The Forge Reference Project


Topic: (IaWA) - Oracle Schmoracle
Started by: Nathan Herrold
Started on: 3/17/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 3/17/2008 at 3:13am, Nathan Herrold wrote:
(IaWA) - Oracle Schmoracle

What do you think about Oracles written in the 1st and 2nd person?
I'm trying to write up an Oracle for Camp Nerdly using lyrics from Bob Dylan songs.
Many of the more colorful phrases are NOT in the 3rd person.
Does this throw anything off?
Do you see this as maybe being akward in play?
Would players have to create themselves as charcters?

Message 25945#249476

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On 3/17/2008 at 1:23pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: (IaWA) - Oracle Schmoracle

Let us know what you find out!


Message 25945#249482

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On 3/17/2008 at 4:28pm, lachek wrote:
RE: Re: (IaWA) - Oracle Schmoracle

I would love to see some examples of this, Nathan. Sounds like a great idea.

Message 25945#249484

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On 3/17/2008 at 7:17pm, Nathan Herrold wrote:
RE: Re: (IaWA) - Oracle Schmoracle

here's a couple...

"i'm waist deep, waist deep in the mist.  it's almost like i don't exist"
"the long black cloud is commin' down"
"the rats got your flour, bad blood it got your mare"
"an answer blowin' in the wind"
"the dying gunfighter lays in the sun, and gasped his last breath"
"the beauty parlor is filled with sailors"
"einstein dressed as robin hood, with his memories in a trunk"
"the naked truth is still taboo whenever it can be seen"
"the hollow horn plays wasted words"
'hollis brown lived on the outside of town with his wife and five children and his cabin fallin' down"

i have some more but they must be in another notebook, or on a scrap piece of paper.
it'll more than likely be called "Endless Highway".

Message 25945#249486

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