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Topic: Skill Trees, and related problems.
Started by: Alfryd
Started on: 2/2/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 2/2/2008 at 3:03pm, Alfryd wrote:
Skill Trees, and related problems.

Like it says, I've been trying to come up with an RPG mechanic that revolves around the notion of skills being arranged in a hierarchy, going from vague, flexible and relatively weak abilities that progress down to more refined, specialised, and powerful skills.  A category of related skills would thus form a tree structure, with 'parent' and 'child' skills diversifying to model a character's portfolio of strengths (and perhaps weaknesses.)

To give an example- which will probable be needed to explain the problems I've been having, a straightforward warrior might have the following development of skills. (parent skill is listed in brackets after the child skill name.)

Life[]  2
  Body[Life]  4
    Brawn[Body]  7
    Vigour[Body]  5
    Foritude(injury)  6
  Mind[Life]  3
    Artifice[Mind]  6
      Combat[Artifice]  10
        Melee[Combat]  14
          Parry[Melee]  16
            Fencing[Parry]  19
        Proficiency(sword and dagger)[Combat]  13
          Proficiency(rapier)[Proficiency(sword and dagger)]  17
    Knowledge(general)[Mind]  5
      Knowledge(humans)[Knowledge(general)]  9


You can see what I'm getting at here.  Child skills are more powerful than their parents (which can substitute for them in a pinch,) but come at the price of specialisation.  This allows you to effectively abolish the distinction between attributes, skills, attack bonus, etc. etc. and permit the player to specialise solely in whatever set of qualities are best suited for the setting and style of play.

So far, so good.  Where I've been having significant problems is in the area of support skills- skills which aren't direct ancestors or children of eachother, but nonetheless benefit eachother in application.
For example, the above warrior should be able to use his proficiency with the rapier and knowledge of humans to increase his effectiveness in combat- when fencing against human opponents with a rapier.  (This problem is further complicated by the fact that he (obviously) won't get this bonus if he's hunting lions with a blunderbuss, but that's another issue.)  How would you model this kind of synergy?  Let them make several checks and keep the best result?  Add 1/2 skill level?  How do you exclude the effects of common ancestor skills?  Am I just going about it the wrong way?

Message 25661#247183

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On 2/2/2008 at 3:40pm, Hereward The Wake wrote:
Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Is it just me but I can't see your example just and empty grey square!

Message 25661#247185

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On 2/2/2008 at 5:57pm, masqueradeball wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Um, just do it. Have a rule saying that if a character possesses a skill that would be relevant to the situation but is less central than the skill their rolling with, add a bonus based on the rating of the related skill. If this is too cost beneficial (its easier/cheaper to wrack up secondary bonuses than improve the main skill) you might want to make the player pay for these synergizes some how. Like for X points (of whatever) you can add 1/5th of your Knowledge (Humans) to your Proficiency (Sharp Pointy Things) rolls when attacking humans...

Also, I imagine melee here means what it does in D&D, but just so you know, it doesn't mean that outside of that particular game, so maybe there's a better term. Also, "proficiency" smacks of D&D-ness. Of course, that's just my tastes, so feel free to ignore this last paragraph.

Message 25661#247186

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On 2/2/2008 at 7:21pm, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Is it just me but I can't see your example just and empty grey square!

Strange... what browser?
Life[]  2
  Body[life]  4
    Brawn[Body]  7
    Vigour[Body]  5
    Foritude(injury)  6
  Mind[life]  3
    Artifice[Mind]  6
      Combat[Artifice]  10
        Melee[Combat]  14
          Parry[Melee]  16
            Fencing[Parry]  19
        Proficiency(sword and dagger)[Combat]  13
          Proficiency(rapier)[Proficiency(sword and dagger)]  17
    Knowledge(general)[Mind]  5
      Knowledge(humans)[Knowledge(general)]  9

Um, just do it. Have a rule saying that if a character possesses a skill that would be relevant to the situation but is less central than the skill their rolling with, add a bonus based on the rating of the related skill. If this is too cost beneficial (its easier/cheaper to wrack up secondary bonuses than improve the main skill) you might want to make the player pay for these synergizes some how. Like for X points (of whatever) you can add 1/5th of your Knowledge (Humans) to your Proficiency (Sharp Pointy Things) rolls when attacking humans...

