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Topic: [IAWA] First Play Yielded Questions
Started by: David Artman
Started on: 4/28/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 4/28/2008 at 4:41pm, David Artman wrote:
[IAWA] First Play Yielded Questions

So I finally got to play IAWA at NC Game Day on Saturday, and we had a couple of questions. As I also "won" a copy of the rules--the GM designated the winner as whomever was at the top of the We Owe list, and so I stayed there once I got there; i.e. "cheated" a bit--I was able to read them yesterday; and I don't think these questions are answered:

1) Can one change forms between rounds? Seems like "Yes" is the answer (via negotiation) based on other posts; but what about if I just want to change forms in mid-exchange, for "plausibility" reasons? For instance, I enter a conflict Directly For Others, start to get hammered by advantage dice or a gang-up, and switch to For Myself to try to escape.

2) Can someone "yield" in mid-exchange, basically forcing their opponent to injure or exhaust them before further narration occurs? For instance, if (a) I am certain that I am screwed anyway and (b) I like the position in the story to which the most-recent narration has brought us. I suppose one could negotiate for this, per the rules; but given that it's me trying to lose immediately, why should another player be able to continue to move the narration forward if I "Give" (to use a DitV term)?

Thanks... and kudos for another fascinating story game, Vincent!

Message 26166#250903

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On 4/28/2008 at 5:17pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: [IAWA] First Play Yielded Questions


1. By default, roll the same forms in every round. If you want to switch dice between rounds, you have to negotiate it with your opponent.

2. Nope! Again, roll forward as normal by default, and if you want to do something else, you have to negotiate it.

However, if you say "hey, instead of rolling forward with the advantage, how about we call it here and you exhaust me?" I bet money that your opponent will agree to it.


Message 26166#250910

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On 4/28/2008 at 7:40pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: [IAWA] First Play Yielded Questions

I figured it all came to negotiation, but wanted to confirm.

As always, thanks for the prompt reply and unwavering support!

Message 26166#250918

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