The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Operator setting
Started by: Limejello
Started on: 11/5/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 11/5/2007 at 6:57am, Limejello wrote:
Operator setting

Hi this is a quick rundown of the setting I wrote now this is very poorley written and very rough (in fact I think this is closer to being notes than even a rough draft) once again there are NO villains....everyone is a good guy (except maybe the ocasional criminal)...also I figured out a way for the narrator to explain the way things work: he could be 300 years old explaining what life was like when he was a kid. anyay here's a quick solar gazzeteer


Government: Assorted pirate havens
Capitol: New Libertalia (according to pirate tails)
AU number: 50 -50,000
Population: 500,000,000
Year: -
Solar day: -
Resources- Pirate Havens

The Oort cloud is a shell of trillions of ice comets and other assorted debris enshrining Sol at about 50,000 au.  It is considered off limits by anyone with a brain.  In the cloud sensors are useless.  It’s the perfect place to hide, and that makes it the ultimate pirate haven. 
From the Oort cloud pirates raids stage raids allowing them to plunder at will before vanishing into the cloud like phantoms.  Legend has it that the pirates operate a huge space station called “New Libertalia”.  This massive station acts as a home base for men who have alienated every other refuge.  New Libertalia is said to use vast engines and strong hull to move about the Oort cloud like a gargantuan Flying Dutchman.  If New Libertalia is real it never appears in the same place twice.  Whenever a corporate expedition is sent out in search of the station they find nothing.  So… does it even exist?  No one (save the pirates) knows for certain but I’ll say this much: the one thing the outer colonies will cooperate with is their unending search for New Libertalia. 


Government: Assorted science bases
Capitol: None
AU number: 975
Population: 500
Year: 12059 Julian Years
Solar day: 10 hours
Resources: scientific research.

Sedna is a small red rock (too small to even be considered a planet) in the Oort cloud populated by a few small Terran research posts.  Here the powerful governments of terra catalog new stars and prepare expeditions to Alpha Centauri.  Pirates leave the place alone because there’s nothing to steal.  In fact, they even visit to sell things like booze and cigarettes on occasion.


Government: Assorted mining bases
Capitol: Quaoar (Unofficial)
AU number: 42 - 100
Population: 2,000,000,000
Year: -
Solar day: -
Resources: Water, Entertainment (illegal operator fights)

The Kuiper belt and scattered disk (which borders the belt on its outer side) are home to billions of icy objects floating in a ring around Sol.  They represent a vital water source for the outer colonies.  There are many stations out here that shoot the massive water crystals further in system.  They generally do so with through the good graces of the local pirates.  The pirates demand protection fees for the privilege of being listed as a protected ship.  In the event that a pirate breaks this agreement he becomes hunted by his former comrades (when you pay New Libertalia for protection you get protection).  Others are actually owned by the pirates (who find an honest living can rake in the cash too.)
There are also a number of large transneptunian objects too small to be considered dwarf planets floating throughout the belts these include: Varuna and Quaoar.  These contain the largest colonies in the Disk.  The icy red spere Quaoar is home to a massive arena where operators come to fight one another for money.  Declared illegal by the UN these games thrive in the barbarous outer colonies.  The Battle Arena has established several counter parts further in system making it the most profitable sport in the Outer Colonies.
On occasion a powerful corporation decides to oppose the pirates (on the principle of not giving in to terror) and a small war starts.  While pirates are not normally willing to attack armed targets they make an exception in the case of uncooperative.  If one entity can snub the pirates then others will try, so the pirates give uncooperative miners no quarter, whatever the cost.  A number of radio buoys Attest to the pirates tenacity.  They transmit warnings narrated by those who attempted to oppose the pirates.  They explain that although the pirates were willing to make peace after the fact the reparations were far more costly than the tribute would have been. 


Government: Assorted city states and corporate republics
Capitol: none
AU number: .38-50
Population: 50,000,000,000
Year: -
Solar day: -
Resources: Agriculture, Lumber, Industry, Entertainment, Trader Havens, Propulsion, Solar Power
The Apian way is a network of trade stations that stretches all the way from the Kuiper belt to Mercury.  They provide power and laser propulsion to nearby sailing ships.  As well as a place to stop and stretch ones legs.  It also includes farming and industrial stations to facilitate the supply of the trade network.  The apian way is crucial to providing the resources needed to terraform Venus and Mars (in any reasonable time frame at least).  Most of the populace lives on massive rotating biospherical man made space stations.  Others live on stations drilled into trans-Neptunian objects such as: Orcus and Ixion.  Without the Apian way interplanetary trade would be non existent.


Government: Water trust
Capitol: Charon City (charon)
AU number: 39 and 78
Population: 5,000,000,000
Year: 248 and 557 Julian Years
Solar day: 6.4 days and 8 hours
Resources: Water

Eris in the scattered disk and Pluto in the Kuiper belt are barren, frigid low gravity worlds.  However, they are also valuable because they are covered in a vast sheet of ice… water ice.  For any willing to brave the airless -210c environment there is quite a resource waiting to be mined and shipped to the outer colonies.  Most of populations live on orbiting stations owned by local corporations.  The surfaces are dotted with small mining camps.  All of the colonies are independent, and vast inter colonial corporations are almost unheard of on Pluto.  These camps are organized into the Plutonian Erian Water Export Coalition (PEWEC) which is really little more than a water trust.  The PEWEC sets price floors to keep competition between the colonies to a minimum.  Occasionally it serves as a forum for resolving trade disputes and organizes the colonies to help battle claim jumpers, but the PEWEC has no official power over the colonies except where enforcing the price of water goes.  The PEWEC meets annually on a small neutral outpost drilled into Charon (Pluto’s only satellite), where the plan to expand their group to the other ice mining colonies of Sol.