Yeah, but... consider the case of Proficiency(sword and dagger) boosting Combat rolls with that weapon(s).  They have 4 ancestor skills in common, which accounts for about half the total skill level, so adding a 20% bonus is like saying the skill level is, at minimum, 10% higher- once you take the skill.
I could add a rule that says 'exclude mutual ancestor skills', but that seems a little tedious to work out on the fly.  I could also work around it by divorcing the proficiency and knowledge skill trees from the main trunk, so to speak, but that might not work with all cases.  I mean, consider the Jump[Brawn] and Gymnast[Artifice] skills, which both demand active use (so I can't just split them off the main trunk,) but should probably support eachother in some fashion.
Also, I imagine melee here means what it does in D&D, but just so you know, it doesn't mean that outside of that particular game, so maybe there's a better term. Also, "proficiency" smacks of D&D-ness.

Well, I come from a largely D&D background, so, yeah.  I have no problem with different terminology if you think it's less confusing.

Message 25661#247190

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On 2/2/2008 at 9:35pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Least important comment first: Screw terminology. Explain what you mean, and worry about what to call it later on in the development process. Just go with what's easy.

Secondly, if you structure your skills a little bit differently, it might get rid of the problem. Try something like this:

Life[]  2
  Body[life]  +2
    Brawn[Body]  +3
    Vigour[Body]  +1
    Foritude(injury)  +2
  Mind[life]  +1
    Artifice[Mind]  +3
      Combat[Artifice]  +4
        Melee[Combat]  +4
          Parry[Melee]  +2
            Fencing[Parry]  +3
        Proficiency(sword and dagger)[Combat]  +3
          Proficiency(rapier)[Proficiency(sword and dagger)]  +4
    Knowledge(general)[Mind]  +2
      Knowledge(humans)[Knowledge(general)]  +4

So this way, you're fighting with proficiency rapier (Life(2) + Mind(1) +Artifice(3) +Combat(4) +Sword and Dagger(3) + Rapier(4) = 17) against a human (+4) for a total of 21. (fencing and proficiency rapier are kinda redundant, unless there's something I just don't get) If you did add fencing it would be 24.

Now maybe instead of adding the full 4 points of any synergy skills, you could halve them, so in the above case it would be a total of 19.5 (round up or down) with knowledge: humans and fencing thrown in.

Message 25661#247196

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On 2/2/2008 at 11:07pm, Capulet wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Hello Alfryd,

Well, you have a lot of options, depending on how you want the setup to work.

a): You could, as has been mentioned, allow the two to come from the same ancestor areas, and roll both as full Skills. This will require you to have a sub-mechanic that spells out what level of success on the knowledge aspect means as a form of bonus on the melee aspect.

b): You could separate the trees so that they *dont* share ancestors. Following this option, if I were in your position I would base combat skills off of a physical Parent. You will still need to work out a sub-mechanic, as in "a," so players will know what kind of bonus they get.

c): You could make specific Knowledge a kind of Specialization/bonus that is bought separately. The real plus with this option is that it will reduce the amount of rolling required (no need for a sub-mechanic). You also don't have to worry about ancestor skills or parent skills. Also, your Knowledge (humans) bonus of +4 (or whatever) could then readily be applied to other Skill trees, without having to worry about worming it into the actual tree structure for each one. "First Aid check final total 15, with my +4 Human Knowledge bonus, is 19. What's my difficulty on this roll?"

Good Luck!


Message 25661#247202

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On 2/3/2008 at 11:51am, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

(fencing and proficiency rapier are kinda redundant, unless there's something I just don't get)

Well, in theory you could attempt to fence with a stiletto or broadsword (you'd just suck at it,) and throw or cleave with a rapier (at which, again, you'd suck.  But less so than if you weren't familiar at all with the weapon.)  But you do raise an interesting point.
So this way, you're fighting with proficiency rapier (Life(2) + Mind(1) +Artifice(3) +Combat(4) +Sword and Dagger(3) + Rapier(4) = 17) against a human (+4) for a total of 21. ...If you did add fencing it would be 24.

Very true, but since you don't incorporate ancestor bonuses directly, you now have the computational hassle of adding up a half-dozen subskills for every check.  I have no intrinsic problem with this, but I've had complaints about the system being overly complex, so I was hoping to streamline.
(On the other hand, the example represents a moderately advanced warrior, by which time the player would (presumably) be used to adding up subtotals.)

