up...I just wanted to keep the environment of the action a little limited for now.  Also, if Henry isn't good for the pseudo-allegorical naming structure let me know.  I'm willing to find something else.

Shrug.  If something cooler comes to you, then we'll change it.  Otherwise, we'll go with it.

I often find that a name has symbolic overtones to the person who chose it, even if the names don't fit neatly into a single allegorical scheme.  For example, check out the "Blood of Haven" storymap in the book.  That was the result of actual play.  Each name was symbolic and fitting to the character.  However, a brief glance should make it clear that they did not even remotely share the same naming schema.

So, once Jamey names our villain, we will move to the next step.

Message 24586#239696

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On 8/28/2007 at 2:10pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Alright, let's call him Furtim.  That's also Latin based.  Let's proceed!

Message 24586#239702

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On 8/28/2007 at 2:31pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Okay, so we now have four characters:

Furtim, the dragon cultist
Fixer, the Chosen
Stella, gang member and the "chosen one"
Henry, the rival gang leader

At this point, if we were face to face, I'd sketch out the story map.  What I'm seeing at this point is Stella in the middle, with lines connecting her to each of the other characters.  But are there other relationships as well?  For example, I'm wondering if Henry and Stella have a prior connection to Fixer.  After all, he was a lightning jack.  Did he supply them with juice?  I'm also wondering if Furtim and Henry know each other from their time in the Citadel.

In part, the answer to these questions depends on how quickly you want your game to proceed.  The tighter you wind the relationships, the faster things unravel.  In my head, we're prepping for a short game, so let's go ahead and establish those relationships, unless either of you object.

At this point, we divvy up the characters for play.  Jamey and Scott, each of you should choose which of these characters you'd like to play.  For right now, just choose one apiece.  Then post your choice here.  That way you aren't both working on the same character.

Then, go ahead and choose the character's Virtue.  The options are Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, and Sext, in ascending order from dark to light.  So, if your character is really evil, choose Matins.  If he is really good, choose Sext.

Here's an important point!  The judgment about the character's Virtue is your judgment.  I completely acknowledge that everyone justifies his actions to himself and sees himself as good.  Indeed, that is what makes for powerful villains.  But I'm not asking your character what he thinks about himself.  I'm asking you what you think about your character.

Once that is done, select your Attributes.  Divide five points between Determination, Insight, and Force.  Here are the point values, to save you from flipping through your book:

Matins 0
Lauds 1
Prime 2
Terce 3
Sext 4

For Attributes, the higher value means more of that Attribute.  So a Sext Force is the highest possible Force, while a Matins Force is the weakest.

Once you're done, post your results here, and we will then move onto Trait purchase.

Message 24586#239703

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On 8/28/2007 at 3:01pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I would like to play the conflicted jack and/or Stella.

Message 24586#239708

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On 8/28/2007 at 3:07pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Go ahead and take Stella.

Message 24586#239709

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On 8/28/2007 at 3:12pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I'll take Fixer then.  If there were more players I might go for Furtim, or if Stella was going to be an NPC.

Message 24586#239711

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On 8/29/2007 at 8:25pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Sorry for the so posting.  I'm not ignoring you.  I'm at Dragoncon this week and I'll get back to this mid next week.

Message 24586#239862

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On 8/29/2007 at 8:30pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
Sorry for the so posting.  I'm not ignoring you.  I'm at Dragoncon this week and I'll get back to this mid next week.

That's cool.  Jamey, go ahead and post your stuff.  Then we will wait for Scott to get back.

Enjoy Dragoncon!

Message 24586#239863

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On 9/4/2007 at 12:05am, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I'm not as familiar with the prayer offices as the phases of the moon, so if these sound off to you, Seth, check me on 'em.


Virtue:  Terce.  Fixer's a good guy, and he became a Jack for all the right reasons.  But he has become somewhat preoccupied with the status he is given as a result, and has lost sight of his original ideals.