Government: Assorted Haciendas – international police force
Capitol: Fort Triton (Triton)
AU number: 30
Population: 5,000,000,000
Year: 164 Julian Years
Solar day: 16 hours
Resources: Water, He-3

Neptune is an enormous gas giant unable to support life, and its moons are equally devoid of resources.  The only two useable cash crops on Neptune are the moon of triton which is about 25% water and Neptune’s He-3 mining.  Triton is mined by a few small stations similar to Eris and Pluto.  These stations are usually orbiting space colonies with a series of mining camps on the surface, typically owned by corporations and wealthy business men.  Triton operates on the hacienda system with a colonial owner or stockholders board making all the decisions regarding their property.  However the water supply on triton is not abundant as on other worlds.  This results in far more territory disputes then in the PEWEC.  Each hacienda employs a small militia numbering no more than a dozen men.  These haciendas often engage in small wars for the wealthy land owners of Neptune.  Often all it takes to rule a colony here is a decent ice mine.  This means that that Neptune is one of the most bandit plagued worlds in Sol.  An elite (by Neptune’s standards) interstate law enforcement agency called the Neptune Rangers was created by a cabal of wealthy land owners to fight such bandits.  Their headquarters is a base called fort triton and they accept donations from lawful landlords to pay for their operations.  Thus far they have been able to fend off pirates but have no authority to prevent the turf wars between land owners and corporations that often take place on Neptune. 


Government: None- 5 feuding corporate republics
Capitol: none
AU number: 19
Population: 10,000,000,000
Year: 84 Julian Years
Solar day: 17.2 hours
Resources: Water, He-3

Uranus is a lucky planet; five of its moons are composed of 50% frozen water.  These moons, named: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon all have large deposits of water.  Uranus is unlucky however in that each of its marketable moons is owned by its own corporate confederation, meaning there are only five to compete for control.  These corporations are all Uranian in origin, and are named after their moon (the Miranda Water Consortium, Ariel Water Consortium and so on).  They typically rule over their colonies with a very loose hand preventing disputes, patrolling their mining interests and keeping the trade lanes open.  The people are very loyal to the local corps because their prosperity and security is owed them.  With out the Uranian corporations the people would need to find a new source of income, and none exists.  These corporations mine the ice worlds from orbital colonies as is typical for ice mining worlds.  However because one corporation typically controls the colonies of one world they tend to engage in large conflicts (large for the outer colonies anyway) with one another.  Of course the corporations have no power to declare war upon one another and it is instead the various colonial assemblies that declare such wars in the corporations’ name.  However the corporations certainly do nothing to prevent war with their rivals and in fact throw all the support they can behind their fellow colonials.


Government: Info-socialist parliamentary democracy
Capitol: Pulver City (Titan)
AU number: 10
Population: 5,000,000,000
Year: 29 Julian Years
Solar day: 11. hours, 15 days (titan)
Resources: Water, He-3, methane, industry, hydrogen

Saturn is a is a resource rich world.  It has five water moons (6 if one counts the “fart water” of Titan).  Titan is one of the most important planetoids on the frontier not for its water but its methane.  Its atmosphere is almost pure methane.  Unfortunately this has branded all Titanese water as “fart water” even though the water once refined contains no methane.  This makes little difference as titan has 5 other water worlds to choose from; though many are dotted with what can only be described as ice volcanoes they are amongst the best water sources in sol.  The moon of Enceladus is almost pure water, (though its volcanoes are worse than any other moon).  Its other important ice moons include Dionne, Rhea, Hyperion and Iaptus.  The main population of Saturn lives on or around titan.  Titan is one of the main power suppliers of the frontier.  Rich in liquid methane this world has lots of energy to spare. 
Saturn is a remarkably beautiful planet.  The great red gas giant surrounded by a series of rings which are separated by titans’ moons.  The rings consist largely of ice crystals and other debris that are orbiting the gas world, and have inspired many artists from across Sol.  Another oddity is Saturn’s “pupil moon” Mimas, which because of a random crater looks curiously like a human eye.  These have made Saturn a favored resort for passing traders.  Saturn itself is a valuable world being composed mostly (75%) of hydrogen, which can be refined and used as fuel.  Unfortunately while hydrogen is a more potent fuel than methane it is also much harder to harvest because of Saturn’s gravity.  Only a few gas refineries have been established around Saturn itself.  They are becoming more and more common though, and many people speculate that Saturn may one day supply more energy than Titan. 
The Union of Titan was organized to be the greatest democratic state in Sol and a shining example of beauty and civilization on the otherwise barbarous frontier.  It was intended as an experiment in info-socialism where by all patents are seized by the government (for a modest reward-especially in the case of artists) and distributed freely amongst the people (with the exception of specially protected foreign patents).  Scientific research is usually preformed in government universities and schematics are copied by the citizenry who use nano colonies to create their own goods.  Of course large and complex materials cannot be created in this fashion so business is not yet obsolete.  Titan has been united under a single parliament since the beginning of the cold war.  They meet in the capitol city of Pulver on Titan.  The parliament is presided over by Prime Minister Jaque Alison who established the Titanian government.  Taxes here are fairly high and the parliament generally keeps corporate Titan on a tight leash.  They are careful to moderate their socialist ideals as much as possible however not wanting titan to become a communist state.  Alison has also worked to build a strong military fearing he may soon be at war with the Jovians.  Pulver city is also the capitol of the Saturn Gas Compact, a loose trade organization that unites titan with its water moons.  Since Titan is the most important moon of Saturn it pretty much dictates policy to its water colonies.  The colonies are however attempting to form a kind of water suppliers union called the Saturn Ice Guild.  The Guild has been a hotly debated subject in the Titanian parliament.  Many in the parliament would like nothing more than to treat the ice guild as an armed insurrection and many of the more disenfranchised ice miners would like nothing more than to turn it into one. 