In your experience, would you be more or less comfortable with doing this kind of math pretty often?
Now maybe instead of adding the full 4 points of any synergy skills, you could halve them, so in the above case it would be a total of 19.5 (round up or down) with knowledge: humans and fencing thrown in.

That, or allow direct ancestors to count double, whichever is less trouble.
However, this results in *very* generous bonuses for support skills that don't have much in common- such as Jump[Brawn], Gymnast[Artifice] and Balance[Acuity(tactile)].  Which might actually be fair, but it should be borne in mind.

c): You could make specific Knowledge a kind of Specialization/bonus that is bought separately. The real plus with this option is that it will reduce the amount of rolling required (no need for a sub-mechanic). You also don't have to worry about ancestor skills or parent skills. Also, your Knowledge (humans) bonus of +4 (or whatever) could then readily be applied to other Skill trees, without having to worry about worming it into the actual tree structure for each one. "First Aid check final total 15, with my +4 Human Knowledge bonus, is 19. What's my difficulty on this roll?"

Hello Adam.  I agree, by and large, but a few points-
1.  I probably still have to worry about parent and ancestor skills, since knowledge is just as hierarchical as any other field of expertise.  Science ->  Biology ->  Medicine, for example.
2.  This means this would be similar to divorcing the knowledge tree from the main trunk, so to speak.  Which is fine in this case, by and large, since knowledge doesn't have a lot in common with the combat tree regardless.
3.  I'm hoping to keep the skill tree as unified as possible, so that characters who haven't expressly trained in, say, Ornamental Basket-weaving[Weaving], can still have a reasonable proficiency at the task by substituting appropriate ancestor skills.

But what I'm mainly worried about is cases like the Proficiency subtree, where there are a lot of mutual ancestors.  I'm wondering if the simplest thing to do would be to actually limit performance in a given skill to 2x the level of all 'support' skills.  i.e, if your Knowledge(humans) is only 9, your skill level when fighting them can't exceed 18.  It's easy to apply, but it might be a little harsh.

Message 25661#247213

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On 2/3/2008 at 3:15pm, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:

Like it says, I've been trying to come up with an RPG mechanic that revolves around the notion of skills being arranged in a hierarchy, going from vague, flexible and relatively weak abilities that progress down to more refined, specialised, and powerful skills.  A category of related skills would thus form a tree structure, with 'parent' and 'child' skills diversifying to model a character's portfolio of strengths (and perhaps weaknesses.)

I think that the first order of business is to try and work out what you want this system to do. Are you looking for something that will naturally focus a character's development as they advance? Are you, perhaps, looking for something that is an understandable model of character progression? Are you looking for a system that is quick and easy to administer?

Message 25661#247222

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On 2/3/2008 at 4:31pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Unless I'm missing something, you just need a suitable resolution mechanic that can factor support ability bonuses fast and easy. Then you can just go case-by-case while playing, picking any abilities that suit the situation, pick the most important one as primary (if you want to have that distinction, that is) and check the others for bonuses to the primary. That's a simple, fast and flexible system that's also difficult to unbalance. The Shadow of Yesterday, incidentally, works like that.

Of course, picking the right resolution mechanic might be difficult, especially if you have some other requirements for it to fulfill as well. For example, if you're doing percentage roll-under, this is all very easy: just roll the support abilities and halve the chance of failure for each successful support. But it all depends on how your exact resolution mechanic works: how those ability scores are used to determine success and failure?

Message 25661#247223

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On 2/3/2008 at 4:47pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

My example was admittedly somewhat simplistic. You wouldn't have to add up the score for Rapier every single time.. You'd have the current total for each subskill listed next to it's bonus.. So it'd be more like this:

Life[]  2
  Mind[life]  +1 = 3
    Artifice[Mind]  +3 = 6
      Combat[Artifice]  +4 = 10
        Melee[Combat]  +4 = 14
          Parry[Melee]  +2 = 16
            Fencing[Parry]  +3 = 19
        Proficiency(sword and dagger)[Combat]  +3 = 13
          Proficiency(rapier)[Proficiency(sword and dagger)]  +4 = 17
    Knowledge(general)[Mind]  +2 = 5
      Knowledge(humans)[Knowledge(general)]  +4 = 9

Then you choose the primary (for my previous example I chose Proficiency Rapier) and add the individual sub-bonuses of each applicable support skill.