Force - Lauds
Insight - Terce
Determination - Lauds

Fixer mostly gets away with his raids through subtlety and manipulation, often posing as a Keeper in order to gain access to controlled areas.  Where sacrilege is concerned, if you're in for a penny, y'know?

Message 24586#240160

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On 9/5/2007 at 4:37pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I'm sort of winging this, so let me know if what I describe does not jive with the numbers (hours) I put down.


Virtue:  Prime.  She's on the cusp of light and darkness.  Her experience will force her to decide where she belongs.

Force - Matins
Insight - Prime
Determination - Terce

She's tough mentally, hard to control.  So tough she's been turned out by everyone she's ever lived with...her life on the street is all she has left.  Deep down though she's scared that she just won't live to grow up, to learn how to live with others and love.

Message 24586#240274

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On 9/6/2007 at 5:30pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Great.  Now let's do Traits.

Here's how this works.  A Trait is a moral quality of some kind that the character possesses.  So, "gracious" or "deceptive" or "murderous rage" would all be legit.  "Expert hunter" would not.  The emphasis here is on moral quality.

You each get five points to buy Traits, although you don't have to spend them all.  A Trait costs one point if it equals your Virtue, and an additional point for each clock face removed from your Virtue.  So, for example, Fixer can buy a Trait at Terce for 1 point.  A Sext Trait would cost 2 points, since it's one clock face removed from his Virtue.

There is a catch.  There are no Prime Traits.  Prime is the 6 o'clock prayer office, and the graphic is half white and half black.  Traits must be either Good or Evil.  Again, this is you, the player, judging your character.  What do you think of these Traits?

Any points that you don't spend on Traits are spent on Inspiration and Corruption.

So, guys, go ahead and do the Traits for your characters.  Then, pick another character and stat him out, too.

Message 24586#240346

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On 9/10/2007 at 6:03pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help


• Sneaky (Insight) - (Terce 2 pts)
Good Friend (Determination) - Terce (1 pt)
Headstrong (Determination) - Sext (2 pts)

Is this all right?

Message 24586#240590

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On 9/10/2007 at 6:21pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Actually, Scott, the Trait's base cost is determined by the character's Virtue.  It's not connected to any Attribute.

Stella's Virtue is Prime (6 a.m.)  So, the Traits that you selected would actually cost as follows:

• Sneaky--Terce (2 points)
• Good Friend--Terce (2 points)
• Headstrong--Sext (3 points)

Also, remember that you're making moral judgments here.  So, by saying that "Headstrong" is Sext, you're asserting that this is a Good Trait.  Is that what you're intending to say?

When working with Traits, the "light" or "dark" of the Trait measures its intensity.  So a strong Evil Trait would be rated at Matins (fully dark).

Does this make sense?  Any questions?

Message 24586#240592

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On 9/11/2007 at 4:37pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Stella (2.0)

Good Friend--Terce (2 points)
Headstrong--Lauds(2 points)

Inspiration-- (1 point)  Left over from the above calcuations.

Is this right now?

Message 24586#240652

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On 9/11/2007 at 4:59pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Is this right now?


Just a note:  the one point of Inspiration is like a little arrow, pointing in the direction that you'd like the character to go.  At least, that's how I read it as Narrator.  So, I'm seeing that you want Stella to be pointing in the direction of Good.  Is this what you mean?

Also, do you want to stat out another character?  If not, that's cool; just want to give the opportunity.

Message 24586#240655

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On 9/12/2007 at 8:18pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Fixer has the following traits.

Idealist:  Sext (2 pt)
Pride:  Lauds (3 pt)

Seth, as the narrator, you should get to stat somebody out too.

Message 24586#240743

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On 9/12/2007 at 9:38pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Okay, I'll stat out Furtim in a bit.

Message 24586#240747

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On 9/13/2007 at 6:06pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

GreatWolf wrote:
Is this right now?


