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Topic: [D10-0] Analysis of purpose
Started by: BubbaBrown
Started on: 11/26/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 11/26/2007 at 7:13am, BubbaBrown wrote:
[D10-0] Analysis of purpose

I've been working on this system off to the side for the past few years, trying to find out what to do with it.  I think I've found it with it's latest incarnation.  So here's the rough sketch of D10-0 mechanics foundation.  In same way a software library allows a user to use components of library along with application specific code to create an application, I hoping to accomplish the same with this system.  Of course, people could say that generic role-playing systems are out there.  Yes, but those attempt to really impose a certain type of play and style upon a game.  I've tried my best to reduce the amount that the mechanics impose and open up the options for tweaking and editing.  So you have a rule lite style of game and a rules lawyer love-fest with another game, but still have the same core ruleset.  So some of the details are sparse on purpose, some because I haven't gotten around to filling them out, and others because I'm too absent minded to have filled them out before.  Most of the details left out on purpose are usually those that would determine how much of what you start with and how one sub-component affects another.  These are left undefined for the user to tweak for the setting of the game they plan to make.  Now, that doesn't mean I shouldn't at least give some examples.  I'm currently working on a Setting that layers on top of the D10-0 foundation to make a post-apoc game.  After that, I've got one in the planning stages called "Dream Police"...  the ultimate test of a generic rpg mechanic...  Imagine Police Academy, Quantum Leap, and every book you've read about to interpret dreams in one game.  One scene you're someone's long lost brother, next you're a dog... just a regular dog in the background.  But back on topic.

The question I have is how usable is any of this to most designers?  Could you see yourself using a framework type system to avoid having to mess with mechanics too much and just rather tweak an existing set until they "feel right"?  If you wanted to use this system for example, what do you need to know... more importantly... What's currently missing information wise?

Here's a link to the zip containing the two files:  The html file is a TiddlyWiki .  It's a great way to have a wiki style system locally on your machine.  So if you're web browser complains about opening the file, it's just being paranoid, since the TiddlyWiki modifies itself to save information.

Message 25263#243873

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On 11/26/2007 at 9:54pm, J Tolson wrote:
Re: [D10-0] Analysis of purpose

What, exactly, will your single modular system provide that numerous, more restrictive systems (which are already in existence) couldn't cover?

For example, I want to play a rules heavy fantasy game; why should I use your system rather than pulling out an old copy of AD&D?

Or I want to play in an anime world. Why should I use your system rather than BESM?

It sounds like your system is very flexible, but what is the advantage of that flexibility? It sounds like your system slices and dices, makes curly fries and asparagus salad, cleans my carpets and waxes my car; that just sounds like there are a lot more things that can go wrong, then. How is that better than just owning individual systems that can handle each of those tasks individually?

Just a questioning thought.

Message 25263#243901

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On 11/27/2007 at 12:48am, BubbaBrown wrote:
RE: Re: [D10-0] Analysis of purpose

Honestly, there's probably no real benefit when you balance it all out.  That's the one issue, I keep looking at every time and it's a hard one to really just argue away.  I think my mechanics framework can benefit someone who's constructing a game, but then again...  Using a system that already exists makes sense also.  I guess the best analogy is comparing using DirectX libraries to make your game or using an existing game's mod system to make your game.  Been then again, the flip side to this is: Why aren't all fantasy games using AD&D rules?  It's because someone wanted to do something different in a different way.  Whether it's a good idea or not is always up for debate.  I'm hoping that giving various components that are meant to work with each other will allow someone to pick what they need, tweak the nitty gritty details, and move on to what they need to do next.  Then again, I could horribly wrong and misguided... nothing I'm a stranger, too.  :)

Message 25263#243912

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