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Topic: Ygg CharGen & Tests
Started by: Laurel
Started on: 6/25/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 6/25/2002 at 1:38am, Laurel wrote:
Ygg CharGen & Tests

On a roll today, here's a third and final attempt to make a character based exclusively on someone's game design notes. I picked Ygg. Let me know what I do wrong, Christoffer. I'm using your notes on the YGG Blogspot

1. Roll set of values (stats 1d4+3 + hp 1d4+1)... allocating specific rolls to specific values allowed (I just go as is)

Power: 3+3 = 6
Movement: 4+3= 7
Toughness: 4+3=7
Witchpower: 2+3= 5
Soulstrength: 3+3=6
Awareness: 3+3= 6
Intelligence: 3+3=6
Appearance:1+3= 4
Charm: 1+3= 4
Hitpoints: 3+4= 7

2. Choose Race
Okay, I'm ugly and have no social skills and not a lot of witch power. I can live with that. Who wants to have powers any way? I think... I'll be a FEMALE TROLL!

Modifiers to apply- Female troll: +1 Toughness & Appearance, -1 Awareness

That leaves me with:
Power: 3+3 = 6
Movement: 4+3= 7
Toughness: 4+3=7+1 = 8
Witchpower: 2+3= 5
Soulstrength: 3+3=6
Awareness: 3+3= 6-1= 5
Intelligence: 3+3=6
Appearance:1+3= 4+1= 5
Charm: 1+3= 4
Hitpoints: 3+4= 7

3. Choose Class
Martial Artist! A martial artist female troll! Why the heck not? *g*
The skill picks for martial artist aren't listed, but they'd be there in a more complete version.

4. Jot down my fate points (2)

5. WS & RS.. To do that part, I'd need to know the martial artist package, so I skip it.

6. Additional Fleshing out.

I name my Troll Sheeroar and give her the concept of monsterous avenger.

That's as far as I can get with char gen, based on the information that's been posted. However, to run through a sample skill test, I'm going to make some stuff up on the fly.

Martial Artist
Weapon Skill +3
Ranged Weapon +2

Free picks
Flying Kicks (3)
Defensive Blocks (3)


Sheeroar is attempting a flying kick at a door. She has a 3 in the skill, a power of 6, for a total of 9. Reading the Skill Test section... lets say it would normally be
Highly difficult to kick open this particular door.. (its solid oak and locked)... Since my stat is 6, I get a +2 to accomplish it, however. Or can I combine my Power Stat + Flying Kick Skill for 9 and get a +5 bonus?


Sheeroar is now engaged in combat with a very angry dwarf, played by the GM. I'm going to give both Sheeroar and the Dwarf WS of 6, Sheeroar with a DS of 6, Dwarf with DS of 4.

Sheeroar, by charging Dwarf, gets the initiative. She rolls a 5, to bring her WS+4=11. The Dwarf's WS+DS+7=17; Sheeroar missed. The Dwarf, on his attack rolls a 10.. WS+10= 16- he misses, because he needed a 19 to hit her (WS+DS+7)

(rolls eight rounds of combat, neither time either character getting a hit because of that extra +7 tacked on to WS+DS needed to hit; no fumbles, no critical successes)

Message 2602#25348

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On 6/25/2002 at 5:29am, Christoffer Lernö wrote:
Re: Ygg CharGen & Tests

Laurel wrote: On a roll today, here's a third and final attempt to make a character based exclusively on someone's game design notes. I picked Ygg. Let me know what I do wrong, Christoffer. I'm using your notes on the YGG Blogspot

Well the rules are inconsistent as they are written down. I started to revise things but then I went back to the drawing board with a lot of stuff. So I'd be surprised if you managed to get something useful out of it.

Power: 3+3 = 6
Movement: 4+3= 7
Toughness: 4+3=7
Witchpower: 2+3= 5
Soulstrength: 3+3=6
Awareness: 3+3= 6
Intelligence: 3+3=6
Appearance:1+3= 4
Charm: 1+3= 4
Hitpoints: 3+4= 7

Okay, I'm ugly and have no social skills and not a lot of witch power. I can live with that. Who wants to have powers any way? I think... I'll be a FEMALE TROLL!

Keep in mind that the human average is 5. And actual stat range for humans vary from 2-7 rather than 4-7. This is how you roll up a hero.

The hitpoints are 1+1D4 so that should be 4 rather than 7.

Sheeroar is attempting a flying kick at a door. She has a 3 in the skill, a power of 6, for a total of 9. Reading the Skill Test section... lets say it would normally be Highly difficult to kick open this particular door.. (its solid oak and locked)... Since my stat is 6, I get a +2 to accomplish it, however. Or can I combine my Power Stat + Flying Kick Skill for 9 and get a +5 bonus?

Oh, the skill test stuff is highly confusing right now. I'm not gonna keep it the way it is, but interesting question nonetheless.

Sheeroar is now engaged in combat with a very angry dwarf, played by the GM. I'm going to give both Sheeroar and the Dwarf WS of 6, Sheeroar with a DS of 6, Dwarf with DS of 4.

Ok, DS will almost always be higher than WS since it's WS+shield modifier. But ok let's pretend this is the case in the following combat example.

Sheeroar, by charging Dwarf, gets the initiative. She rolls a 5, to bring her WS+4=11. The Dwarf's WS+DS+7=17; Sheeroar missed. The Dwarf, on his attack rolls a 10.. WS+10= 16- he misses, because he needed a 19 to hit her (WS+DS+7)

Ok, this is wrong. Sheeroar has to roll the dwarf's static DS+7 (=11) or higher with her WS+D12 (=6+1D12). So if you go with the roll of 5 that's exactly enough to hit. There is no defense roll in my game.

The Dwarf rolling a 10 hits too since he only needs WS+D12>=DS+7 to hit. Or in other words the Dwarf hits on a die roll 7+. Sheeroar would hit on 5+. So both rolls actually hit.

Message 2602#25368

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On 6/26/2002 at 3:36pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: Ygg CharGen & Tests

*nods* I hope this helped point the way for some of the changes Ygg could use- completing the archetype packets, rewriting the Skill Tests, changing the wording on some of the combat material.

Message 2602#25539

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