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Topic: Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky
Started by: oriondarkwood
Started on: 5/6/2008
Board: Connections

On 5/6/2008 at 6:39pm, oriondarkwood wrote:
Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky

This campaign world can be played with any d20 or D&D version

(NOTE if you want more details or some of my playtest notes feel free to DM me here or email me at my alias

Years of gendoical war has taken it toll on the Kindgom of Foresky the landscape is ravished, humans and elves have been enslaved by the tens of thousands the last bastions of freedom the elvish forest of Ky'Lie and the human fortress of Lastshot are the only places not in the evil Overlord Tierail's control. Tierail a anicent demon released from his prison of the tweleve runic daggers by one of his 4 generals a human know as Darlick the Betrayer. His other generals being Sylia the Seducer, a subbui of great power, Lich lord Amaze, and finally the anicent red know to humans as Spark.

Lasthope: Built decades ago during the brutal wars to tame the kingdom of Foresky, it is a fortress with a mountian at its back. Home to roughly 5,000 it has became the last bastion of a kingdom that is only on maps. All the blood of Foresky has been murdered by Tierail, the capital was one of the first cities to fall. Lasthope current commander is the youngest of all of Lord Foresky's generals, General Ronius Heartblade. All able bodied people of Lasthope are required to serve in the milta. And all immigrants are keep in a area known as the QPen until they can be verified that they are not spies of the enemy.

Ky'Lie: A former great forest, now a mere shadow of what it once was. Mighty treants help the elves protect the last reminding areas of the fortress deep within lies a anicent silverleaf that holds the might of the elves. Rare and powerful magics, ancient and powerful relics and tomes of anicent lore wrote when the world was young and untamed.. And man was still living in caves

Human / Elven relationships are a little chilly at best (the whole human set the big bad demon mofo free thing)

NPC's of Note

* Lasthope (Humans)
o General Ronius Heartblade - Leader of the human armies, and mayor of Lasthope
o Capt Modius - captain of the guards in Lasthope
o Capt Grindbolt - highest ranking dwarf in the human army
o Lt. Wilson - in charge of the scouting and raiding parties
o Lt. Slientsnap - in charge of assassinations and recon
o Lt. Bodrage - in charge of assaults on enemy encampments
o Lt. Mince aka Flaming Maid in charge of defenses so named for her firey temper

* Ky'lie (Elves)
o King Elf Lord Gleaming Treelight - rarely seen anymore lives at the heart of Ky'lie
o Lord Silverleaf -  commander of the elven army
o Lady Magusroot - most powerful known wizardess in the free armies
o Lord Goldbranch - high cleric of the elves
o Lord Muffleberry - the most human of the elves, high level rogue and spokeperson

Message 26209#251231

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On 5/7/2008 at 3:52pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky

It must be just me, but I seem to read the name of the setting consistently as "Foreskin". Must be some flashback to the Year of the Cock or something.

Other than that, contact requests are usually fronted on the Connections subforum. Perhaps the moderation will whisk us there at some point.

Now, to the business: what kind of campaign material do you have for this? Perhaps you could list some general information:

• How long is the campaign in sessions, roughly?
• Dungeons, wilderness, city adventure?
• CR-appropriate encounters, sand-box model, something else?
• Railroaded, No Myth, living world, something else?
• What kind of monsters, NPCs? Combat-intensiveness?
• Apparently this doesn't include statistics of any kind if it's playable with any D&D version?
• NPC write-ups? Set-piece descriptions? Maps?
• What kind of publication are you thinking for this?

I'm trying to get a sense for what kind of campaign materials you have here, as that will surely impact on the interest of prospective playtesters. I'm probably not myself going to be able to playtest a D&D campaign this summer, but telling more about what you actually have (apart from the backstory, which seems nice enough for D&D) will surely spark interest. What you've written leaves me a bit uncertain of whether we're speaking of a fully realized old-school campaign with hex maps for overland travel, or a '90s style plotted and GM-led campaign, or something entirely different.

Message 26209#251263

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On 5/8/2008 at 3:42am, oriondarkwood wrote:
RE: Re: Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky

Eero wrote:
It must be just me, but I seem to read the name of the setting consistently as "Foreskin". Must be some flashback to the Year of the Cock or something.

