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Topic: [TSoY] Out of stock?
Started by: akfu
Started on: 12/16/2007
Board: CRN Games

On 12/16/2007 at 9:54pm, akfu wrote:
[TSoY] Out of stock?

So after much lurking I finally decided to pick up a print copy of TSoY from Indie Press Revolution and to my horror they're out of stock!  Any idea when it will be reprinted?

I know that the text is available for free on the web but I would really like to have a print copy both to peruse at my leisure (and hopefully run a game from someday) but also to support Mr Nixon.

--Aaron the Akfu

Message 25396#244921

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On 12/17/2007 at 12:59am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?


Hey, I appreciate your interest! TSOY will be back in print when someone decides to publish it. It's, for all intents and purposes, public domain (it is under a CC-Attribution license, which is their for branding and overseas legal issues). IPR has the ability to print more at any time, as they printed the last batch: maybe they'll print more. Who knows? Not me - I am not that interested in publishing a role-playing game at this time.

- Clinton

Message 25396#244923

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On 12/17/2007 at 2:51am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

That's quite lazy of you, Clinton. I am tempted to finally re-translate the Finnish version, add some rules for mechas and ninjas and take your money. On the other hand, perhaps the time for books in roleplaying is over and Clinton is just smart enough to see it first ;)

Message 25396#244924

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On 12/17/2007 at 2:56am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?


It is lazy of me - and of course, I'm half-joking. I am waiting, though, for the first person to start printing TSOY instead of me: it'll be a load off my back, and let me think about writing more for it again.

- Clinton

Message 25396#244925

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On 12/17/2007 at 4:08am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

Really, if you mean that, ask us to do it; I for one don't really take these license declarations seriously as statements of intent. I couldn't imagine doing something like printing TSoY without your explicit blessings, and I imagine I'm not the only one. A license statement is just a license statement, for most purposes it's just empty words if what we do with it does not please you. If you're serious about wanting somebody else to reprint TSoY, I'm sure that one of us will take up the opportunity and do it at some point. I could imagine seeing several versions, even; while I myself wouldn't be that interested in doing an at-cost low-frills version, that's probably the first thing somebody else wants. It isn't that much work to take the text and turn it into a Lulu book, after all.

Message 25396#244928

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On 12/17/2007 at 9:59pm, oliof wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

I interpret this thread as a statement of intent, and wilfully take up the task to find a way to republish TSOY in english. Eero, if you'd like to add content, feel free to contact me for further collaboration.

Message 25396#244953

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On 12/17/2007 at 10:12pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

Clinton wrote: Hey, I appreciate your interest! TSOY will be back in print when someone decides to publish it. It's, for all intents and purposes, public domain (it is under a CC-Attribution license, which is their for branding and overseas legal issues). IPR has the ability to print more at any time, as they printed the last batch: maybe they'll print more. Who knows? Not me - I am not that interested in publishing a role-playing game at this time.

Hey Clinton,

This probably means that *Brennan* has the ability to put in orders for more copies or something, but hmmm, maybe he needs to be nudged about that (his day job is eating his face).  Does that seem like a reasonable assessment?

When IPR prints up new copies, does that mean that all the profits go to IPR, or do they go to you instead?

One thing I'd hate to lose in the "someone else prints it" scenario is the art & layout you've already assembled on the product.  Is there any way for those to be conferred to a publisher (such as Evil Hat, though we're hardly the only option) who'd be able/willing to keep the game in print?  And what happens to the money earned in such a situation?

(For what it's worth, yeah, I'd almost certainly be willing to take over the printing of TSOY as a part of Evil Hat's catalog, but I can't see having the time to do that in a way that means "get a bunch of art and redo the layout all over again".  Thus my questions!)

Message 25396#244957

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On 12/17/2007 at 10:19pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?


I sent you an e-mail re: IPR.

I only have a license to use the art myself, but man, is the layout the biggest problem ever in the world. I used a stupid program to make it, which means that every once in a while, copies printed from Lulu blow up and look awful. This problem is more than I want to deal with, to be honest.

Anyway, the point was - and sorry, Aaron, for derailing your question, the answer to which is, IPR will have more in 2 weeks probably - that I didn't put it under a CC-Attribution license for nothing. I invite re-prints.

- Clinton

Message 25396#244958

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On 12/17/2007 at 10:29pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

Okay, that answers what I need answered. 

On the IPR end, I'll get on Brennan about making sure a reorder's underway.

On the Evil Hat end, it doesn't look like it's something Evil Hat could take over without some serious elbow-grease (and either re-licensing the existing art or acquiring new art) -- so that option's something of a dead end, for now.

Thanks, Clinton!

Message 25396#244959

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On 12/18/2007 at 4:16am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

oliof wrote:
I interpret this thread as a statement of intent, and wilfully take up the task to find a way to republish TSOY in english. Eero, if you'd like to add content, feel free to contact me for further collaboration.

What kind of price point were you thinking? How about illustration and layout? What would you do with the profits?

Message 25396#244971

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On 12/18/2007 at 7:41pm, iago wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

IPR has put in a reprint order, for what it's worth.  This one just happened to miss us; apologies.

Message 25396#244992

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On 12/18/2007 at 11:26pm, oliof wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

I plan to buy layout and art for the german edition which I intend to get under a CC license compatible with the TSOY text. I am in negotiations about this with an artist already.

All this will probably take enough time to have no impact on the impending reprint, so al's well.

Message 25396#245002

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On 12/27/2007 at 11:07pm, sabbatregent wrote:
RE: Re: [TSoY] Out of stock?

I'm not really the one to speak to, but Ediciones Demonio Sonriente is going to do the same thing with the Spanish Edition.

We're currently translating TSoY in Spanish and we're already in the proofreading stage (and adding a lot of examples, also). We're making all the content of the wiki CC-BY also, and we're releasing a PDF version under the same licence. Demonio Sonriente has already asked Clinton for permission, and his physical version of TSoY will have professional layout and artwork.

Message 25396#245248

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