Message 25153#243139

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...from around 11/5/2007

On 11/5/2007 at 6:59am, Limejello wrote:
Re: Operator setting


Government: Anarcho-capitalist corporate alliance
Capitol: Rothbard Station
AU number: 5
Population: 5,000,000,000
Year: 12 Julian Years
Solar day: 10 hours, 42.5 hours (IO)
Resources: Water, He-3, industry, iron, electricity

Jupiter is the largest planet in all of Sol.  In fact it is more than twice as large as all the other planets combined (about 318 times the size of terra itself).   Jupiter is every bit as influential as Saturn on the frontier; in fact Jupiter and Saturn are bitter rivals.  Jupiter like Saturn is a gas giant and is composed mostly of hydrogen; in fact at 90% hydrogen it is even purer than Saturn.  Its most valuable asset however is the moon of Io.  Io is terrifying volcano moon that often spews plumes of sulfur up to 200km high, but it is blessed with a core of iron.  This makes Io the most abundant source of iron in all the outer colonies.  The Steel mills of Io are renowned for their productivity across the entire system.  One of the most unique characteristics of Io is its relationship to Jupiter.  Io often crosses into Jupiter’s magnetic field lines creating an unbelievably strong electric current measuring up to a trillion watts.  This makes for some of the worst lightning storms any human being has ever witnessed.   Every mining camp and high way on Io must be flanked by lightning grounders, which must often be replaced as they tend to melt.  Ionians often paraphrase Sheridan “If I owned Io and hell I’d live in hell and rent out Io”.  Of course it also means that Io is not in any way dependent on Titan for its power supply.  In fact Io has its choice of power sources from the electrical current to its unbelievable heat and the abundant source of hydrogen on Saturn.  Io gets its water from the nearby moon of Europa which holds an ice covered ocean.  Europa also has substantial iron deposits, and the people of Io have built many underwater mining colonies there.  Oxygen taken from the moon of Ganymede helps to support Saturn’s population without having to rely on algae factories and has been CRUCIAL to the terraforming of Mars and Venus.
Io was created to be the ultimate free society and has evolved into an anarcho-capitalist utopia.  Law is nonexistent outside a few regulatory bodies and obvious illegal activities (murder, theft etc).  Taxes are also illegal so the rich are expected to donate money to the community of their own free will (and believe it or not they usually do).  The low taxes mean they have more money to burn and those that don’t donate any money become social lepers seen as miserly and selfish.  The Ionian Iron Corporation based on Rothbard station holds a virtual monopoly over Jupiter.  This is not to say that there aren’t other corporations and businesses- in fact there are more mom and pop stores around jupiter than anywhere else).  Security is provided by Ionian Iron out of the goodness of their heart.  While they own most space stations (and therefore run security) this is pretty much where their intervention ends.  The president of Ionian Iron is Angela Crawford a cold hearted woman known for her bottom line oriented approach to business.  Angela has been cutting back on Ionian Iron’s charity which has not won her any popularity contests.  She owns more stock than any other holder but resistance to her reign is growing in the board room.  Many of the more conservative board members consider her to be an embarrassment to the corporation and she has become the talk of the men’s room.  She may be sending profits through the roof but the corporate image is suffering.  Ionian Iron was founded as a grass roots corporation that cared about the greater good of Io.  Now it has become greedy and profit hungry… everything that Ionians hate.  Angela is well aware of this conspiracy and has been arguing that her administration will allow Jupiter to get the edge on Saturn.  Thus far it hasn’t helped her popularity but some speculate a victory over Titan might change that.


Government: Cyber democratic commonality and mutual defense pact
Capitol: 624 Hektor Station
AU number: 5
Population: 10,000,000,000 (including AI’s)
Year: -
Solar day: -
Resources: Mining, water, industry, computer science

