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Topic: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games
Started by: Editions Icare
Started on: 3/12/2008
Board: Publishing

On 3/12/2008 at 1:43am, Editions Icare wrote:
Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Hi everybody,

I am the creator of a French publishing company of rpg: Editions Icare

We have just published our first game: PRAETORIA PRIMA ( an English version of which is besides under consideration.

Today I shall like to offer to the creators of indies rpg  possibilities of translation and sale of their games to public French.

It will be able to be made in the form of pdf or of printing according to games.

If people are interested by this plan which they feel free to contact me ( so that we can discuss it more precisely.

I thank you for having read these message  and hope I shall work with some of you.

Very warmly

Editions Icare

Message 25923#249296

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On 3/13/2008 at 12:36am, Editions Icare wrote:
Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games


we just have open our webstore ( and could offer direct resealing of ebook games (even in english).

We propose low fee (15%) and direct paypal payment after each sale.

If you're interested, feel free to contact us (

Best regards


Message 25923#249332

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On 3/13/2008 at 12:02pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games


Would you like to tell us more about your business? How many people are there in Icaruss Press; is it just you and whoever is needed on a per-project basis, or do you have a particular organization? What kind of capital do you have? How about your goals in rpg publishing? What does "indie" mean to you? How do you see the current French rpg scene, what are the trends and how do your goals interact with them? What kind of rpgs you like to play? What is Praetoria Prima like? What kind of indie games would you be interested in translating? how would you publish them?

Being transparent about stuff like this is, I've found, pretty important in building trust in the local indie scene. It also helps us evaluate whether we might have some projects that would benefit from French confederates. While I'd love it if there were more indie activity in the Francophone rpg scene, I've never heard about your project before, so I have no idea what to make of it.

Message 25923#249357

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On 3/13/2008 at 12:26pm, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Dear Eero,

I'll try to anwser to any questions, one by one :

Would you like to tell us more about your business?

--> Icare is a very young publishing house wich goal is to promote and publish quite marginals games.

How many people are there in Icaruss Press; is it just you and whoever is needed on a per-project basis, or do you have a particular organization?

--> As i say we are a very little compagny. I manage all business office but i'm helped by an enthousiast community of authors and illustrators.

What kind of capital do you have?

--> indiscret question, so secret answer ;) . Few thousands dollars.

How about your goals in rpg publishing?

-->My goal is to promote and help rpg creators without lost too much money and i hope in one or two years even won some money. As all RPG publisher isn't it?

What does "indie" mean to you?

--> Indie rpg mean for me one word : freedom. Freedom of creativity. Nevertheless this freedom rarely agree with the goals of major publising compagny. So indies games often stays confidentials unspite of theirs qualities.

How do you see the current French rpg scene, what are the trends and how do your goals interact with them?

Bader than us one. French rpg market is a quite confidential one. But they're thousands of players awaiting new rpg. We're looking to offer them originals games on specific subjects.

What kind of rpgs you like to play?

I like to play fantasy, super, sf, and historicals games. Sometimes gothic horror or victorian age...

What is Praetoria Prima like?

Praetoria Prima is a game located under the Nero's reign. You play secret romans agent which goal is to preserve Empire and its stability.
Its an historical game with some fun.

What kind of indie games would you be interested in translating?

As i made for french games i published (or will publish), just games i like with nice team. For me relationship is essential and i want to work only with nicely people.

how would you publish them?

Depending of the game. Pdf, POD, real print, both of them. It will be a negociation with each author or team.

That's done :p

I hope i have well answer to your questions.

Best regards


Message 25923#249360

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On 3/13/2008 at 3:13pm, GB Steve wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Are you also planning on bringing French games to a wider market? I'm thinking of games like Star Drakkar, Charognards, Sovok, Patient 13 or Larmes de Rouille.

Message 25923#249363

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On 3/13/2008 at 4:20pm, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

No, because i have not the rights on these games.

Nevertheless we'll translate in english each of our own productions for pdf resealing. You'll be able to read Praetorian Prima in few months.

Message 25923#249366

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On 4/5/2008 at 2:39pm, Lucca wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games


What is your email address. I try the one above but it did not works as it doesnt have @

Message 25923#249989

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On 4/5/2008 at 9:11pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Greetings Morlaes,

In regards to translation, what sort of/how much experience does your translator(s) have in translation from English to French?

Message 25923#250003

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On 4/6/2008 at 5:25am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Lucca: replace the "_AT_" in his address with "@". The @ symbol is called 'at' in English, as it basically means the same thing as the adposition in question. Thus folks routinely replace the symbol with the word in the internet to avoid spam: spammers collect email addresses in the internet with automatic bot programs that recognize an address by the @-sign. It is therefore believed that a modicum of protection against spam is gained by avoiding writing out your email address in a machine-understandable format on public web-pages. Now you know!

(Oh my, I certainly hope I didn't just give the game away to our spammer pals...)

Message 25923#250007

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On 4/8/2008 at 4:38pm, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games


we're proud to announce that we become official french translator and publisher for EABA game system by Greg Porter.

The translation may be finished in fex month and printing may be for January.

We always expexcting some little studios interested by french translation of their games.

Best regards


Message 25923#250082

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On 4/13/2008 at 12:25am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Congratulations, Morlaes and Greg! I hope you both will report back here to the Forge on the undertaking. We'll be interested in hearing whether the translation gets finished and how the publishing is arranged - print runs, distribution and all that stuff. The Francophone market is very interesting, after all.

Again, kudos to Greg for being the point man in this. As a fellow indie game translator I know how big an issue trust is in these projects - success with EABA will weight heavily in Icarus' favor in future projects.

Message 25923#250251

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On 4/21/2008 at 9:04am, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Editions Icare are pround to announce the coming soon of our game, Praetoria Prima, in english version.

It will be sale as pdf format for a price of 25$ USD (15€ half of the french print version). Maybe we could install POD for US market but is quite mostly uncertain.

A little pitch of the game :

Praetoria Prima is a rpg which offers to get you into a world of conspiracies and blood: Roman Empire, under the reign of Nero.

Distinguished member of secret Praetoria Prima, you will make all that is possible to assure maintenance and greatness of Empire against its enemies and conspiracies which they plans towards it.

Politics, inquiries, conspiracies and secrets wait for you on the corner of every crossroad of Ancient Rome.

Book of 164 pages.

We hope to be ready for june.

Best regards


Message 25923#250623

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On 5/31/2008 at 1:02pm, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

Hi, Praetoria Prima, the roman empire game, will comme very soon for english speaking players.

It'll be sold as a pdf trough RPGnow, etc. for 19USD and also probably as a book for 29.90USD.

There is the cover :


The game will be available in the next week.


Message 25923#251958

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On 6/18/2008 at 1:38pm, Editions Icare wrote:
RE: Re: Editions Icare : French translating and resealing of Indies games

It's done !

Praetoria Prima is available in pdf (english version) :

In the hope you'll be pleased to discover these original french production :-)

Message 25923#252405

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