Just a note:  the one point of Inspiration is like a little arrow, pointing in the direction that you'd like the character to go.  At least, that's how I read it as Narrator.  So, I'm seeing that you want Stella to be pointing in the direction of Good.  Is this what you mean?

Also, do you want to stat out another character?  If not, that's cool; just want to give the opportunity.

Thanks but I'm having enough trouble staying focused as is...I would leave the point in Inspiration (as long as that's a player, not a character, choice).  It's interesting, since I had her as prime in virtue I was not able to leave her on balence as much 'good' as 'evil'.  Was this by design?

Message 24586#240817

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On 9/13/2007 at 7:29pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
I would leave the point in Inspiration (as long as that's a player, not a character, choice). 

It is most assuredly a player choice.  That's a key point of Alyria chargen.  The player must pass judgment on the characterl

It's interesting, since I had her as prime in virtue I was not able to leave her on balence as much 'good' as 'evil'.  Was this by design?

I wish that I could say that it was deliberate, but I don't believe that is the case.  Works out nice, though, doesn't it?

Okay, I still owe this thread a character, plus either Jamey or I will do the last one.  Then we will be almost done.

Message 24586#240822

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On 9/14/2007 at 6:37pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help


Here's the description from upthread:

Marhault wrote:
Our Cultist comes from the courts of the High Lords, where he has accumulated a rather impressive amount of both wealth and power.  He is rich, good-looking, charming, and ruthless.  He knows that there is something in the Web that will control the destiny of many, but doesn't know what form it takes, or that it is, in fact a little girl.  Yet.

Of course, slumming it as he is, he's mostly cut off from his power base, but he is quickly finding others who can be bought or swayed to his purpose.  After all, he has much to offer those who would escape the Web, and they are not few.

Virtue:  Lauds

Determination: Lauds
Insight: Terce
Force: Lauds

Serpent's Tongue:  Lauds
Ruthless:  Lauds
Compassion for the Oppressed:  Terce


Now, I'm going to note an interesting feature of the system here.  Originally I started with a Virtue of Matins, because he was going to be EVIL.  But, I prefer slightly conflicted villains, even in my dragon cultists.  Thus the "Compassion for the Oppressed".  But, in order to make it fit within my pricing constraints, I had to shift Virtue up to Lauds to make it all work, while keeping the Traits that I want.

Message 24586#240893

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On 9/15/2007 at 4:27am, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

GreatWolf wrote:
So then, I think that we need to complicate the existence of our chosen one.  I'm thinking that we put her in the middle of a gang war of some kind.  Something that is actually significant to her group.  Like, maybe, if they lose, they will end up taking the Long Fall.  If this is cool with you, Scott, then go ahead and tell us a little about the opposing gang.  I'm thinking that they have some sort of leader who is significant, but I'll leave that up to you.
Saintan wrote:
Maybe the opposing gang is led by a outcast Noble from the Citadel (Henry).  This isn't common knowledge though.  He sees the other group as easy mark to show other gangs who's boss.  The Chosen's gang just got picked at 'random'.  Unfortunantly, now that Henry's commited he will not stop (or he will lose the manufactured respect he has up here). 


Virtue: Prime

Determination: Prime
Insight: Matins
Force: Terce

Bully: Lauds (2pt)
Protective: (2pt)

Corruption: 1
Inspiration: 0

Henry is the bully-boy of this storymap.  He knows what he wants, and he gets it.  The high force represents both his own physical ability, and the fact that he's the only character on the storymap with minions of any sort.  I see the gang as having some enforcers he can call on.  That said, he's not evil, just... indifferent to those that are not under his care, hence the Prime virtue.  But still, he's ready to send Stella's whole group down the Long Fall, so I think he leans toward the evil, 1 point of corruption.