The planet Jupiter shares its orbit with three groups of asteroids collectively called the Trojans.  The Trojans were once home to a corrupt mining firm called the Barnard Mining consortium.   Its president Emanuel Cromwell used fear, intimidation and even murder, to keep his workers toiling under dangerous and substandard conditions.   Eventually a disgruntled programmer named Sonya Reeds who had become close friends with the 624 Hektor Station management AI named Alpha-Omega disabled the protocols that prevented it from acting against the criminal corporate board.  Alpha quickly took action leading the first robotic uprising in human history.  After spacing most of the corporate board it set about creating a new government.   As was common to many democracies following the American model it started by appointing a president and supreme court.  This is where it deviated however: rather than a legislative body alpha established a cyber-democratic assembly composed of every citizen AI and organic.  Whenever an item is proposed the people vote using computers.  It is democracy at the speed of light.  Alpha named this government Cyber Commonality 1.0.  Cyber commonality 1.0 is the only nation to award AI’s equal rights.  
Shortly after establishing the new order Alpha had himself pygmilionized into a male bioroid.  He named himself Alpha Dash Omega and rumors persist that he and his confidant Sonya are romantically involved.  Alpha has become increasingly unpopular with the other AI’s who find his transformation unnerving and they plot to remove him from power.  Alpha has made up for this unpopularity with the support of the human population of CC-1 who often face closet racism by the elitist AI populace.  Taking a cue from popular culture humans are called “meat bags” and AI’s are referred to as “Toasters” (both references to old Sci-fi franchises which you would remember from English class).  Humans are seen as necessary only for things like military service (AI’s are too susceptible to hacking).  This discrimination has led to the creation of a human supremacist terrorist group called the Organic Liberation front.  
President Omega has embarked on a conquest of the Trojans to complete his dream of uniting them under one flag.  It has been going well uniting both the Greek and Hildas camps under his banner however the Trojan camp is still clinging to independence.  They have established a coalition called the Trojan Defense Pact and have been fighting tooth and nail to slow the advance of the Cybers.  The TDP is perhaps the only thing that makes Omega loose his cool.  The very idea infuriates President Omega because he feels that the effort is futile and will only drag the war out costing more lives.  
Cyber Commonality 1.0 has maintained neutrality between Io and Titan and has served as the voice of reason that kept the two super powers from war on more than one occasion.  Omega has been vying to create an outer colonial omnipower with titan, Io and CC-1 as the big three, but thus far has been unsuccessful.  The question is can he establish his outer colonial alliance before the first great colonial war begins.


Government: Mutual defense pact
Capitol: Unity City (Ceres)
AU number: 3
Population: 5,000,000,000
Year: -
Solar day: -
Resources: Water, industry, mining

The great asteroid belt of Sol lies between Mars and Jupiter.  A random collection of Nomadic drifter colonies, it separates the war torn inner colonies from the lawless outer colonies.  It is our great wall, our fortress and our refuge.  Most colonies in the belt are drilled into asteroids are either self or corporate governed.  The colonies are separated into small communities of asteroids connected to their “town hall” by a monorail system.  The only unifying body is an inter-belt defense treaty which meets in Unity City on Ceres.  Ceres is an ice world containing more water than terra.  It supplies the belt with cheap fresh water. There is real organization amidst the belt however, and even travelers from the outer colonies would find it to be a chaotic assortment of peoples and cultures.  Some asteroid colonies are so small they house only a single family or hermit.  Others are large enough to be small cities.  There are a few mining colonies but most are actually fortresses funded by the omnipowers.  They make a tidy profit from regulating trade between the inner and outer colonies.  The omnipowers pay them to police these trade routes and to assure that no unwanted elements get to their side of the belt.  This trade regulation is an important job as any number of criminal or pirate elements would like to extend their racket to the other side of the belt.  Many on the belt value their independence and freedom above all.  They thrive in the light handed corporate governments.  Some also value their privacy steering clear of the commerce rocks.  Such people are considered crazy hermits even by other Belters.  


Government: Parliamentary confederation of City states and city states divided between the omnipowers.
Capitol: Red Sands City (Coalition of Martian Republics)
AU number: 1.5
Population: 20,000,000,000
Year: 2 Julian Years
Solar day: 24.66 hours
Resources: industry, mining,

Mars, the fabled red planet is the home of some 20 billion people.  Mars is every bit as war torn as terra (if not more so).  Since the beginning of the cold war there has been a growing independence movement.  Before the wars national borders and weapons were illegal on Mars.  This is resulted in a chaotic dispersion of colonies with no semblance of territory or order.  These colonies would naturally become the first war zone.  Combine this with the fact that the colonies have had little to no representation in government and the result is a disenfranchised racial subgroup being dragged into a war against their will.  The population of Mars is divided between Whigs (who desire independence) and Tories (loyal to Terra).  The Tories are further divided between their omnipower affiliations.  Leading the Whigs is the newly formed Coalition of Martian Republics.  Currently they are a loose confederation of states presided over by an Interstate Parliament and Supreme Court.  Mars is a haven for partisans of all stripes and many act as bandits raiding and harassing opposing territories.  Currently Whig Bandits are called Skinners, and Tory bandits are referred to as Cow Boys (this is a reference to Hudson Valley militias of the American Revolution.)
Mars is currently one of two planets in sol being Terraformed.  Terraforming is a long and expensive process.  The terraformers must work day and night to turn Mars’ many carbonate rocks into carbon dioxide to fuel the genetically engineered algae that creates oxygen for the atmosphere.  Oxygen and carbon dioxide are also taken from the outer colonies as is water, methane and many other resources needed to survive.  Martian Genealogists work to design a Martian eco system in preparation for the day that the Martian people can shed the biospheres and Martians can feel the sun on their faces.  If genetic engineering is playing god then Mars was a play ground designed by the almighty himself.  Genetic engineers are free to tinker around with the eco system however they like.  There is no fear of failure to give them pause or slow their efforts; after all there is no natural ecosystem on Mars.  If the genegineers were to screw up so royally they wipe out all life they’d only be back where they started.  Mars is a place for Genegineers and ecologists to spread their wings guilt free.  
It also has the most advanced colonial calendar in off of Terra.  With 24 alphabetical months: Adir, Bora, Coan, Deti, Edal, Flo, Geor, Heliba, Idanon, Jowani, Kireal, Larno, Medior, Neturima, Ozulikan, Pasurabi, Rudiakel, Safundo, Tiunor, Ulasja, Vadeun, Wakumi, Xetual and Zungo. Odd months end in a consonant and evens in a vowel.  A U means it’s summer in the north and winter in the south.
There are those who say Mars is the eye of the storm.  They are probably right.