Also, to expand upon my comment about the redundancy of rapier and fencing.. If you're proficient with a rapier, you're not going to be proficient in using it in ways it's not meant to be used. You won't have learned how to hack with it like it were an axe, or bash with it as if it were a club. You will be proficient in using it as though it were a rapier, which is fencing. So, my personal, outsider's perspective on this is that you should have one or the other, but not both.

Now what does this mean if you have the proficiency rapier, but you use a broadsword? In that case, you'd just use your sword and dagger skill, assuming that this refers to skill with both swords and daggers (slicey-stabby implements) rather than a particular combat style utilizing both a sword and a dagger. If that assumption is wrong, then you'd just use combat.

Message 25661#247224

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On 2/3/2008 at 8:21pm, daeruin wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

You might try something fairly simple like counting the number of related skills that apply, with higher numbers of skills contributing a diminishing amount to the current roll. A single related skill adds so much, two skills add a little more, and so on, without considering how related the skill is. Very simple. Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I thought I'd throw it in there.

Message 25661#247230

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On 2/3/2008 at 10:32pm, masqueradeball wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

would my synergy bonus model work if you included both the total and the amount that particular aspect was raised? For example Knowledge (Humans) could be listed as +9/+6. 9 is the skill level when used alone, and 6 would be the synergy bonus when used with another Mind Skill, or, if you want synergies to be less effectual, that second number could be halved. So it would be listed as +9/+3... this seems simple and intuitive, is there something I'm missing that wouldn't allow it to work?

Message 25661#247237

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On 2/5/2008 at 10:16am, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Then you choose the primary (for my previous example I chose Proficiency Rapier) and add the individual sub-bonuses of each applicable support skill.

Ah, thanks.  That's much clearer now.  I'll have to consider the issue of proficiencies/weapon styles a bit more later.
I think, on balance, your suggestion is probably the most viable at present.
For example Knowledge (Humans) could be listed as +9/+6. 9 is the skill level when used alone, and 6 would be the synergy bonus when used with another Mind Skill, or, if you want synergies to be less effectual, that second number could be halved. So it would be listed as +9/+3... this seems simple and intuitive, is there something I'm missing that wouldn't allow it to work?

I suppose, yes.  There's still the problem that common ancestor skills grant too much of a benefit.... eh.

I think that the first order of business is to try and work out what you want this system to do. Are you looking for something that will naturally focus a character's development as they advance? Are you, perhaps, looking for something that is an understandable model of character progression? Are you looking for a system that is quick and easy to administer?

Of course, picking the right resolution mechanic might be difficult, especially if you have some other requirements for it to fulfill as well. For example, if you're doing percentage roll-under, this is all very easy: just roll the support abilities and halve the chance of failure for each successful support. But it all depends on how your exact resolution mechanic works: how those ability scores are used to determine success and failure?

My main concern was, for wont of a better word, realism.  I wanted to use skill hierarchies and support skills because it's a natural mimcry of how skills actually develop and interact.  So, I want to keep that if remotely possible.

By extension, I'd also like to be able to handle scaling (i.e, high-level skills and gaps between skill levels) reasonably well.  That is, a contest of skill level 20 vs. skill level 50 should have (roughly) the same odds as skill level 4 versus skill level 10.  I've considered a mechanic where you multiply your skill level by (2d6-2) (higher is better) to obtain a check result, but the math gets a little tedious for higher skill levels.  Another possibility is to roll and add different dice depending on your primary skill bonus.  I hadn't considered a percentile roll-under system, but on balance I'd like a more clumped probability distribution.

Handling scale is also fairly important here because of the synergies from support skills.  Because support skills can rise in proportion to the primary skill, any fixed range for dice rolls will eventually be overwhelmed by bigger and bigger bonuses.

I have no problem with using multiple rolls if that's less hassle than totting up situational subbonuses.

Message 25661#247313

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On 2/5/2008 at 12:33pm, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:

My main concern was, for wont of a better word, realism.  I wanted to use skill hierarchies and support skills because it's a natural mimcry of how skills actually develop and interact.  So, I want to keep that if remotely possible.

It seems to me that this model is not realistic because each member of the taxonomy contributes its full point value.

Take, for instance, fencing and rapier skills. Fencing is a sport based on the use of light swords, rapier is a light sword. In the real world, I doubt that your ability at fencing adds anything to your ability with a rapier. If you didn't have the rapier skill, or if you were using a light sword that wasn't a rapier, then one might see some advantage.

