The Forge Reference Project


Topic: some good childhood beliefs?
Started by: ynnen
Started on: 6/14/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 6/14/2002 at 6:13pm, ynnen wrote:
some good childhood beliefs?

i'm trying to put together a good list of beliefs to have on hand -- i find putting them on notecards and passing a few out at the beginning of each session help get the players in the right frame of mind, and may even come back to help them.

here are some from my own child hood or things i thought were pretty common where i grew up.

wiping your hands off on your shirt or pants gets them just as clean as washing them with soap and water

girls give you cooties

all adults seem to know just about the same things

if you swallow chewing gum, it stays in your stomach forever. if you swallow too much gum, your stomach will fill up and you'll die

if you sneeze while plugging up your nose and shutting your mouth, your eyeballs will pop out

dogs can smell fear

you could survive on just Lucky Charms or Captain Crunch

teddy bears help you fall asleep at night

nightlights help keep monsters at bay

comic books are based on real people

only babies suck their thumbs or wet their beds... if you do either, you're still a baby

seeing mommy and daddy kiss is icky

a Cross or Crucifix will keep monsters at bay

people with glasses are smarter than people without glasses

just about everyone else's house/yard/parents are cooler than your own

if you step on someone's grave in a graveyard, that person's ghost will get mad at you

if you're outside at night, bats will fly down and get stuck in long hair.

if you keep making faces, your face will get frozen like that

what beliefs would you add?

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On 6/14/2002 at 6:24pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: some good childhood beliefs?

Hi there,

Check out this thread from a few months ago:
What scared you when you were a child?

It includes lots of stuff about rituals and beliefs, as well as simple scary stuff.


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