The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Poison'd] Book of first-hand account of a pirate's activities.
Started by: BTRC_Minion
Started on: 8/21/2007
Board: lumpley games

On 8/21/2007 at 6:12pm, BTRC_Minion wrote:
[Poison'd] Book of first-hand account of a pirate's activities.

I mentioned this book at GenCon, but I couldn't properly remember the title, nor properly pronounce the (probably Dutch) author's name.  For those interested, it's "THE BUCCANEERS OF AMERICA" by John Esquemeling (spelling varies, sometimes called Alexander O. Exquemelin).  It is available in several translations, including the Original English Translation of 1684.  I hope the following link to works for you readers.

Message 24601#239183

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