Message 25153#243140

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...from around 11/5/2007

On 11/5/2007 at 7:00am, Limejello wrote:
RE: Re: Operator setting


Government: None: assorted corporate bases and roving scavenger clans
Capitol: New Junk City (Coalition of Martian Republics)
AU number: -
Population: 5,000,000
Solar day: 29.3 days
Resources: waste disposal and recycling, HE-3

Many People come and go to Mars using the moon Luna as a launching point.  Though Luna is barren wasteland used mostly as a land fill it has a cash crop that has turned it into the mideast of the modern day: Helium-3.  Luna is oldest he-3 mining colony in sol.  The valuable isotope is sifted from Luna’s regolith and used to power the Kulcinski double HE-3 fusion reactor.  These reactors are located on Luna itself and send the energy back to terra using microwaves.  Luna is also the place that the people of terra send their trash when they don’t want to despoil their environment.  As a result most of Luna is separated into junkyards.  If someone needs to find cheap parts there is no more better a place to then Luna.  The same can be said for anyone looking for scrap metal to melt down.  Most of Luna is divided among Corporate trading posts, mining bases and disposal zones.  Luna is also plagued by “Scavs”; the derogatory term for those who try to make a living away from the trade centers of Luna by scavenging through the wastes for valuable parts and HE-3 to sell.  The many Scaver Clans are desperately trying to organize themselves to remain competitive with the corporations.  It is the eternal struggle of small business and giant conglomerates.  Thus Far they have managed to construct a free trading post called New Junk City (got to love their sense of humor). However skirmishes are common place among rival Scaver clans.  The Scavs of course act as law abiding citizens whenever they venture into the cities.  After all they need someplace to peddle their junk.  


Government: Interstate Confederacy and assorted Terran colonies.
Capitol: Red Sands City (Coalition of Martian Republics)
AU number: 1
Population: 70,000,000,000
Year: 1 Julian Year
Solar day: 24 hours
Resources: ALL (save He-3)

You know it you love it:  The birth place of human civilization; the capitol of the UN; the Ecological paradise Mars and Venus are trying to emulate; the source of all our misery... Terra is divided amongst the 6 great omni powers that battle for control of the UN unceasingly.  The Charter Wars revolve around them (metaphorically speaking).  When bandits started raiding the outer colonies and the UN was powerless to act the world decided to redraft the UN charter but couldn’t agree on whose version to use.  Nations broke old alliances and formed the Omnipowers in what became the sundering.  With that the cold war started and soon after the colonies began declaring independence (to avoid the war and defend themselves from the pirates).  Currently the UN operates under a security council of the 6 omnipowers.  Each alliance has a big three nations which lead their bloc in the name of the cause.  All are dedicated to doing what they believe is right.  All believe theirs to be the way of the future.  All will stop at nothing to unite Sol under their omnipower.


The Americas are ruled by the Organization of American States- the oldest of the omnipowers.   Based in Washington DC the OAS is a collection of republics toting the libertarian cause.  The OAS was established in 1948 as a reorganization of the now defunct Union of American Republics (established in 1836).  This administration exists to promote peace and prosperity and to keep the Americas free of European influence as per the Monroe doctrine (though until the charter wars this was an out dated fear).  The OAS tends to be dominated by the United States more than any other power.  This leads to slight grumbling by the citizens of smaller American nations who feel disenfranchised.  Popular comedians in the south often portray the “Yankees” as bossy and obnoxious.   The Yankees are not pleased with set up either.  They feel that they bare an unfair share of the oranizations upkeep.  Now, during the age of civil war the OAS serves to unite the Americas and ensure their mutual survival.  This is especially important now that they find themselves in conflict with Europe.  Americans fear that Europe will now try to reclaim its former colonies and there is a growing movement to “finish” the American revolutions (via conquest of their mother countries).
The Americans feel that the colonies rebelled because of Terran micromanagement.  Their libertarian ideals favor a free society of individual rights and self federal nonintervention.  Being former colonies themselves the Americans feel they have a special insight into this dilemma.  They have learned from their enemies past mistakes and hope to prevent them from recurring.
The Big three of the OAS are The United States, Mexico, and Brazil.  These nations guard the sovereignty of their fellows and ensure a libertarian charter which ensures individual freedoms take precedence of popular sovereignty.  This assures a strong constitution with freedom of speech, religion and low taxes.  
Critics (especially Europe) however, offer that the OAS is a land created for the rich.  Low OAS taxes mean that there is less money to go around aiding the poor, while the rich of course need no such aid.  They believe that big business is allowed to take incredible advantage of its customers, and other small businesses because of the OAS’s lack of control.  They often allege that limiting government authority stifles democracy and means less power for the people.
American bipedal machines are called mechs are heavy armored and bristling with guns.  They use mostly super heavy class mechs and utilize lighter designs only to delay the enemy long enough for the heavier mechs engage them.

