The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Task resoulution idea
Started by: kouato_terra
Started on: 12/9/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 12/9/2007 at 7:13am, kouato_terra wrote:
Task resoulution idea

Hey everyone,  It has been quite some time since I last posted here at the forge, but I have been lurking around for a while now and I have to ask for some opinions about this mechanic.

This mechanic is kind of a cross between a karmic system and a fortune system.  I won't bother you with numbers or scales.

First the all characters have a few core attributes ranked by a numeric value.  For unopposed tasks the GM determines the target number, for opposed tasks compare the attributes both parties will use, the higher attribute will serve as the target number for the character with the lower attribute.

Unopposed tasks:  If the attribute is equal to or higher than the target number it is an automatic success (the degree of success is determined by how much higher the attribute is).  If the attribute is lower than the target number then the player rolles a number of d6 equal to the diffrent of the attribute and target number.  Each die that comes up a success is considered to add 1 to the attribute is reguard to the task being attempted

(Ex:  Ron wants to kick down a reenforced door, it has a target number of 5.  Ron has a (body) of 2.  The target number is 3 above Ron's attribute so Ron rolls 3d6.  Ron must gain a success on each die to complete the task) 

Traits in this system will add 1 to a specific attribute for each trait rank.  Traits are natural aptitudes the character has like strength, endurance, and wits.

(Ex:  Ron is trying to kick down the same reenforced door (target 5).  Ron's (body) is 2, but Ron also has the strength trait (rank 2).  In this case Ron has an effective (body) of 4 for kicking down the door, so Ron only rolls 1d6 to succeed the task.) 

Skills in this system will only come into play if the characters attributes are not enough to complete the task.  A skill adds a number of d6 equal to the skill rank to any relavent task, reguardless of target number or attribute.

(Ex:  This time Ron wants to clime a rock wall that has a target of 5.  Ron has (Body: 2), an (Endurance trait: 1), and the skill (Climbing: 3).  Ron has an effective climbing ability of 3 (body + endurance trait).  The target is 5 so Ron would normally roll 2d6 ( 5 (target) - 3 (ability) ).  But Ron has a skill that applies to this situation; Climbing.  Ron has rank 3 in climbing, that means Ron rolls 5d6, and only 2 must show a success.)

Opposed tasks:  Opposed tasks work in much the same way as unopposed tasks, but I think an example would better explain, for this example I will not include traits, just attributes and skills.


Attribute: Fight (3)

Skill: Swords (3)


Attribute: Fight (5)

Skill: Swords (1)

Bobby and Ron are having a sword fight.  Bobby goes first (no reason why, just for example purpose).  Boddy strikes at Ron, Bobby's fight is higher so ron will have to make a task roll to see if he can hit.  Bobby can also choose to roll 1d6 for his skill (if its a success then his fight is considered to be 6).  Rons fight is 3 that is two less that Bobby's fight, so Ron would normally roll 2d6, but because Ron's skill in swords is 3, he rolls 5d6, and only two die (or three if Bobby roll shows a success).  Ron rolls 3 successes and is able to dodge Bobby's attack, nexts it's Ron's turn.  Ron decides to luanch a counter-attack, but because Bobbu's fight is higher, Ron has to roll again, only this time Ron only rolls 1 success which means that Bobby, negated the attack.  How exaclty the attack is negated depends on the narriration, weither it's a dodge or a parry, really depends on how both describe there action.  Also, even though Bobby will never have to roll in this fight he must still narrirate his attacks and defence.  Traits will be implemented into opposed tasks later.

Well, I don't know iff that is coherent or not, but tell me what you guys think.

Message 25352#244556

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