Message 25661#247318

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On 2/5/2008 at 9:03pm, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Wolfen has suggested that seperate skills for fencing and rapier proficiency may be redundant, but that can probably be fixed.

What I wanted to redress was the problem that, in many RPGs, two closely related skills/attributes are essentially treated as largely independant.  For a simple example, consider Strength and Constitution in D&D.  In realistic terms, it is extremely unlikely that a person could develop high strength (muscle mass through exercise) without substantially improving their constitution in the process (organ capacity, aerobic fitness.)  In GURPS, there's an informal solution using... what are they called, talents?- well, specific skills that boost all checks from a closely related group- 'smooth operator' for social skills, machine expertise, etc.
But then it occured to me that the simpler thing to do would be to abolish the distinction between skills and attributes entirely.  Any skill could have any other skill as a 'key attribute'.  (Maybe even several, if it's performance was dependant on/benefitted from multiple factors.)

Message 25661#247364

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On 2/5/2008 at 10:11pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.


As someone who likes "realism" in his RPGs as well, I'd like to weigh in on the topic you just brought up.

To address your D&D example specifically, it's actually not at all unrealistic. Looking at what Constitution affects in D&D, it is quite possible, and even likely, for person with a high strength to have a low constitution. In our modern day world, it's even common. Consider the strong fat guy, or the body-builder that neglects aerobic fitness, and concentrates on foods that will bulk him up, rather than make a balanced healthy diet. Both of these guys can be exceptionally strong, but will never be able to run a marathon, and may be susceptible to illness. Now, "hitpoints", which reflect the ability to take a beating and keep going may be tied to body bulk, which can be related to strength, but this isn't necessarily true, even in D&D. hitpoints may as easily be reflected as the ability to roll with a punch, which would be more likely to tie into dexterity.

Now, this isn't to say your answer isn't a good one, so long as it serves the goals you're going for in your game. I just wanted to briefly address this topic.

To address this line, now:

Any skill could have any other skill as a 'key attribute'.  (Maybe even several, if it's performance was dependant on/benefitted from multiple factors.)

What do you mean by this? Are you saying that you can, in your system, choose to have fencing be descended from knowledge: general? After all, it could be argued that you learned to fence by studying the written works of the sword masters, which led from your more generalized thirst for knowledge?

Message 25661#247370

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On 2/6/2008 at 3:48am, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Thank you for the feedback.

. Now, "hitpoints", which reflect the ability to take a beating and keep going may be tied to body bulk...

Hit points, in my experience, don't translate reliably to anything meaningful in realistic terms, and I'm not fond of them as a game concept.  If, however, one were to define them as 'ability to withstand direct physical punishment', then yes, improving muscle mass will certainly boost your hit points.

Ability to 'roll with a punch' corresponds to agility, flexibility, and combat experience, and should be modelled appropriately using combat skills such as dodge, fortitude(injury,) etc. etc.
Looking at what Constitution affects in D&D, it is quite possible, and even likely, for person with a high strength to have a low constitution.

Yeah, but you've just carefully explained all the secondary factors which would negate the otherwise normal correlation between developing strength and developing fitness- being overweight, having an unusual diet, etc. etc.  In addition, you may be confusing genetic aptitudes with growth through practice.  The majority of normal training activities that improve strength will also improve fitness.  Not as efficiently as direct training in those areas, but all else equal, the link stands, and should thus form a basis for normal rule mechanics.

What do you mean by this? Are you saying that you can, in your system, choose to have fencing be descended from knowledge: general? After all, it could be argued that you learned to fence by studying the written works of the sword masters, which led from your more generalized thirst for knowledge?

An intriguing suggestion, but I was thinking of cases such as the Archery skill, which might be tied to both Artifice and Acuity, and Gymnast, which might be tied to both Jump and Balance.  That sort of thing.

I've been considering whether it mightn't be simpler to abandon the notion of unique parent skills entirely, and just list 'related skills' that confer half their level as a check bonus.  Narrower skill sets could be balanced by a lower XP cost to develop, so you wouldn't have to worry about stacking their value relative to more general skills.  I think FUDGE uses something similar, but, (as with most things in FUDGE,) the mechanics are either open to a fault, a tad subjective, and/or highly informal.

