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Topic: ScrapRPG art/rules help
Started by: ScrapRPG
Started on: 2/10/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 2/10/2008 at 4:48am, ScrapRPG wrote:
ScrapRPG art/rules help

Hi all im new to the forum and I heard that this was the place to go for help with my RPG Scrap. I have not done much so far on the game i have made a website and started a small rough draft for the rules. Here are the rules i have so far...

Rough set

What you will need:

Moving to cover
Blind firing

If anyone would like to help me on the rules for a couple of months that would be great. Also here is the history...

The game is based in the year 2713 and more than 700 new planets have been found. One is Juggernaut 8 the biggest planet ever found population 21 billion 100 years ago now 400. Because of the alien race known as the Invaders, the invaders are 8 foot tall pale brutes, they have their own classes like the Stormer is a large invader with a gun called a ripper that fire 30 caliber shells. Also there are 2 foot tall snoter's who carry guns that are a small rifle. But the invaders took over juggernaut 8 and moved onto a smaller planet known as Scrap, a city planet now rubble but the invaders have kept their fleet of Warships about the size of a normal house but packed with guns and invaders.

The population of Scrap before the invaders came was 15 billion now less than 1000. The survivors do their best to survive by using peices of rubble and scrap to create vechiles and weapons. The 3 classes of the survivors are Soldiers who were part of a defense force to defend against the invaders but failed horribly. The second class is Sentinels who use the power sorce of the invaders armor and put it in stims to inject themselves with giving them extra powers (telekinisis, read minds and sense danger). The third class is scavengers who have special armor extending out of the gut to throw extra scrap into.

Now in the game soldiers can carry more weapons cannot carry as much scrap but can use a smaller amount of power than sentinals. Scavengers can carry more scrap but less weapons but cannot use powers. Sentinals can carry scrap but more than a soldier and less than a scavenger can carry more guns than a scavenger and less than a soldier but can use more powers.

Scrap is used to make things so if im a player in the game i could ect draw up a weapon then i will pass it onto the game master and the weapon must have how tall it is and how wide it is then the gamemaster must say how much scrap its worth. If the player has enough scrap they may create the weapon. You may also make vechiles and armor whatever you want. so try think up a futuristic weapon draw it on a file post it to me i will say how much it is worth then you can join a game when the game is finished and use whatever you drew in the game. Its a game that takes imagination.

Also the invaders HATE rust but they have special liquid they put on rust to make it shinier. If an invader was to touch rust it would start to melt but some armor protects them from rust.

So thats a rough copy of the history. If someone could help me with History for a couple of months that would be great.
And one last request I need help with art for a couple of months becuase I have drawn since grade 2 (now in grade 7) and my brother hates my drawings i also asked people at school they say my drawing is horible. So yeh any helop for a couple of months would be great although i cannot pay only in givving a copy of the game when its finished.

Here is the website i know its not the best but its a start. Anyone who could help with the website until the game is finished would be great.

Your sincerely ScrapRPG

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On 2/12/2008 at 3:55pm, contracycle wrote:
Re: ScrapRPG art/rules help

Scrap, realistically people are not likely to commit themselves to working on your game.  It's quite a big thing, and most people have pet design of their own to work on, or are interested in things that may not coincide with your own ideas.

I suggest it would be more useful for you to concentrate, for the moment, on producing a game that you can play yourself, rather than extras like a website.  At the moment, what you have listed is a subset of combat rules, but you need quite a bit more than this to get the game to even ab testable state.  Things like character progression, or creative uses for scrap and so on.

You have some interesting ideas and may well be able to create an interesting game, but I think you need to start a bit smaller than aiming at publishing at the outset.  If you ask questions about how to do this or that thing, with which you are having trouble, people here will be both more able and more likely to assist, than simply signing up to work with you.

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On 2/13/2008 at 1:38am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: ScrapRPG art/rules help


This shit is inspired. For the record, "scavengers who have special armor extending out of the gut to throw extra scrap into" is one of the most exciting phrases I've ever read.

contracycle's right, though: you have an outline of a small amount of combat, and a setting, but to get help, you'll have to do a little more work. What are your goals for your game? What sort of games are you playing now, and what do you like about them?

When I get serious about planning out a game, I do one of two things: I either write a transcript of play or take a game I like that has some similarities to what I want, and play it, changing rules as we play to fit the game, and writing down what we changed, so I can see what game I want at the end. You might have your own methods, but I'd go for it, and let us know what you come up with.

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