The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Universalis goes to layout ---> ATTN Playtesters
Started by: Valamir
Started on: 6/26/2002
Board: Universalis

On 6/26/2002 at 2:35pm, Valamir wrote:
Universalis goes to layout ---> ATTN Playtesters

The final version of Universalis has been sent for layout (we snagged Matt Snyder for the job which means it will look a hell of alot better than the draft copies we've been using). Art is being finished up, there are only 2 pieces we haven't seen yet, the rest have been approved and are being inked.

There've been alot of changes. The heart of the game is intact, but its much more streamlined, much less record intensive, and much less klunky than prior versions. I also find it much more fun. Alot of the changes came as direct result of discussion here in this forum, so thanks to all who participated.

Everthing is on track for a Gen Con release at the Indie Booth organized by Adept Press and Key20. Print versions will be available there, and a PDF available on the web at about the same time.

IMPORTANT: If you have played a game of Universalis (any prior version) be sure to get me a list of names of the participants (sooner rather than later) so you and they can be included in the credits.

A REQUEST: Anyone who wants to see the final version before its official release can. My only request is that you actually play the game with the new rules before GenCon and be willing to post in the Actual Play forum about the game here, and possibly even do a full capsule review for RPG.Net. This would be greatly appreciated.

FYI: following the games release, I intend to lock all of these older threads and make the Universalis forum open.

Message 2619#25527

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