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Topic: One-page RPG's: once a week!
Started by: Philippe Tromeur
Started on: 12/20/2007
Board: Endeavor

On 12/20/2007 at 12:50pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
One-page RPG's: once a week!

Philippe wrote: I'll write 52 1-page RPGs next year, one per week...
In fact, since I'll post them on Mondays, there will be 53 games :

Message 25501#245051

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On 1/9/2008 at 6:01pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: One-page RPG's: once a week!

I've started the challenge ! I hope I'll be able to beat GM Sharka...

First RPG was Totemique (shamans against Cybernet, the God-Machine)
Second game was Spherurges (what if giant balls fall from the sky and obey your will ?)
Third game will be Enigma (the enigma machine deciphers the Voynich and other manuscripts, becomes sentient, sends nazi guys to fetch more books ... stop them !)

Al games are in French, of course (maybe some day I'll translate some of them...)

Message 25501#245685

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On 1/10/2008 at 1:53am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

I am excited about this, Philippe.

Best, Ron

Message 25501#245722

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On 1/10/2008 at 9:00am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

The challenge may sound like insane, but in fact several of the games will use the same system and background.

For example, at least three of the games will be about a lovecraftian WWII, with a similar system : Enigma (nazis + grimoires + Nyarlathothep), Magna Mater (eastern front + Baba Yaga / Shub Niggurath), Yonanugi (japan empire + deep ones + Cthulhu)

The first two games use approximately the same system (kewl powerz are different).

Message 25501#245737

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On 2/2/2008 at 2:05am, Eldrad wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

No good to me!

It's like they are in another language or something!

Message 25501#247166

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On 2/2/2008 at 9:46am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Eldrad wrote: It's like they are in another language or something!
Yes, they're in French, but I may translate some of them into English (Enigma is translated ASAP).

Message 25501#247180

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On 5/14/2008 at 3:20pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

20th RPG uploaded tonight !
Four more games and I'll beat (and I'll be halfway).

Games so far are :
Totemique : Shamans against Terminators...
Spherurge : Big magic balls...
Enigma : Nazis with grimoires...
Nicolas Sarkozy : The life of a French president...
Urbi et Orbi : Special agents of the Vatican...
Yonaguni : A new island has risen, ninjas explore it...
Rogue Trader$ : Rise and fall of Jérôme Kerviel...
Apocalypse sur Seine : Civil war in Sarkoland...
Enquêtes Criminelles Spéciales : "Special Criminal Investigation" TV shows...
Somnambules : The frontier between dream & reality is thin...
Bastides et Bulettes : One of the shortest d20-based OGL Fantasy games...
Dernier Sang : We are Legend...
Vision Cul : "They Live" meets "American Pie"...
Sephiroth : Qabbalistic exploration of the solar system...
Ailleurs et Ici : Another game of dimension-hopping...
Pas d'Idée : Generic stuff...
Gardien de la Flamme Sacrée : Be one of the Blue Men from China ! Save the flame...
Vortex : Doors have opened between earth and alternate universes ! Blast the invaders with your giga-guns !
Expression Libre : Do what you want...
Etudiants, dian, dian ! : Be a member of the famous French C.R.S. anti-riot company, during the 1968 unrest...

Message 25501#251523

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On 6/4/2008 at 6:29pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

What a great project Phillippe! I wish my French was better. :)

Message 25501#252066

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On 6/6/2008 at 10:15am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

That's a stupid project, but I'm proud of it anyway. ;)

Message 25501#252140

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On 6/12/2008 at 12:44pm, GregStolze wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Spherurge : Big magic balls...
Nicolas Sarkozy : The life of a French president...
Urbi et Orbi : Special agents of the Vatican...
Vision Cul : "They Live" meets "American Pie"...

I want to know more about these three...


Message 25501#252250

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On 6/17/2008 at 11:29am, LukeSineath wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

I translated Orbi et Urbi.  It's a little rough in parts, but the mechanics are here.  Hopefully Phillipe won't mind and will smooth out my translation.  It's an action game, seems comedic.

Orbi et Urbi

In this role-playing game, players act as secret agents of the Vatican commissioned to investigate heretical sects, (some kind of) scientific doctrine, blasphemy and

Agents are defined by two characteristics: Urbi and Orbi.  Six dice are divided in any
fashion between these two stats.  There are also two secondary characteristics, Faith
and Life, equal to 3, but a player may transfer one point from either Urbi or Orbi to either of these.

Urbi (the city) represents intelligence, life experience, refinement, religiosity, etc.
Orbi (the world) represents sportsmanship (as in, affinity for playing sports, not "gentlemanliness"),
fierceness, sexuality/sensualness, savoir profane (I'm not sure how to translate this.
I get the sense of it; it is parallel to "life experience"--savoir-vivre-- above.)