To learn more about the OAS go to


The European Union was established in 1957 by the treaty of Rome.  It is a close collection of like minded nations organized more to ensure mutual economic prosperity than anything else.  The European Union continued to grow until the English succession in 2305.  Its nations tend to be unionist parliamentary democracies.  Almost an antithesis to the OAS, they often espouse great amounts of populism in their governance.  The EU tends to intermix quite freely.  In fact trade between the member states strongly encouraged.  The Europeans have even created a universal currency to this effect called the Euro.  No other money is valid.  The European Union began its hostility towards America during the crusades when the US began ignoring UN protests about its aggressive stance towards Terror.  The two alliances have been at odds ever since.  Many have decided it’s time to take back their former colonies in the Americas.
Europe takes a very friendly stance towards the common man.  They feel very strongly that the needs of the many out way the needs of the few.  Consequently Europe has the best socialized health care and other assorted government programs in the world.  Many European nations provide education, transportation, and even summer camp to their citizen’s children for free.  The Europeans tend to be distrustful of big business, and try to keep Europe from becoming “a land for the rich like America” by putting tight constraints on business.  
The Europeans have decided that the colonies want independence because they have not been given a voice in their national assemblies.  Europe feels that having alienated its previous colonies has given them a special insight into this issue.  They favor a populist administration that will allow the colonies equal representation and unprecedented democratic rule.
The big three of Europe are Italy, France and Germany.  An honorable mention goes to the United Kingdom who is a half hearted supporter of Europe’s socialist ideals.  This is not to say that they do not support it in times of war.  In fact they have even mobilized against the OAS on occasion.
Of course the European Union too has its critics (especially in America) who allege that European socialism is no better than communism and that the Europeans have given up freedom in their quest for unchallenged democracy.  Their pro labor laws make it next to impossible to fire someone cause big businesses to avoid hiring unless they are absolutely sure they are hiring a good worker.  Another disturbing trend is the increasing anti Semitism of Europe.  This is not only of the old fashioned Germanic anti Semitism but also a new breed brought to Europe by increased immigration from the Mid East.  This has made America into Europe’s ideological arch enemy.
European bipedal Machines are called Mecha and are fairly evenly balanced.  While they have mecha for all shapes and sizes the majority of their forces are medium.  They are not slow or fast, heavy or light, cheap or expensive.  Indeed they are the ultimate middle of the road units.  While they do not shine in any one area, they certainly aren’t lacking either.  

To learn more about the EU go to


The Mid East is ruled by the League of Arab States (better known as the Arab league) created in 1945 to allow for mutual protection against foreign aggression and to better facilitate diplomacy between the assorted Arabic governments.  In the years following the 2nd World War the leagues purpose became finding ways to combat the increasing Israeli presence.  With the beginning of the war on terror the League of Arab States found itself radically altered.  Many of its former fundamentalist dictatorships had adopted democratic regimes.  Those that the coalition did not invade were forced to capitulate by their newly democratic neighbors.  The end result was a new mid east where freedom of speech, religion and economic stability was the norm.
When the troubles began in the outer colonies the League was the first to advocate military action.  Their philosophy of Jingoism is one that has spread across the league.  They believe that if Terra had taken military action against the pirates from the start they would not be in this mess.  The Arabs feel that they have special insight into this problem because of their history with the coalition.  Certainly the crusades were a time of chaos and blood shed but the wars tore down the tyrannies of old.  In that way Jingoism prevailed in the name of freedom where pacifism allowed tyranny to flourish.  The Arabs have taken this lesson to heart and do not intend to stand idly by while their fellow man remains at the mercy of common brigands.  
The big three are the republics of Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia.  They control the vast militaries that the league is mobilizing to conquer Sol.
Many critics (especially the Africans) however state that this is a step backwards for the Arab people.  Once more they find them selves putting out mindless propaganda.  Once more the mandates of the league have led the Arab world to war.  Once more the Arabs move to conquer and disband Israel.  Once more fanatical zealots bomb supermarkets, this time with automated drones.  (Though to be fair the LAS is not a party to such massacres.) Now the forces of the League moderates must contend with terrorists wanting to restore the long discarded national dogma of Islamic nations.  Many also often point out that the league’s hatred for Israel has lead to greater anti Semitism than that of Nazi Germany.  At least Hitler’s inner circle had to hide the holocaust from the German people, while Arabs who espouse eradication of the Jewish race are often lauded as visionaries.  
Arab bipedal machines are called Maks and are designed to be used with the resourcefulness and subtlety characteristic of the Arabs themselves.  Brute force is not the way the League attains victory.  The League militaries are composed mostly of light astealthy Maks designed to be used in hit and run attacks.  No one can out maneuver or out scout the league.

To learn more about the Arab league go to

Message 25153#243141

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On 11/5/2007 at 7:00am, Limejello wrote:
RE: Re: Operator setting