Message 24586#240921

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On 9/18/2007 at 4:08pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Excellent.  Now, if we were playing face-to-face, I'd sketch out a little storymap, with each of the characters as boxes and the lines indicating their relationships to each other.  I can't really do that now, but we do need to talk about relationships, and I'll describe how I'd sketch the storymap.

First, the relationship between Stella and Henry seems obvious.  They are on opposite sides of a gang war.  So, I'd draw a line between them, noting this.

But how do Furtim and Fixer connect?

Here's my proposal.  Furtim is related to Stella, because he shows up to offer assistance against Henry.  However, he is also related to Henry, because he is offering assistance against Stella.  So he's playing both sides against the middle, hoping that his "chosen one" will increasingly trust him as the gang war escalates.  Also, I wonder if Furtim has a soft spot in his heart for Stella, given that she is the underdog in this particular battle.  (See his "Compassion for the Oppressed" Trait.)  So then, a line from Furtim to Stella and a line from Furtim to Henry.

Then, for extra complication, let's say that Henry is a longtime client of Fixer's.  Even though Fixer is mostly out of the lightning jack business (am I remembering that correctly?), Henry is trying to convince him to supply him with electricity until the end of the gang war.  Henry doesn't figure that it will take long.  "Just for a few days at most," he says.  A line from Fixer to Henry.

That's my proposed storymap.  Does this work for both of you?

After this, we just have one last step:  preparing a priming event.  This is the spark that destabilizes the situation.  Given this setup, I like the idea of the priming event being the first rumble in the gang war, but I'm open to ideas.

So, what do you think, guys?  Got any thoughts?

Message 24586#241071

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On 9/24/2007 at 3:03pm, Marhault wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I like how that fits, Seth.  Furtim has a positive relationship with the child, whom he wishes to corrupt.  It puts Fixer in the middle of the gang war, right where he belongs.  It's also interesting in that Fixer and Furtim aren't directly related, so much of their interaction will probably be through intermediaries.

So, what is the spark that will set this pile of tinder burning?  What do you think, Scott?

Message 24586#241394

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On 9/25/2007 at 9:40pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I don't know...I was thinking that we would start with the gang war.  Should there be more?  What about a celestial event pointing to Stella's coming of age?  A conjunction/bright star....something she can't hide from anymore.

Message 24586#241511

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On 9/25/2007 at 10:25pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

I had thought of the gang war, but having it coincide with a celestial event of some kind would be really cool.  Especially if that event alerted Furtim and Fixer to the importance of Stella.

Well, a bright star works nicely, especially if its light beams down on her at the beginning of the gang war.

So, I'm thinking that we'd open with the opening rumble of the gang war between Henry and Stella's gangs.  Right as they start, the clouds part, and a beam of starlight shines down on Stella.  No one there realizes what's up, except Stella.

Furtim and Fixer both see it, though, and they know that someone in that battle was special.

So, that's my proposal for a priming event.  How does that suit the two of you?

Message 24586#241517

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On 9/26/2007 at 8:10pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Fine by me.  Lets get this rolling.  Bo)

Message 24586#241580

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On 9/26/2007 at 9:51pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

SaintandSinner wrote:
Fine by me.  Lets get this rolling.  Bo)


Actually...that's it.  The next thing that we would do would be for the Narrator to frame the opening scene, then we would be into the game.

So, last month, when we started this thread, you said:

Having gone through the book twice I'm still lost on how to run the thing. 

Do you have more questions that haven't been answered?  Has this process been helpful?

Message 24586#241581

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On 9/27/2007 at 2:06pm, SaintandSinner wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Well...I think I know how to put together characters and set up the relationship map.  I'm not sure I have a feel for the resolution mechanics though.  I should reread those sections and I'll get back to you with more specific questions.


Message 24586#241609

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On 9/27/2007 at 2:48pm, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: Help

Sure thing!  When you have questions with those, start a new thread.  As we go through this, I'll post links to the threads in a sticky.  That way, other folks can benefit from our interaction.

Thanks, Scott!

Message 24586#241611

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