The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha] Looking for Playtesters.
Started by: Thunder_God
Started on: 10/4/2007
Board: Connections

On 10/4/2007 at 9:47pm, Thunder_God wrote:
[Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha] Looking for Playtesters.

Juiced Rider, Memory Mecha, a game where there is a grim war going on and you're on the front-line, in your mecha. In order to interface with the mecha you must take a Self-eroding drug, losing your memories, losing yourself.

The game and setting are grim and heavy on lack of hope. Think Heinlein, The Black Company, Armor.
The game text is very alpha. I fixed some omissions, added a couple fiction pieces and setting information as game hooks. 
I need reader feedback and playtesters! 
Download the game off <a href=> and email me at [email][/email] with your feedback, or post an actual play report somewhere like the Forge or Story Games!

Alpha 1.2.2 is my latest version.
Ewen's revision is a rewrite for clarity, dealing with the combat section, performed by Ewen Cluney.
Each version also includes the character sheet.

P.S. So it'd be clear, the mecha at this point are almost entirely colour, it could just as easily be a jet. This is a game about Self, and the loss thereof (and hope and grit).

Message 24993#241876

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