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Topic: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic
Started by: rafael
Started on: 6/16/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/16/2002 at 10:46pm, rafael wrote:
Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

After some excellent critique on Actual Play by Clinton, Zak, and Chris (AKA Bankuei), as well as several pages of responses from various playtesters, I've redesigned Dread.

* Removed scenario
* Revised combat rules
* Revised skills
* Added advice for DMs
* Added new spells


(I recommend right-clicking; open in new window or save to disk.)

Any and all comments/criticism would be appreciated.

-- Rafael

Message 2519#24554

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On 6/17/2002 at 3:36am, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

The text should mention (on a page before page 40) what dice are used. I wasn't sure if it was 2D6, D20, D6 + Attribute, or something else (like D12) :).

BTW, I think that the Fudge system would be a more suitable system for the setting/genre, for these reasons:

• Attributes have six levels, a close match to Fudge's seven levels;
• Attribute description list on page 12 matches well with Fudge;
• Skills use a similar scale which again matches Fudge well;
• For Drive, a simple +1 bonus would work in Fudge;
• Damage is similar with an offset of one from Fudge;
• Modifiers on Page 31 convert to -1 penalty; and
• Difficulty levels become simpler as welll, converting to Fudge difficulty levels.

Message 2519#24572

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On 6/17/2002 at 10:37am, rafael wrote:

Hi, Andrew. Thanks for your comments.

Andrew Martin wrote: The text should mention (on a page before page 40) what dice are used.

Actually, it's first mentioned on page 9 ("Character Creation"). Looks like there should be more references to this fact, or perhaps a page on Game Requirements.

Andrew Martin wrote: BTW, I think that the Fudge system would be a more suitable system for the setting/genre, for these reasons:

Hmm. Well, I've read the Fudge rules, and I think it looks like a fun game. However, I don't want to use someone else's rules. But thanks again.

-- Rafael

Message 2519#24580

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On 6/23/2002 at 9:23pm, jdrakeh wrote:
Well, you've definitely got my attention...

The opening fiction was some of the most entertaining that I've read in a horror roleplaying game. Additionally, the whole premise of the game is very good - human wastes being charged as the protectors of mankind.

The only thing I'm a little foggy on is setting background/history. Will a more indepth overview of this be available prior to the game's release?

Also, I noted that the listed a release of July 2002. Is this still accurate? If so, how much will the finished game cost? Will it be available in hardcopy or as a downloadable file?

Thanks in advance.

James D. Hargrove

Message 2519#25233

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On 6/23/2002 at 10:18pm, jdrakeh wrote:
The most important question...

Well, gee - I can't believe that I forgot this: Where can I purchase a copy once it is commercially released?

James D. Hargrove

Message 2519#25238

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On 6/24/2002 at 11:38am, rafael wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic


Thanks for the compliments. I've heard and read enough rants about game fiction that I'm actually wary of including more than a few paragraphs of it in the printed version of the game, but thanks again.

The site does, indeed, list a release date of July 2002. I'm just punch-drunk enough to think that we might actually release Dread next month, but if not, then definitely in August. I'm not sure about price, but I'll know soon (we're still discussing our options with the printers). It'll be reasonable, though.

I wasn't sure whether or not to include the backstory with the downloadable demo. It's long and involved. But if you think it's worth it, perhaps I should amend the demo to include a brief summary. Thanks. You the man.

-- Rafael

Message 2519#25270

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On 7/1/2002 at 11:00am, S.Lonergan wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

ok so...
Personally All though i think dread kicks ass... (but you know that)
I think that the combat system, while working for close combat, is not suited to ranged combat.... Why??

I asked my players this as well... they said " how does being strong help you shoot a gun?" the answer is, short of helping you hold it up, nothing...

Im not bitching.. i like the combat system.. it works

Just want ma playerz to be heard...

Message 2519#25972

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On 7/1/2002 at 9:37pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

smegmonkey wrote: ok so...
Personally All though i think dread kicks ass... (but you know that)
I think that the combat system, while working for close combat, is not suited to ranged combat.... Why??

I asked my players this as well... they said " how does being strong help you shoot a gun?" the answer is, short of helping you hold it up, nothing...

Im not bitching.. i like the combat system.. it works

Just want ma playerz to be heard...

One solution is to convert the setting to Fudge (there's very little difference between Dread and Fudge), then use a suitable Fudge-compatible combat system; there's several available on the net, just see the links from SoS or GGG's Fudge pages.

Message 2519#26017

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On 7/5/2002 at 1:49am, rafael wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

Andrew Martin wrote: One solution is to convert the setting to Fudge (there's very little difference between Dread and Fudge), then use a suitable Fudge-compatible combat system; there's several available on the net, just see the links from SoS or GGG's Fudge pages.

That's definitely a solution. I would not say that there's very little difference between the two systems. I would agree that both are written in English and use dice to resolve conflicts (though there are diceless versions of Fudge, from what I have read), but I would not say that the methods of conflict resolution are similar.

But hell, I've bastardized games more times than I can tell you. If it works, it works. And I could be wrong about Fudge, but, you know, I just don't see it.

My suggestion, Seamus, would be to explain to your players that the Body score isn't really a measure of physical strength -- at least, not exclusively. It's a measure of the character's physical capability -- strength, agility, endurance, all of the above. Thus, if a brick falls off a building and a character with a high Body score is standing next to the building, and makes a successful Body check, it's up to the player to explain why. Maybe it's because the character's fast, and dodged it. Maybe it's because the character's strong, and just reached up and flicked it away. Or it could be because the character's a tough bastard, and just got hit in the shoulder and didn't even feel it.

So if the character's firing a gun, the Body score might be an interpretation of steady hands or impeccable aim. If she's in a fight, it could be interpreted as brute strength, flexibility, speed, or general adroitness.

That work?

-- Rafael

Message 2519#26303

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On 7/5/2002 at 5:43am, S.Lonergan wrote:
RE: Dread: Demons, Shotguns, and Black Magic

works perfectly
thanks rafael

Message 2519#26310

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