The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Advantages and other things
Started by: Aaron
Started on: 12/4/2007
Board: design

On 12/4/2007 at 1:08am, Aaron wrote:
Advantages and other things

We had our first game of Agon on the weekend and it was pretty successful.  There were a few things that I wasn't sure about though.
I had a group try and ambush the characters.  So everyone rolled Cunning plus name die.  There were three characters one named NPC and a group of minions.  I rolled only once for the opposition using the named characters cunning? 
The result was two PC beat the opposition and one failed.  Who gets advantage die?  The overall PC winner gets them, I'm guessing the next PC also does as he succeeded but do the opposition get advantage die against the PC who lost?

The exact some thing happened when I used cunning to set the ranges.  Should it have been the winner that determined all the ranges?  We did it so that each character individually chose their range against the opposition.  So the PC lost found himself plonked down next to the baddies!

If only one PC is involved in a conflict and they win do they also get he glory bonus for rolling highest in the group?

I'll write up an action report soon


Message 25316#244263

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On 12/4/2007 at 1:15am, John Harper wrote:
Re: Advantages and other things

Hi Aaron,

Any PC who beat the opposition would get an advantage die. Any PC that failed would get impairment, as usual. The NPCs would not win any advantage dice unless all the heroes lost.

When you set the starting range with a Cunning contest, the overall winner sets the starting range for everyone. In other words, all the NPCs go in one range band, and all the PCs go in another. That's true of every combat, actually. The heroes always start out in the same range band together.

That's why you want to win that roll, really. You want to put yourself at a good range, and also put the other heroes at a disadvantage whenever possible. If the bow-using guy doesn't like it, he can offer some Oaths in exchange for a better starting range.

If only one PC is involved in a conflict, they get the glory bonus for rolling highest, win or lose.

Message 25316#244264

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On 12/4/2007 at 3:02am, Aaron wrote:
RE: Re: Advantages and other things

All makes perfect sense!  Thanks for spelling it out John, that is just what I needed.

Would the winners of the cunning test for starting range get glory and the looser take impairment as well?.


Message 25316#244266

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On 12/4/2007 at 4:27am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: Advantages and other things

Yep, that's right. Glory and impairment apply there, too.

Message 25316#244270

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...from around 12/4/2007