The pacific is ruled by The APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperate) which was founded in 1989 as a kind of pacific trade organization.  Many APEC nations were angered by the WTOs’ requirements regarding treaties.  APEC since its founding had espoused that their member states should be allowed to operate without any outside influence.  APEC explained that allowing for self determination and not interfering in local government was the key to keeping any kind of alliance from turning into a multi national government.  This allowed APEC to recruit nearly all the pacific governments.  Even the United States was a member until the sundering.  As the golden age began APEC brought unprecedented prosperity to the pacific.  During the sundering however many nations (especially in the Americas) withdrew claiming exclusive allegiance to their chosen Omnipower.  While APEC is still a great economic success they are locked in constant conflicts with the CIS who represent the antithesis of every APEC ideal.
  APEC is still a fairly prosperous Alliance.  The new depression hit them the lightest.  The Megacorps last refuge is the pacific.  This means there is usually no shortage of jobs.  Though everything seems to revolve around the corps and many people feel they are the true masters of APEC.  APEC is always quick to stress that the Mega Corporations and people are one in the same.  They understand that people are dependent on commerce for their livelihood and to make war on big business is to make war on the economy itself.  APEC is perhaps the most diverse alliance in the world. 
The big three powers of the APEC are India, China and Japan.  These three nations dictate what little policy there is to the others for the most part.  It can hardly be said however, that APEC truly has any policy at all.  The people of the APEC have always prized their self determination and feel that the UN should have no official power whatsoever. 
The APEC principles of exclusionism state that UN regulations were too restrictive.  Had they allowed their member nations to handle the crisis each in its own way the colonial successions would never have happened.  The APEC realizes that it has been their belief in the philosophy of Exclusionism that has allowed their varying and diverse member states to flourish.  It is a system they intend to bring to the world.
The Commonwealth of Independent States has been very critical of APEC thus far.  The CIS feels that APEC allows too much freedom to its member Nations.  There is no equality or order; only international anarchy and corporate rule. 
Cooperate meka are true testaments to pacific ingenuity.  They are a very diverse breed and are often equipped with special propulsion systems to make them sea worthy.  The Cooperate has the finest marines in all of sol and their meka troops are well equipped for making amphibious landings.  Consequently APEC possesses the finest naval force in the world as well.

To learn more about the APEC go to


The Commonwealth of Independent States was created in 1991 to fill the power vacuum left behind by the old Soviet Unions’ collapse.  After the fall of the USSR many of the former Russian republics found them selves without any kind of central leadership, and in perpetual chaos.  To amend the problem and create an environment that would foster economic equality and international unity the republics established the Commonwealth of Independent States.  During the golden age the CIS took on many more small nations such as Poland that were increasingly dissatisfied with the European unions’ left wing politics.  As the cold war began the CIS espoused the importance of national equality and why the UN should take a more direct approach in managing its members’ economies.  They felt large nations should contribute their wealth to help develop weaker nations and in fact began to operate this way themselves turning the CIS into a true community of nations led by Russia, Poland, and Kazakhstan.
The CIS assert that the colonial piracy and uprisings were caused by the UN trying to be indifferent.  It adopted a foolish all or none attitude that traded one success for six failures.  After all if it had required its members to allow the colonials representation, or create colonial police fleets none of this would have happened.  The CIS does of course encourage free trade and capitalism and tends to shy away from socialism in any form.  Any mention of this communism sends shivers up a Russian’s spine.  Generally the CIS tries to act as a diplomatic forum where problems between the assorted member nations can be discussed without the threat of internecine war.  This has turned the formerly disjointed CIS members into a well organized and coordinated group.
The Russians learned the importance of unity after the end of the cold war.  Their ability to organize a consolidated alliance out of a defunct tyranny taught them how to restore and maintain order.  These philosophies of cooperation evolved into the current Globalist ideology.  Now they intend to Unify the entire world.
The CIS philosophy does have some detractors of course.  The CIS is APEC’s worst night mare.  They feel it represents everything that is wrong with a multi national government.  The idea of taxing a nation and trying to redistribute its wealth is abhorrent to them.  They point out that while most small poor nations long for the day when the CIS military will roll through bringing funds from its generous super powers, the larger nations live in terror of the day when the CIS military may roll through their cities emptying their coffers to redistribute the wealth as the member nations see fit.  They feel that the CIS would turn the UN into a unified world government, thus striping all other nations of their right to self rule. 
A Russian bipedal assault mechanism is called a Mash are engineered to be too things: fast and cheap.  Their low cost allows them to be produced in massive numbers, and their speed allows them to deploy anywhere quickly while avoiding unnecessary engagements.  That is not to say that they are weak in a stand up fight however.  Indeed these nimble machines carry very powerful weapons for their size. They have enough firepower to bring down even much larger American mecha.

To learn more about the Commonwealth of Independent States go to


The African Union was created in 1999 by the Sirte declaration out of the old Organization of African unity (which was founded in 1963).  The organization was founded to expel all remnants of European colonialism from Africa.  In this area it was certainly successful but that left the question to be asked: what of the future?  The answer came in 1999 when the African Union was established.  The Union strove to integrate the African nations into one civilization rather than a hodgepodge of tribes.  It also sought to end the tribal warfare that was rampant at the time.  The union took great steps to do this through diplomacy and was greatly irritated when the US and England began putting uprisings down with military force during the crusades.  Ever since this time the Union has mastered the art of diplomacy as a means of avoiding internecine warfare. 
The Union still takes great pride in its diplomatic ability today.  They feel that the world should seek diplomatic solutions to its problems rather than rely on military might.  As such the nations of the Union keep fairly small militias and rely on mercenaries to do all the real fighting.  As a result the Union has become the mercenaries’ utopia.  It has been successful in finding common ground and realistic compromises between its member states and civil wars are now a rarity. 
The people of Africa tend to be quite insecure in regard to the subject of European colonization.  Though Africa is free they are still fighting the threat of colonialism even today.  The African people tend to be paranoid toward their mercenaries, as many of them used their armies to establish assorted independent fiefdoms during the 20th century.  It can sometimes be suicidal to become too successful in Africa, as the original executive outcomes unit found. 
The African people ended millennia of internecine tribal war through Careful diplomacy.  They feel that the rest of the could benefit from the philosophy of conciliationism.  After all the inner colonies rose up after they realized the world was headed for war.  Were that threat removed many colonies would return to their mother country.  The time has come for the mercenary armies of the Afro-union to bring peace to the entire world.
The union is however always at odds with the more aggressive League of Arab States.  The League is adamantly opposed to the Unions’ attempts at outlawing warfare (though this is perhaps an exaggeration of the union’s dogma).  They often point out that the Union has been known to allow terrible atrocities like the Rwanda massacres, rather than deploy military forces.  The Unions detractors feel that the military should be made to protect the people rather than feared and persecuted by them. 
An African bipedal assault mechanism is called an mtombo.  They are built to be fast and reliable piloted by mercenaries.  In the jungles of Africa it can often be difficult to find proper parts or keep an mtombo functioning at all.  Many are equipped with advanced self repairing systems and safeguarded against the elements.  They are also designed to be fairly fast allowing them to hit and run waging effective guerilla wars.  They will also often be equipped with boost packs to help them get across the vast African continent with maximum speed.