Brother Antoine: Urbi 4d, Orbi 2d
Faith: [][][] Life: [][][]

Sister Francine: Urbi 3d, Orbi 2d
Faith: [][][][] Life: [][][]

Brother Patrick: Urbi: 1d, Orbi 4d
Faith: [][][] Life: [][][][]

To perform an action, roll a number of six-sided dice equal to either Urbi or Orbi.  The result is the highest die value plus the greatest number of matches: +2 for doubles, +3 for triples, +4 for quadruples, etc.
Exempli Gratia: a player rolls 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, for a final result of 7: 4 for the highest die value, +3 since the highest match is a triple.

Fights are contests of Orbi, which last about 10 seconds (? is that right?).  The character with the lowest roll loses one point of Life, but two points of Life if the winning roll was twice that of the losing roll. Guns inflict an extra point of damage.

Zero Life means one falls into a coma; below zero...death.  One point of Life is regained each day.

At the end of an adventure, a character gains 1d in Urbi or Orbi, or one point in Life or Faith.

The Force of Faith
A character may pray for God's help.  In order to do this he must spend a point of Faith and make a roll against a variable difficulty (from 6 to 10). (I'm not sure what you roll, how many dice.)

• (I can't figure this one out): 6
• to catch a taxi at a particular point in time (immediately): 8
• to strike someone with lightning: 10

Faith points are regained after one assists in a Dominican Mass. (I'm not sure if you have to conduct or merely attend the Mass.)

Ok, this last bit is a paraphrase, not a translation: the characters are trying to uncover a network of thieves who steal the wine used in Mass and sell it to Chinese bars.  The adventure should end at the docks of Hong-Kong, with lots of kung-fu and explosions.  Think John Woo.

Message 25501#252384

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On 6/24/2008 at 9:34am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

LukeSineath wrote:
I translated Orbi et Urbi.  It's a little rough in parts, but the mechanics are here.  Hopefully Phillipe won't mind and will smooth out my translation.  It's an action game, seems comedic.
Thanks for this translation !

LukeSineath wrote: savoir profane (I'm not sure how to translate this. I get the sense of it; it is parallel to "life experience"--savoir-vivre-- above.)
"profane" is everything that is not linked to religion. The strict translation would be "layman", but it's not exactly the same meaning.

LukeSineath wrote: which last about 10 seconds (? is that right?)
the combat rounds are 10 second long.

LukeSineath wrote: A character may pray for God's help.  In order to do this he must spend a point of Faith and make a roll against a variable difficulty (from 6 to 10). (I'm not sure what you roll, how many dice.)
It's an Urbi roll (I forgot to state it).

LukeSineath wrote:

• (I can't figure this one out): 6

"Double your number of dice for a single action" : 6

LukeSineath wrote: Faith points are regained after one assists in a Dominican Mass.
No... It should be "Faith points are regained after one attends a Sunday Mass."
"Assister" = "To attend"
"Dominical" = "Which is related to Sunday"

Message 25501#252567

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On 6/26/2008 at 12:45pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

The latest games are :
Zogabollo : a mysterious game of violence and abstraction
Yuz : lifepath-based fantasy RPG
Ninja 2000 : ninjas of the 80's
Arcanes : a generic RPG based on Tarot
Alerte Ninja 4 : the action movie storytelling game
Guerriers de Mars : giant vermin and barbarian violence on prehistoric Mars

Message 25501#252619

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On 7/2/2008 at 10:00am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Someone from the Story Games forum has translated Enigma into English :

And yesterday, I've uploaded Magna Mater (dark adventure in Transylvania), the third mini-RPG of Lovecraftan WW2 adventure, after Enigma (Alan Turing against Nazi sorcerers) and Yonaguni (ninjas againt Mi-Go and Deep Ones).

Message 25501#252793

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On 12/4/2008 at 3:05pm, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

The contest is almost over ... 4 RPG's left !

Message 25501#257756

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On 12/8/2008 at 5:29am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Wow, man! Epic! :)

Message 25501#257910

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On 12/19/2008 at 3:09pm, maldito wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Philippe wrote:
Arcanes : a generic RPG based on Tarot

Sounds cool, how it works?

Message 25501#258519

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On 12/31/2008 at 8:35am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

maldito wrote:
Philippe wrote:
Arcanes : a generic RPG based on Tarot
Sounds cool, how it works?
I guess it works, I haven't playtested it yet.

The contest is now over : I achieved 53 RPG's in 2008 (well, some of them are not-so-elaborate swindles...) !

Message 25501#258783

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On 1/3/2009 at 11:04pm, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Wow, that's quite a journey you went on! What would you say you learnt from it?

Message 25501#258906

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On 1/7/2009 at 8:42am, Philippe Tromeur wrote:
RE: Re: One-page RPG's: once a week!

Callan wrote: What would you say you learnt from it?
Not much, but now I have several dozen ideas for future developments !

Message 25501#259111

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