The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Counter suggestion: party money
Started by: Robotech_Master
Started on: 10/15/2007
Board: Universalis

On 10/15/2007 at 12:21am, Robotech_Master wrote:
Counter suggestion: party money

My brother first suggested this to me, and I tried it out today and found it works pretty well. A local party supply store has a pack of 144 shiny gold plastic coins for $3.99. I find they add a bit more flavor to the game than using plastic poker chips. ("I feel like Scrooge McDuck," one of the other players said as he picked up his stack, probably because the coins all had a big dollar sign on them much like the coins in those comics.)

Message 25051#242292

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On 10/15/2007 at 3:13pm, David Artman wrote:
Re: Counter suggestion: party money

...And, you've given me an idea for a "brainstorming" thread...



Message 25051#242322

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