The Forge Reference Project


Topic: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.
Started by: program
Started on: 2/10/2008
Board: Endeavor

On 2/10/2008 at 12:29pm, program wrote:
RPG Experiment, Five stories done.

Hi again, for anyone who has been following my blog at:
I would like to let you know that there are five stories for download and vote.  These are not intended to be the only options, so if anyone has any stories they would like considered, please post here or at my blog.
Oh, and heres the file:
If you don't know what I'm talking about, RPG Democracy is an experiment to see what is produced if an RPG rulebook is mad via votes.
Let me know how you find it, and please continue to vote.

Message 25717#247650

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On 2/10/2008 at 3:35pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.

I'm letting this stand on the slight chance that it's not spam. "program" posted in First Thoughts already, with New RPG idea. If it's legitimate, it seems more like an endeavor to me now, so I moved this thread here.

To "program": I suggest that you engage in conversation here at the Forge when people ask you questions. You answered Peter a little bit, but more than that will be necessary to show that you are not using our forums as your advertising and recruitment board. If I don't see that from you, I'll move your two threads into the Inactive File (a forum where spam and other flotsam gets dumped).

Best, Ron

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Message 25717#247653

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On 2/10/2008 at 4:13pm, program wrote:
RE: Re: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.

Sorry to anyone if I have caused offence.  I have replied to any questions I have been asked, and I do want to get involved with the RPG community scene.  If in future, I have a question about the best way to progress in an area of my RPG experiment, I don't know how to go about it without it being seen as another advertising opportunity.  If you think it would be better if I cancelled my account, then I would understand that I do not fit with this forums etiquette and would not take offence.
*To peter*
I really did not mean to offend you or disregard this community.  I am writing this here to show you that it matters to me that I have caused bother.  I really did not know that my post would.  I did reply to your questions, and have done any wrong-doings under ignorance rather than disregard.  Again let me apologise and hope that this can be sorted out.

Message 25717#247658

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On 2/10/2008 at 6:16pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.

You haven't offended anyone, and let's not have any nonsense about canceling accounts. That does not happen here, after we learned it was a bad idea 'way back in 2000-2001. I am glad you posted, because now I'm more confident that you are an experimental guy with an idea, not a scam to increase clicks on some banner-driven site, or something like that.

First thing: what's your name? Just the first name will do; it's hard to talk to someone who calls himself a program.

Second thing: what led you to this idea? It's innovative and interesting, but I think people here would like to know more about how it came about. Is it working out in way that's satisfying to you?

Third: what can we do here, in this thread? Your thoughts on that are valuable, but I have a suggestion as well. It is for people who participate to give public feedback of their experiences with your site and idea. Does that sound OK to you?

Best, Ron

Message 25717#247665

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On 2/10/2008 at 7:48pm, program wrote:
RE: Re: RPG Experiment, Five stories done.

Hello again.  I just felt like I needed to clarify, and I don't know how much I had offended anyone.  Glad to see that people here aren't so strict.  And for what its worth, I really am not a scam.
Well onto the three points.
    The idea came about when I saw how many people had issues with their RPG.  Not that anyone I spoke to disliked their game, just little problems.  For example, a friend likes the game he plays, but he thinks there are too many dice, and someone at my local RPG shop/club thinks that the plot and story is perfect, but doesn't like the actual mechanics of the game.  Personally, sometimes I feel like the bigger RPG companies can be a bit, 'You must buy our models to play our games', which isn't how I started playing (with a old D&D rule book), where you could find a model someone had made as a hobby at home, and buy it as your hero character.  Im not saying that the bigger companies are like that, just how I feel sometimes.  So I thought, well if you like your game, but want fewer dice, and I like my game, but want more freedom in model choice, and they like their game but want different mechanics, then lets vote and maybe get rid of a lot of the problems.  Later I realised the most important thing wasn't the game, but the right to vote on the game.  RPG Democracy is born.
    What you suggested about this forum being for people feedback is a great idea.  You see, I'm trying to make it so not even I can overly affect the way the RPG and site is run, and I am currently hassling a friend to be admin number 2.  I try to keep a balance of voting to my work so people don't feel like I'm not pulling my weight, but at the same time giving way for consensus.  The reason I joined this forum in the first place is simple:  I am creating a RPG rules set via voting, this rule book will need mechanics and rules, so I check for forums about RPG creation and dynamics, and yours pops up, nothing too complicated there.  While right now, the only thing the experiment needs is voters (thus the kinda cheeky promotion), it will soon need help on the rules side and help choosing software to help co-ordinate things, I would just like to show my presence and not just say "Hey I joined 2 minutes ago, give me all your help and ideas". 
    So theres the run down of the RPG Democracy thing, hope you like it, and by the way, my names Rich, hello!

Message 25717#247667

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