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Topic: Mortal to God game
Started by: darthfodder
Started on: 1/2/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 1/2/2008 at 4:11am, darthfodder wrote:
Mortal to God game

Okay, so I found out that there's already a game out there where the characters go from mortal to god from my last post on this same idea,but that's okay; because my game is different and has different goals. Basically, I've decided my game is going to be about gaining power, both as far as character powers go and as far as influence goes. The characters will start as low level nobles (20th in line to any throne at best) with minor "Godtouched" (my chosen jargon for saying they have powers) abilities. Besides gaining power, the game is also about having an impact on the world, whether it be for your characters own selfish needs or to save it. I think a little info on the setting would help elaborate. It's a medieval fantasy setting in which the gods have been waring for a long time and the war is just beginning to touch the mortal realm. The gods are fairly careless as to what happens to the mortals for the most part and as such find ways to use them for their own purposes. The war of the gods has basically damaged the fabric separating the immortal realms and the mortal realm. The result is immortals( not gods, they're far too arrogant to do things directly in the mortal realm) coming into the mortal realm to wage war and manipulate the mortals. To make matters worse, some evil gods actively try and succeed to enslave mortals. In such a chaotic world, the player characters are forced to grow in power( in both ways previously mentioned) to survive. Now, survival probably isn't their only motive, maybe they want a chunk of this power for their own selfish wants, maybe they have a grudge against one of the gods for something that happened to a family member or members, maybe they want to deliver the world from the ensuing darkness and chaos, it's the player's choice when making their character. Now, after coming up with all this, I've ran into a roadblock. First off, it just seems like this would be difficult to run with a group of people; unless the GM severely limited their starting conditions, which I'd like to make unnecessary if possible, I want the road by which the player characters come to power to be under their control for the most part. Another thing I just wanted input on are my resolution mechanics. I want it to be about 50% strategy(tactics, really), 30% grand strategy( use of resources, selection of powers, meticulous planning), and 20% luck. To do this I was thinking about a non-standard d6 system. Basically, characters would have high skill scores( numbers will of course be played with during playtesting, they will be high relative to ability scores) with a certain number of dice to add for their ability scores. The total of whatever two of these was being used for the situation would determine the total result of the roll. I might decide to make the d6 rolls success/failure rolls( each success would add +1 to the roll) I want the conflicts in the game to be mostly tactics, heavily influenced by grand strategy, and have luck have a very small( but still not insignificant) role in determining the outcome of situations.  Do these mechanics sound reasonable so far to project my vision of how conflicts should go?

Message 25454#245383

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On 1/2/2008 at 4:16am, darthfodder wrote:
Re: Mortal to God game

I'm so sorry for posting a new topic... I'm used to RIDICULOUSLY active forums. It's kind of refreshing to find one that you don't need to worry about begin complained at for "reviving a dead topic" when you reply to something you wrote a few days ago...

Message 25454#245384

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