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Topic: The Game that I want to play ...
Started by: jeffmoore
Started on: 8/28/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/28/2007 at 7:55pm, jeffmoore wrote:
The Game that I want to play ...

There is something that I want. Something that I believe the RPG gaming world does not provide for me. (After reading my criteria below explaining what it is that I want, if there is a game out there that you know about that fulfills these needs, please let me know. I want to hear about it.)

I want a superhero RPG that is accessible for the casual gamer. I want a superhero RPG that puts an emphasis on the G. I do NOT want d20. I want something simpler, smaller, lighter. I want HeroClix as an RPG. I want a generic package, not one tied to a comic book license.

There have been a few attempts at rules light superhero RPGs that were tied to existing comic book licenses. But, mostly these are gone now. Other systems that are broader and more generic are to my mind far too complex. In trying to provide answers to every question and cover every contingency I feel that most superheroes games try to layer on too much. What is wrong with covering the basics and letting the players and the referee handle the details? This is how I played when I started once upon a time. I enjoyed this approach. I still do.

When I say that I want HeroClix as an RPG, I really mean it. A tight combat mechanic with key exceptions (powers) to make the rules interesting. Every power in the Marvel Universe is not defined in the HeroClix rules. But, almost every character is represented (at least a whole heck of a lot of them are.) This is how I think a Supers RPG should be handled. Find a match in the rules that approximates or simulates the end result of the power in the comic book. If a power doesn't fit or doesn't work within the rules, don't use it.

I want to build a game, not a comic book adventure simulator. I want players to play this RPG much as they would a board game. I want them to think about strategy and the interactions of combat. Superheros is a good vehicle for this kind of strategy / board game.

But, unlike HeroClix I want to have custom character design, character advancement and coorporative player interaction guided by a single referee / game master. Does this game exist? Am I reinventing the wheel? Maybe? But I haven't played the game I want to play yet ... in the way that I want to play it.

That's why I have been working to design just exactly what I want. Please consider what I have to offer. Feedback is welcome and encouraged.


Message 24688#239745

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On 9/9/2007 at 6:54pm, Andre Evans wrote:
Re: The Game that I want to play ...

This might not be what you are looking for but I have had great luck with it.
Try the Marvel Universe RPG. It has a few probs such as it is easy to break and the fights are over to fast but it sounds a lot like what you are looking for.

Message 24688#240537

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On 9/9/2007 at 8:17pm, tex wrote:
RE: Re: The Game that I want to play ...

Hrm, as of right now that link doesn't seem to work.  I'm on Firefox, though, which makes me a weirdo.  : P


Message 24688#240538

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On 9/9/2007 at 10:40pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
RE: Re: The Game that I want to play ...

Hi Jeff!

I didn't understand exactly what you are asking for. Reading your post I got the impression that Supers Brawl is already a playable game and you wanted our general opinion on it.

If it's so, this is not the right sub-forum. If your game is playable but still has some issues and you would like to get feedback from other people after they play it, you should present it in the "playtesting" sub-forum and identify the problems you feel the game still has (the feedback you'll get from the playtesting posts will usually more general than that, but it's useful to know where to look harder)

This sub-forum, "First Thoughts", is for getting feedback about specific problems or features in a game that it's still at the design stage, and still not playable. It's usually rather useless (and against the forum rules) to ask here "what do you think about this game", because without asking more specific questions, usually you'll only get a sort of poll about who like your game and who doesn't, and that kind of feedback is worth nothing.

Or I could have misunderstood your post and you were asking about something specific and I simply didn't see it...

Message 24688#240552

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On 9/9/2007 at 11:25pm, migo wrote:
RE: Re: The Game that I want to play ...

Not really on topic for this subforum, but in response to your initial question; Capes seems to fit the bill.

Message 24688#240553

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On 9/10/2007 at 1:08am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: The Game that I want to play ...

Hi Jeff, welcome to the Forge!

Jeff wrote: When I say that I want HeroClix as an RPG, I really mean it. A tight combat mechanic with key exceptions (powers) to make the rules interesting.

How do you mean, interesting? The rules in chess are incredibly boring, for example. It's their use in trying to win that is interesting. BUT sometimes people want rules which are interesting in themselves, rather like someone might like an ornately carved wooden table. Just for what it is and not for what they can put on top of it. Do you want the rules to be interesting for just what they are, rather than what can be 'put on top of them' so to speak?

Message 24688#240560

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On 9/10/2007 at 2:33pm, Ken wrote:
RE: Re: The Game that I want to play ...

I checked out your blog and game designs; you definitely seem like a rules-light kinda guy. I'm more rules medium/medium-well. From your designs and the links on you profile, it is obvious that rules light super games are possible.

I'm also working on the super hero game that I want to see. I think most game designers are building the game they want to play. Mine is more traditional (with power lists-and more power concept driven rules), but that is not the subject here.

Before I go any farther with my opinions on the joys and pitfalls of rules-light super games, could you post some specific questions about your game or approach to game design. I think we should stay on topic with helping you build your game and save the commentary on gaming style for when its appropriate (so make sure you add a segue; I'm dying to preach).

Take care,


Message 24688#240576

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