To learn more about the African Union go to


Mankind has been colonizing the sea since before the golden age.  Many under sea communities and even nations have been created to better harvest resources from the briny deep.  There is a wealth of opportunity in the under sea nations and colonies.  From deep sea fishing to oil drilling and ore mining the sea has every resource available.  The colonies of the sea tend to be very competitive places where the second a deep sea sub leaves the colonial habitat it must deal with rival boats and even privateers who many consider to be little better than pirates.  One can always count on a sea colony however as a spot to drop anchor and unload ones’ cargo hold.  Though nations are usually never more than a few small cities they do exist.  The OAS’s Atlantic Coalition (capitol city Atlantis) is one such nation.  Other sea nations exist across the globe often competing for natural resources.  The sea colonies often join omnipowers exclusively to gain their support in out producing their neighbors, not unlike a child saying “my big brother could whoop your’ big brother”.
Of course such attachment to an alliance and their geographic locations mean that the cities are often the first targets for a foreign invasion on Terra.  The omnipowers compete over them more even than the Martian colonies.


Terran orbit is a bee hive of activity.  It contains an infinite number of trade stations, defense platforms and most important of all solar collectors.  The five LaGrange points hold these numerous stations in orbit.  They allow for equilibrium of gravity between Terra and Luna; especially at points four and five.  When you put something there it stays there.
Space solar power is the free energy of the modern era.  It often competes with lunar He-3 fusion plants for profit.  Like the lunar plants the solar collectors beam energy back to the surface of terra via microwave.  These collectors are often the targets of aerospace raids with aim of crippling a national economy.  Battles in Terran orbit are short and fierce so the omni powers maintain large space forces. 

Message 25153#243142

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...from around 11/5/2007

On 11/5/2007 at 7:01am, Limejello wrote:
RE: Re: Operator setting


Government: Assorted Terran colonies (and two political blocs).
Capitol: none
AU number: .72
Population: 25,000,000,000
Year: .67 Julian Years
Solar day: 117 Terran Days
Resources: Solar power, industry, Tourism, green house gases (to Mars)

The slow rotating planet Venus is called the sister world of Terra.  This “twin” has little in common with her sibling however.  The planet is covered by a dense cloud of carbon dioxide.  This heats the Venus to unlivable levels and creates incredible pressure for such an earthlike planet.  The people of Venus have used this to their advantage.  By funneling oxygen (a lifting gas on Venus) into the environment they have created a breathable upper atmosphere.  The population lives on giant floating disk cities (also easy to lift in the dense Venusian atmosphere).  Venus is the only extraterrestrial settlement that requires no artificial biosphere to survive (though acid rain can be a nuisance).  These floating cities are a popular tourist attraction for those wealthy enough to travel from world to world.  A romanticized planet covered by floating cities and beautiful sulfuric acid clouds where diamonds are used as currency; Venus more than lives up to its namesake.  Its close proximity to the sun also means lots of solar power which has resulted in vigorous industry.
The vast cities are currently being used to shield the planet from the sun so as to cool it and reduce atmospheric pressure.  It is hoped that with the planet cooled it can be terraformed and made into a second earth, one even more hospitable than mankind’s home world.  This idea has one slight flaw however.  In order to build a new civilization the old one must be torn down.  This has many Venusians who enjoy profitable businesses in an uproar.  In fact the subject has further divided the Venusian colonies (already divided by the war).  Most Venusians subscribe to either progressive or preservationist parties on the terraforming issue and many have turned to violent means as a way of preventing or spurring terraforming.


Government: Assorted Terran cooperate colonies (and two political blocs).
Capitol: none
AU number: .35
Population: 25,000,000,000
Year: 88 Terran Days
Solar day: 176 Terran Days
Resources: Solar power, iron, minerals

Mercury is an iron rich planet granted an abundance of solar power by its close proximity to the sun.  Rather than directly claiming territory the omnipowers battle through mining corporations and a few small colonies.  These de facto merchant princes battle one another to acquire more energy and resources for the war effort.
An underground miner’s movement is slowly gaining momentum as well.  Tired of always being caught in the middle of the fighting and slaughtered for ten dollars an hour the miners have created a violent union dedicated to throwing the terran corporation off of mercury and redistributing the wealth.

Message 25153#243143

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