The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [IaWA] Future Consequences
Started by: Rustin
Started on: 1/31/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 1/31/2008 at 9:34pm, Rustin wrote:
[IaWA] Future Consequences

I had an idea about negotiating future consequence and enforcing future consequences.

Lets say, during negotiation I agree to have my character do something in the future instead of taking dice damage.
Later, I totally betray that negotiate agreement. I have my character do that thing I said I they wouldn't do. Right then, I take the dice damage.

Does this work with the rules?

Message 25647#247086

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On 1/31/2008 at 10:09pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [IaWA] Future Consequences


That's how Poison'd works, roughly. But I would never ever recommend it for the Wicked Age.


Message 25647#247087

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