The Forge Reference Project


Topic: First draft minimalist rules... can I get a critique
Started by: jdrakeh
Started on: 6/16/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/16/2002 at 2:59am, jdrakeh wrote:
First draft minimalist rules... can I get a critique

So... I'm still moving along slowly when it comes to design. I always manage to have a few good ideas, but have problems integrating them into a workable system.

I think that this is probably the closest that I've gotten to putting together something that's actually playable (well, aside from Formless, which was really never intended to be played).

The .pdf file is available for download in the file section here:

If anybody could offer me feedback, it would be much appreciated (after all, the rules as they are were inspired by a few games whose authors post here).

Thanks for your time.

James Hargrove

Message 2512#24488

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On 6/17/2002 at 1:10pm, rafael wrote:
RE: First draft minimalist rules... can I get a critique


The idea is an interesting one. I've never played a game without dice, so I may have to sit down and try this task-resolution system sometime. However, it does seem a tad subjective. After all, the question of whether a player's descriptions were appropriate or entertaining is left up to the GM, whose ideas might differ from those of his players.

One suggestion -- in order to view this document, one must register with Yahoo and then log in to the site. Bit of work there. You might wish to consider uploading this document to a website, and then posting the URL on this board. Just a suggestion.

But very cool.

-- Rafael

Message 2512#24583

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...from around 6/17/2002