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Topic: POISON'd actual play?
Started by: agony
Started on: 4/20/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 4/20/2008 at 1:27pm, agony wrote:
POISON'd actual play?

I can't seem to find any actual play posts or playtesting posts with examples of play.  A search yields nothing.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Message 26115#250606

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On 4/21/2008 at 2:44pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: POISON'd actual play?

People are kind of cagey about their Poison'd play. The best writeups I know aren't public, they're in email to me or on blogs and local forums.

Here's my writeup of a game I ran in Edinburgh: Conpulsion 2008 story 1: Poison'd
Here's Ralph Mazza's writeup of a disastrous game: Problems with Poisn'd
Here's my (controversial) writeup of a GenCon game last year: GenCon Poison'd, but you don't get the whole story

I think that Willow played and wrote about it, but I can't find her writeup. Anybody help?


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Message 26115#250632

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On 4/21/2008 at 11:07pm, agony wrote:
RE: Re: POISON'd actual play?

Thanks Vincent.  If people are private about their play and don't wish to share I don't intend to intrude.  I'm just trying to figure out what this game is about besides Pirates.  The Poison link on your blog is dead and information seems hard to come by (in stark contrast to IaWA).  There doesn't seem to be any reviews floating around either...quit the mysterious game.

Message 26115#250648

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On 4/21/2008 at 11:45pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: POISON'd actual play?

Oh hey, look at that, the link IS dead. I'll go fix it. It's supposed to go here ... which you'll still find uninformative.

I talked about the game's rules here, though: [Poison'd] A Boring Thread About Theory

And I'm always happy to answer questions.


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Message 26115#250650

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On 4/22/2008 at 1:06am, agony wrote:
RE: Re: POISON'd actual play?

That theory thread is somewhat informative.

In case anyone else was looking for information, I found this revealing thread on RPG.NET:

Oh and a google search of the story-games forum was productive as well.

Looks like I'll have to pick up both Poison'd and IaWA.

Message 26115#250656

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