Message 25661#247393

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On 2/6/2008 at 9:21am, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Hi Alfryd,

I too like skill-tree realism.  Here's an idea for a point-buy system.  If that's not an option for you, this won't be usable, but... maybe food for thought?

Basically, the idea is that buying and advancing a broad ("parent") skill is expensive, and buying a specific ("child") skill is cheaper.

System 1:
Let's say you have 12 points to spend.

Sleight of Hand costs 4 points per rank.
So, you can spend your points to get rank 3.
You can use Sleight of Hand to do various things (including pick a lock) wth a +3 on your roll.

Pick Locks normally costs 2 points per rank.
You can take Pick Locks without taking Sleight of Hand.
So, you can spend your 12 points to get rank 6.  That's a +6 on your rolls to pick locks only.

However, if you take Sleight of Hand (parent) and Pick Locks (child), the costs you pay for Pick Locks are now only to advance it beyond your rank in Sleight of Hand.  So if you pay 8 points for 2 ranks of Sleight of Hand, you can still pay 4 points for 2 more ranks of Pick Locks.  Thus you wind up with a +2 to any Sleight of Hand roll and a +4 to specifically picking locks.

System 2:
Sleight of Hand cannot be used to pick locks, but having Sleight of Hand reduces the cost of Pick Locks for that character from 2/rank to 1/rank.  So those 4 leftover points (after spending 8 on Sleight of Hand) can be used to buy 4 ranks in Pick Locks (instead of the 2 ranks they'd buy without Sleight of Hand).

System 3:
Combine 1 & 2.  8 points buy 2 ranks in SoH, 4 points buy 4 more ranks in PL, producing a total of 6 ranks in PL.

System 4:
Any of the above, but with an addition:
Spending points in PL gives you half that many points' worth of SoH.  E.g., spend 8 points in PL, get 4 points' worth of SoH (1 rank).  This means that your lock-picking expert necessarily has some ability at other Sleight of Hand tasks, which seems realistic to me.

Hope this wasn't off-topic...

Message 25661#247404

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On 2/6/2008 at 1:07pm, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:
Wolfen has suggested that seperate skills for fencing and rapier proficiency may be redundant, but that can probably be fixed.

It seems to me that this can only be done if you create a definite body of skills, each of which has the same impact on the game as any other.

What I wanted to redress was the problem that, in many RPGs, two closely related skills/attributes are essentially treated as largely independant. 

I think it's pretty obvious that the various stats that have been used in most rpgs are impoverished. They would not even be able to effectively model someone walking down a road. I suspect, however, that they work because they provide players with a point of difference. They can say that they are strong but clumsy, or smart but suffer from a frail constitution, and so on.

It seems to me that the value of a statistic in a game is mostly so that the player can get a handle on what their character is like, rather than to be capable of generating a bonus accurately . Perhaps it's unlikely that a character would be strong and unhealthy. But, it is easier to grasp, and that makes it easier to play.

I don't think this is just a function of 'stats'. I think it applies to skills or any other special ability that a character might be said to have.

I suspect a game that is real-world accurate is not as attractive as a game that lets a player draw their character with ease.

Message 25661#247416

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On 2/6/2008 at 8:45pm, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Hope this wasn't off-topic...

No, it's quite germane.  Thanks David.  I'll have to consider the system suggested and get back to it later.

It seems to me that this can only be done if you create a definite body of skills, each of which has the same impact on the game as any other.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean.  Presumably every skill, by virtue of having different effects, will have a different impact?  Are you talking about balancing their relative values, or do you just want to see more specific examples?
It seems to me that the value of a statistic in a game is mostly so that the player can get a handle on what their character is like, rather than to be capable of generating a bonus accurately . Perhaps it's unlikely that a character would be strong and unhealthy. But, it is easier to grasp, and that makes it easier to play.

I should perhaps emphasise that this skill structure is intended to accomodate skill development, without, for the present, considering the character's inherent genetic aptitudes.  I.e, nurture, rather than nature.
What struck me, for instance, as a major deficiency of D&D is that attributes are difficult to develop significantly after character creation (you get a 1-point bonus every 4 levels, IIRC.)  But things like strength, fitness, flexibility and even intelligence or charisma can all be trained extensively and improved through practice.  (Of course, they should also decay or atrophy through neglect, but that's another subject.)
I suspect a game that is real-world accurate is not as attractive as a game that lets a player draw their character with ease.

