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Topic: I want to buy your games and GM them
Started by: TomTancredi
Started on: 8/23/2007
Board: Connections

On 8/23/2007 at 9:51pm, TomTancredi wrote:
I want to buy your games and GM them

I'm fairly new to the Indie Community - being closely attached to the Green Fairy Games' "Fae Noir" - and I am amazed by the amount of great games out there.

If any Game Designer has a damaged or slightly-used books in their inventory that they can't sell to retail customers, I'd be willing to check them out and see if I could take them off your hands (at a discounted rate, of course).

Also, as it's going to be a long time between conventions, if there are any Game Designers out there looking for an extra GM to run one or two of their games, I'd be willing to learn the game and GM it at PhilCon or Dreamation (and perhaps any other Cons going on in NYC/Boston/New England area.)

send me an email at or just respond to this thread if you're interested. 

Message 24638#239407

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On 8/23/2007 at 10:16pm, xenopulse wrote:
Re: I want to buy your games and GM them

Hi Tom, and welcome to the community :)

If you're interested, you could run our game, Beast Hunters, at any convention you like. We've put together a demo that contains everything you need to run the game, including detailed instructions, so that you don't even need to own the actual game.  You can find it here:

Beast Hunters Demo

That said, if you're doing the work of running the game at a convention, I'll gladly send you a copy of the complete game to make up for your efforts.

Message 24638#239411

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On 8/23/2007 at 10:23pm, TomTancredi wrote:
RE: Re: I want to buy your games and GM them

Great! I'll check out the demo tonight and get back to you!

I think Ron mentioned that there were 200+ products at GenCon alone. I've been RPGing for 12 years but it's really my first foray into the Indy-press world. I'm pumped to see what you all have. 

Message 24638#239413

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On 8/24/2007 at 5:36pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: I want to buy your games and GM them

Folks correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine any designer would be delighted to have someone running his or her game at a convention. It's sort of a mark of achievement, when other GMs than the designer are running games on their own--it is for me, at least.

Now, not every designer/publisher is going to make the kind of offer that Christian has made, but some might--you're best off directly asking them, I should think. As might be expected, publishers of games that are doing just fine in sales and growth are less motivated to give away rules than those just starting to build momentum. But, hey, again, everyone's different; you might get lucky.

For my own experience with a similar "call": I was hoping to run an entire Indie demo track at a local con at which there was minimal (or no, maybe?) Indie games... and I got nil response from a call for rule donations. My idea would have involved "rolling demos" about ten or fifteen minutes long of, like, twenty or thirty games throughout the con weekend (i.e. 3 to 5 demos of each)... but I wasn't about to drop ~$500 to buy thirty rule books, many of which I might never use again after the con.

Finally, you might check with Lulu or Avalon Innovations or any of the other POD providers to see if they ever have "mis-runs" that they'd sell cheap, with the designer's permission. I imagine there's occasionally streaked-up printings that head straight to recycling that could, instead, be sold at cost to recoup loss.

Anyhow, folks correct me if anything I say above is not true for your products, so that Tom doesn't step on any toes.

Good luck and happy demoing!

Message 24638#239468

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