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Topic: Fluffy Bunny
Started by: Filip Luszczyk
Started on: 3/18/2008
Board: Black and Green Games

On 3/18/2008 at 1:11am, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
Fluffy Bunny

First, does this game have any actual implied rules, or is it more of a template for the player(s) to work things out? It's just, pages 5 & 8 are confusing a bit when it comes to Happiness economy and its impact on gameplay ;)

Second, would you mind if I translate the game into Polish and make the translation available via my blog and on my Polish forum? We have this thing for bunnies, you see... ;)

Message 25950#249495

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...started by Filip Luszczyk which Filip Luszczyk participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/18/2008 at 4:04am, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
Re: Fluffy Bunny

Heh, forget my first question. I've been misled by the character sheet-ish appearance of the document. I mean, initially it made an impression of being a ten page character sheet to me, and I totally misread page 5, thinking it was implied that the player needs to determine his or her character's starting Happiness somehow. However, after another reading it's apparent to me that no such thing is necessary. It seems there is, in fact, no need to track one's Happiness at all, as only the fact of bumping its level to 10 after performing a feat seems to matter. I didn't even imagine the game could have such a prompt and immediate reward cycle :D

Now, the procedures seem crystal clear to me. I think I grokked how the game is supposed to work. What's more, if it works the way I, er, think it works, it seems brilliantly effective. Also, much more funny than I initially considered it to be :)

Perform a feat from the list. Bump your Happiness to maximum. Heh.

My second question stays :)

Message 25950#249499

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...started by Filip Luszczyk which Filip Luszczyk participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/18/2008 at 5:20am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Starting happiness is 10.


Message 25950#249501

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...started by Ben Lehman which Ben Lehman participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/18/2008 at 2:56pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

No, Ben. Actually starting happiness is 0. Or indeterminate. You have to accomplish a feat to make it 10.


And, Filip, yes! I'd be honored if you translated it into Polish. I'd be happy to send you the original InDesign file if that would assist you. I believe that Fluffy Bunny is my game that has had the greatest number of playtests  so far (that I'm aware of), with one game encompassing a table full of at least 12 people. It's quite a feat for it to be the first translated to another language as well.

(nibble, nibble)

For those wondering about the game:
Fluffy Bunny


Message 25950#249506

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...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/18/2008 at 5:35pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Am I thinking of a rule from the playtest version?


Message 25950#249508

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...started by Ben Lehman which Ben Lehman participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/18/2008 at 7:04pm, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

And, Filip, yes! I'd be honored if you translated it into Polish.


I'd be happy to send you the original InDesign file if that would assist you.

That would certainly be helpful... only I'm an Ubuntu user, and don't have access to InDesign, unfortunately. If you have separate picture files, especially cover image and the one from page 9, they should come in handy. Otherwise, I should manage.

Message 25950#249510

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...started by Filip Luszczyk which Filip Luszczyk participated Black and Green Games
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On 3/19/2008 at 2:07pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Ben wrote:
Am I thinking of a rule from the playtest version?

Must be. Or are you drifting it?

Have you played the live action version?

Message 25950#249532

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Black and Green Games
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...from around 3/19/2008

On 3/19/2008 at 8:46pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Emily wrote:
Ben wrote:
Am I thinking of a rule from the playtest version?

Must be. Or are you drifting it?

Have you played the live action version?

I have! Remember, in Seattle?

I'm thinking of the initial brainstorming session. I remember the rules being "happiness starts at ten. If you do anything, happiness goes to ten! It never goes down."

But there was a gap of time between the brainstorming and the game's publication.

Message 25950#249542

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On 3/23/2008 at 6:49am, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

The translation is available here and here.

Happy Easter! ;)

Message 25950#249615

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...started by Filip Luszczyk which Filip Luszczyk participated Black and Green Games
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On 5/6/2009 at 4:15pm, goodwill221 wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Fluffy bunnies is a game, which is usually played at teenage parties, but anyone can play. The idea is to see how many marshmallows a person can fit in his or her mouth.

If just shoving marshmallows into one's mouth isn't bad enough, another idea behind fluffy bunnies is that each time a player puts a marshmallow into their mouth, they have to say 'fluffy bunnies' with a reasonable amount of clarity.

Message 25950#263610

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...started by goodwill221 which goodwill221 participated Black and Green Games
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On 5/6/2009 at 5:43pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

:) My game has some heavy competition from it's namesake there, then.  Another funny thing is that since Fluffy Bunny can be played with an almost limitless number of people (as many as can see/hear the GM), it's probably in the running for the game I've had the most players for already.

Message 25950#263616

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On 3/3/2010 at 10:55am, latestnws22 wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

[deleted spam]

Message 25950#273981

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On 3/9/2010 at 5:23pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Fluffy Bunny

Fluffy Bunny recently got a nice little tongue in cheek review at Role Playing Game Geek:

A Lovely Look at Lagomorph Lifestyles

Message 25950#274282

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