I'm not sure I really understand your criticism here.  Is there something inherently difficult to understand about general vs. specific skill sets?

Message 25661#247447

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On 2/7/2008 at 12:32pm, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:

It seems to me that this can only be done if you create a definite body of skills, each of which has the same impact on the game as any other.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean.  Presumably every skill, by virtue of having different effects, will have a different impact?  Are you talking about balancing their relative values, or do you just want to see more specific examples?

Balancing their relative values.

It seems to me that the value of a statistic in a game is mostly so that the player can get a handle on what their character is like, rather than to be capable of generating a bonus accurately . Perhaps it's unlikely that a character would be strong and unhealthy. But, it is easier to grasp, and that makes it easier to play.

What struck me, for instance, as a major deficiency of D&D is that attributes are difficult to develop significantly after character creation (you get a 1-point bonus every 4 levels, IIRC.)  But things like strength, fitness, flexibility and even intelligence or charisma can all be trained extensively and improved through practice.

How would this system provide a cure for that particular deficiency?

I suspect a game that is real-world accurate is not as attractive as a game that lets a player draw their character with ease.

I'm not sure I really understand your criticism here.  Is there something inherently difficult to understand about general vs. specific skill sets?

I agree that it seems unlikely that a person might not considerably increase their properties with diligence. However, it seems to me that a skill-based system is just at odds with reality as D&D. After all, you can't expect to increase your chance to hit an opponent with a sword once you have worked out how it works.

Beyond weapon familiarity, what determines whether or not you scored a hit is based on your ability to predict where your opponent will be. And, your willingness to hit them. Surely, that is not a function of any particular weapon skill. I've been in a few bar fights. The guy who could juggle snooker balls never worried me. The guy who was quite happy to throw them at people gave me grave concerns.

Message 25661#247496

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On 2/7/2008 at 11:49pm, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.


Balancing their relative values.
How would this system provide a cure for that particular deficiency?

Well, because things like Brawn, Logic, Vigour, etc. are all treated as skills that can be improved through practice like any other.  Presumably balancing can be handled (at least partly) by differing XP/buy point costs.
However, it seems to me that a skill-based system is just at odds with reality as D&D. After all, you can't expect to increase your chance to hit an opponent with a sword once you have worked out how it works.

I honestly can't see where you're coming from here.  Are you saying that a skilled swordsman would fare no better in combat than someone who'd never picked up a blade before?
Beyond weapon familiarity, what determines whether or not you scored a hit is based on your ability to predict where your opponent will be. And, your willingness to hit them. Surely, that is not a function of any particular weapon skill. I've been in a few bar fights. The guy who could juggle snooker balls never worried me. The guy who was quite happy to throw them at people gave me grave concerns.

I think this relates more to morale effects and knowing who's likely to start a fight, than to skill in combat per se.  But, just for the moment, if we assume that this is true, then you'd just have a general Combat skill, with particular styles of fighting (perhaps with particular weapons) as child skills.  Are are you saying that weapon proficiencies should be modelled as one-shot feats, or that their contribution is relatively small (entailing high XP cost to slow levelling?)

@ David Berg
However, if you take Sleight of Hand (parent) and Pick Locks (child), the costs you pay for Pick Locks are now only to advance it beyond your rank in Sleight of Hand.  So if you pay 8 points for 2 ranks of Sleight of Hand, you can still pay 4 points for 2 more ranks of Pick Locks.  Thus you wind up with a +2 to any Sleight of Hand roll and a +4 to specifically picking locks.

That seems fairly close to what I had in mind.
Sleight of Hand cannot be used to pick locks, but having Sleight of Hand reduces the cost of Pick Locks for that character from 2/rank to 1/rank.  So those 4 leftover points (after spending 8 on Sleight of Hand) can be used to buy 4 ranks in Pick Locks (instead of the 2 ranks they'd buy without Sleight of Hand)...
Combine 1 & 2.  8 points buy 2 ranks in SoH, 4 points buy 4 more ranks in PL, producing a total of 6 ranks in PL.

