The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Welcome -- and an introduction
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 4/25/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 4/25/2001 at 4:08am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Welcome -- and an introduction

Thanks to Clinton for setting me up at Heph's -- I'll be hosting the MMT message board here from now on.

Also, for those people thinking, "who the hell is this guy?" -- My name is Jared Sorensen. I'm an amateur game designer and I've been (steadily) designing games for about four years can see my games and gaming material at

My first "pro" product is coming out in June. It's a supplement for the Sorcerer RPG by Ron Edwards and it's called Schism.

Stay frosty!

- Jared

jared a. sorensen /
indie game design from beyond the grave

[ This Message was edited by: Jared A. Sorensen on 2001-04-25 13:29 ]

Message 25#101

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On 5/10/2001 at 2:48pm, wrote:
RE: Welcome -- and an introduction

Dear Mr. Sorenson,

I've been talking a bit with Scott Knipe (hardcoremoose) lately, and he encouraged me to contact you. I am very very interested in your Ars Mechanica setting, and am wondering what the development plans are for it. Is there a planned system to go with it, or are you just tossing out the setting for further development?

I have a game engine that with some work could be modified for this setting, and would, I think, be a pretty good match.

Please let me know if you are interested in further discussion on this topic.

Thank you,

Scott Heyden

Message 25#508

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On 5/10/2001 at 5:50pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Welcome -- and an introduction

Hey, Scott.

Nix the Mister...I don't wear a tie to work. :wink:

Ars Mechanica is officially in the "I'd love to do something with it but I have no good ideas right now" pile. Right now, it's just a setting (poo! poo! settings!) and I could approach it from a variety of angles. My own choice for it would be d20 or some kind of Narrativist system to create epic, mythic stories about these bots. I was considering using the Lead or Gold system I wrote (either that or just folding Galactos (the setting for Ars Mechanica) into LoG as a planet to encounter).

Feel free to email or post your ideas.

Message 25#525

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