The Forge Reference Project


Topic: the character age "ability" issue -- one suggestio
Started by: ynnen
Started on: 6/19/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 6/19/2002 at 7:15pm, ynnen wrote:
the character age "ability" issue -- one suggestio

i've seen it stated in reviews and some boards how there isn't a feeling of difference in character abilities based on age other than innocence. to an extent, that's true...

since LF is a far more intuitive, freeform game, i'm sure most creative GMs would apply penalty or bonus dice as they see fit... but here's an idea i've been tinkering with to approximate how to determine whether or not to apply a penalty/bonus if it's not so clear cut.

If Character Age + Ability >= Opposing Target's Age, no problem
If Character Age + Ability < Opposing Target's Age, target gets 1 bonus die...

using this, a 6-year-old child with 4 Feet could "hold their own" using Feet against opposing targets up to 10 years old... but an 8-year-old child with only 1 Feet would be at a disadvantage (and the 10-year-old would roll an extra d6 for their Test).

that's the way we're going to approach it for a while... and it also fits the mold for why adults roll an extra die for their Tests -- in almost all cases, the second relation above would apply.

whatcha' think? any other "shortcuts" any LF GMs or players have come up with?

Message 2543#24779

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On 6/20/2002 at 3:23am, peteramthor wrote:
RE: the character age "ability" issue -- one suggestio

Well I touched on cutting down the number of playground points a player has to spend when they are playing the younger age. This balances out well with the younger child having the higher innocence and thus a higher belief.

I posted the rules up on my site at in the Red Tinted Glasses section. I am also going to post them here real quick as well. (of course you can still check out some of the other LF stuff on my site as well (: )


This is a starting Playground Points scale that I use. It shows that children at a younger age would have less development and strengths than the older children. Since the younger children have higher innocence ratings it balances out pretty well.

Age - Starting PaPs
6 - 0
7 - 1
8 - 2
9 - 3
10 - 4
11 - 5
12 - 6

Message 2543#24831

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On 6/20/2002 at 7:28am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: the character age "ability" issue -- one suggestio

I like that, ynnen. Have you tried it in play? Does it work well?

Message 2543#24859

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On 6/20/2002 at 12:54pm, ynnen wrote:
worked well -- when needed...

hey jason -- yes, this simple rule of thumb did work well, when it was warranted.

i only used it when there was a grey area that i didn't feel i could completely arbitrate just on "gut feeling" ... but it has come up several times per session, and it works well.

one of the characters, Johnny, a 1st-grader, is 7 years old, and was trying to run away from kids in the 3rd grade who were tormenting him ... they were 10 years old each. Johnny has a Feet of 2, so i gave the big kids an extra bonus die for their test. and it made a difference, as i rolled a "1" and a "4" ... it felt right to give them a bonus, and the little equation i came up with confirmed my feeling that it made sense and was appropriate.

as with all GM contrivances, though, it goes out the window if it doesn't feel right for a given situation! :)

Message 2543#24876

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