Actually, that presents an interesting solution to the 'ancestor stacking' problem.  Instead of boosting rank directly, parent/support skills might simply make a given skill much easier to learn.  So, you could pump XP into the child skill, and use the more general parent skills (perhaps at a penalty) in the meantime.
Spending points in PL gives you half that many points' worth of SoH.  E.g., spend 8 points in PL, get 4 points' worth of SoH (1 rank).  This means that your lock-picking expert necessarily has some ability at other Sleight of Hand tasks, which seems realistic to me.

An intresting notion, but shouldn't there logically be a kind of cascade effect back up the skill tree?  (i.e, 16 ranks in Fencing grants 8 ranks in parry grants 4 ranks in Melee grants 2 ranks in combat grants 1 rank in Artifice...)
I'll have to think about it.

I don't suppose anyone has suggestions about how to handle skill scaling?

Message 25661#247531

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On 2/8/2008 at 1:09am, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:

However, it seems to me that a skill-based system is just at odds with reality as D&D. After all, you can't expect to increase your chance to hit an opponent with a sword once you have worked out how it works.

I honestly can't see where you're coming from here.  Are you saying that a skilled swordsman would fare no better in combat than someone who'd never picked up a blade before?

No, but neither do I think it contributes a lot to combat effectiveness, especially as the character progresses.

Beyond weapon familiarity, what determines whether or not you scored a hit is based on your ability to predict where your opponent will be. And, your willingness to hit them. Surely, that is not a function of any particular weapon skill. I've been in a few bar fights. The guy who could juggle snooker balls never worried me. The guy who was quite happy to throw them at people gave me grave concerns.

Alfryd wrote:
I think this relates more to morale effects and knowing who's likely to start a fight, than to skill in combat per se.  But, just for the moment, if we assume that this is true, then you'd just have a general Combat skill, with particular styles of fighting (perhaps with particular weapons) as child skills.  Are are you saying that weapon proficiencies should be modelled as one-shot feats, or that their contribution is relatively small (entailing high XP cost to slow levelling?)

I think that modeling this realistically means that weapon familiarity gives you a reasonably large starting bonus, which quickly plateaus. It would behave like a logarithmic function. However, the ability to predict what someone is likely to do is somewhat more linear. This is not a morale effect. This is, I suppose, the general property of someone knowing a lot about combat, as you say.

If I were to model this, I would let the combat skill advance linearly at, say, 1:1. However, for bonuses that contribute to weapon familiarity, I would do something like this:

[tr][td] 3[/td][td]2[/td][/tr]
[tr][td] 6[/td][td]3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td] 10[/td][td]4[/td][/tr]

But, then, I would only be doing this because I was interested in realism. It seems to me that the most important job that a game can do is provide a means of describing things to everyone involved in a clear and concise manner.

People who can model human interactions with the world accurately would not be designing rpgs. They'd be working for NASA.

Message 25661#247536

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On 2/8/2008 at 10:33pm, Alfryd wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

I think that modeling this realistically means that weapon familiarity gives you a reasonably large starting bonus, which quickly plateaus. It would behave like a logarithmic function.

Ah.  I can see what you're getting at now.  ('Morale effect' refers to "willingness to hit them.")  What about parent proficiencies for broad categories of weapons?  Would you say these stack with the child bonus before diminishing returns, or apply seperately?
But, then, I would only be doing this because I was interested in realism. It seems to me that the most important job that a game can do is provide a means of describing things to everyone involved in a clear and concise manner.

This doesn't strike me as a major difficulty provided the mechanics involved aren't mandatory aspects of the game.  I mean, the rules for weapon proficiency won't concern you unless you take the combat skill AND a particular proficiency skill.  Any given player only needs to concern himself with rules pertaining to his character's area of specialisation.  My main concern is streamlining the basic mechanism for skill progression, which, I agree, should be kept relatively simple.
People who can model human interactions with the world accurately would not be designing rpgs. They'd be working for NASA.

This doesn't mean you can't come up with a reasonable approximation for a given degree of complexity.  There are areas where strict adherence to realism isn't vital for me- such as the incidence of combat-related fatalities, for obvious reasons- but I would like to keep results that are at least plausible, if not probable.

Message 25661#247597

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On 2/9/2008 at 8:42am, Velcanthus wrote:
RE: Re: Skill Trees, and related problems.

Alfryd wrote:
What about parent proficiencies for broad categories of weapons?  Would you say these stack with the child bonus before diminishing returns, or apply seperately?

I'd just lump all contibuting bonuses together and push them through the aggregate series.

Message 25661#247617

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