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Topic: [DitV]The sins of the children...
Started by: Mandrake
Started on: 9/6/2007
Board: Actual Play

On 9/6/2007 at 11:53pm, Mandrake wrote:
[DitV]The sins of the children...

Firstly, some brief info on the town:

Brother Newton, the schoolmaster, is proud of his acomplishments as a teacher.

Brother Hiram, the father of one of Newton's students, told his son that Brother Newton is a worthless teacher.

Brother Ezekiel, the son, spread this amongst his friends, saying that Newton was useless and they didn't have to listen to him.

Which of course is enough to let the demons in.

The demons acted in 3 ways, firstly making the adults afraid of the children, secondly exagerating any sinful tendancies in the children (see below) and thirdly and more recently, making the Steward sick.

The Dogs arrived in a town that was deserted apart from kids playing in the street, on a school day no less. A group of the kids were dressing up for a game of Dogs and Mountain Folk, with the kid that was dressing up as the Folk looking terrified.

The Dogs went looking for adults to question.  They found out from a shopkeeper that the kids had been stealing from him and vandalising his store. From the teacher (one of the Dog's brother) they found out that the kids had either not been attending school or they were just running riot in class. Indeed, some of the kids hadn't been seen recently, some up to 3 weeks.

They decided to round the kids up and send them to school, with one of the Dogs going after the group playing dress-up. When he found the group, one of the 'Dog Kids' shot him point blank. Meanwhile, the ring leader of the remaining kids was acting bolshie until she heard the shot, at which point she smiled, and led the rest of the kids into class.

A further conflict ensued, one Dog remonstrating the obvious troublemakers, another trying to get information on the missing children from the more cooperative ones. Whilst the information was forthcoming, that the missing kids were probably dead, tossed in a gorge near town, the Dog dealing with the troublemakers got beaten up by a girl, who he promptly backhanded across the room.

In response to this, the girl's brother, possessed, attacked the Dogs with a chair, nearly killing one.

The Dog's response to all this? Round up the adults so they could be judged.

Message 24784#240361

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On 9/7/2007 at 7:24am, Temple wrote:
Re: [DitV]The sins of the children...

Mandrake wrote:
They decided to round the kids up and send them to school, with one of the Dogs going after the group playing dress-up. When he found the group, one of the 'Dog Kids' shot him point blank. Meanwhile, the ring leader of the remaining kids was acting bolshie until she heard the shot, at which point she smiled, and led the rest of the kids into class.

I have trouble grasping what went on here..Could you rephrase it to make it clearer?

Message 24784#240386

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On 9/11/2007 at 10:28am, Web_Weaver wrote:
RE: Re: [DitV]The sins of the children...

Warning – post includes themes of children acing in an adult manner and being disciplined in a manner that would probably not be advocated in more enlightened times. Nothing severe but  if you have issues with these themes please seek other posts.

Hi Skjalg,

Temple wrote:
I have trouble grasping what went on here.. Could you rephrase it to make it clearer?

As Mandrake seems to be away from the keyboard at the moment I can try and give you some insight from the players side of the table here.
(Note: I will stick to character names as I haven't sought consent of the other players, and may represent them in a way that they would not.)

At the moment in question there were three Dogs, Brother Barnabas (my unstable doubting eastern educated dog), Brother Jumping Buck (a Native American convert) and Brother Harry (grim and Dirty Harry inspired). (We have a slightly unstable game group with 6 players including GM but often only 4 at a time (we manage it by having dogs have to run other errands and thereby leaving town for a short while).

So the Dogs were faced with unruly children who were stealing candy from the store and playing disturbingly rough chase games in kid’s Dog coats, a school teacher that has lost control and no other adults outdoors.

Our first instinct was to get the kids back into the school room so that we could try and instil some order and get them together;  they were dispersed about the town. I had no clear plan beyond that apart from as a player wanting to see what info might come from the conflict, Br. Jumping Buck wanted to actively restrain them and deliver discipline which I was wary of and Br Harry wanted to get the kids in one place to make it easier to question them.

The conflict opened by Br Two Dogs ringing the school bell, me calling in the kids that were still in the square outside the school room and Br. Harry jumping on his horse and riding round town to round up the ones playing disturbing 'chase the mountain folk'.

The Conflict developed as a battle of wills with a girl in the square who clearly intimidated many of the kids, and appeared to be inspired by demons. Br Harry having been separated from the rest of us despite being in the same conflict, found the kids as they cornered the 'Mountain Man' and one of the kids in play Dog coats pulled out a gun and shot Harry in the stomach, and as the shot rang out the girl in the square smiled and walked calmly into the school (gave). We counted the kids into the school house in the time honoured clout round the back of the head method.

Message 24784#240624

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