Other than that, contact requests are usually fronted on the Connections subforum. Perhaps the moderation will whisk us there at some point.

Now, to the business: what kind of campaign material do you have for this? Perhaps you could list some general information:

• How long is the campaign in sessions, roughly?
• Dungeons, wilderness, city adventure?
• CR-appropriate encounters, sand-box model, something else?
• Railroaded, No Myth, living world, something else?
• What kind of monsters, NPCs? Combat-intensiveness?
• Apparently this doesn't include statistics of any kind if it's playable with any D&D version?
• NPC write-ups? Set-piece descriptions? Maps?
• What kind of publication are you thinking for this?

I'm trying to get a sense for what kind of campaign materials you have here, as that will surely impact on the interest of prospective playtesters. I'm probably not myself going to be able to playtest a D&D campaign this summer, but telling more about what you actually have (apart from the backstory, which seems nice enough for D&D) will surely spark interest. What you've written leaves me a bit uncertain of whether we're speaking of a fully realized old-school campaign with hex maps for overland travel, or a '90s style plotted and GM-led campaign, or something entirely different.

First of all something I forgot to add, Foresky is what I call a 3 day gaming would. I come up with a concept then build a kingdom or world around it with some quick backstory and rule mods if needed in 3 days. So far I have created quite a few of these (some better than others). I started doing this because one I always had issues with set campagin worlds and two when I started out my group was poor so we had to make do with the core books (PHB,DMG, MM)

No I had no sexual thoughts in mind when I came up with the name, the similarities to Foreskin is accidental. As for the campagin, I don't have a specfic one wrong up other than the one in the history (ie destroy Tierail and kill his generals, or aleast re-bind him by finding the 12 runic daggers). But as a whole the entire kingdom is set up as a old school D&D module, heavy combat since all the PC's are likely to live in Last Hope or Ky'lie (Kye Lee).

To answer your specfic questions

Q: How long is the campaign in sessions, roughly?
A: It could be as long as short as the DM wants it. But the campagin I ran in it the PC's took almost 1.5 years game time to defeat Tierail

Q: Dungeons, wilderness, city adventure?
A: Most typical adventure areas are covered, the kingdom itself is in grass/woodlands with mountians

Q: CR-appropriate encounters, sand-box model, something else?
A: Mostly sandbox, the adventure could be scaled. The PC's where 17th level when they defeated Tierail (2nd edition rules)

Q: Railroaded, No Myth, living world, something else?
A: DM's choice, I am more of a free form DM where if the players do not follow the main plot and do their own thing events happen, this would be a bit more linear since unless the PC's where working for Tierail they would be killed or ensavled

Q: What kind of monsters, NPCs? Combat-intensiveness?
A: Stock D&D monsters, Tierail and his generals would probably be unqiue. With SRD rules, Tierail would be a pit fiend with mage/cleric levels

Q: Apparently this doesn't include statistics of any kind if it's playable with any D&D version?
A: Yes

Q: NPC write-ups? Set-piece descriptions? Maps?
A: I do have notes if needed, the maps I have are crude (I can't draw well)

Q: What kind of publication are you thinking for this?
A: None its free for the taking, I am doing it to build up my street cred and learn how to be a better RPG designer

Message 26209#251293

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On 5/8/2008 at 9:15am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky

("Publication" as a concept also includes publishing for free in the Internet. Nothing wrong with it.)

Seems pretty dandy to me. Perhaps you should put all the material up on a web-page or something to attract playtesters? I imagine that the quality of the materials and especially how they are presented would affect the interest of prospective groups a great deal. For what it's worth that seems to be the kind of scenario-based campaign building I'd like, it's just that I'm far too busy to take on a D&D campaign at this point.

Message 26209#251299

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On 5/8/2008 at 1:06pm, oriondarkwood wrote:
RE: Re: Playtesting wanted for D&D campagin world - Foresky

Eero wrote:
("Publication" as a concept also includes publishing for free in the Internet. Nothing wrong with it.)

Seems pretty dandy to me. Perhaps you should put all the material up on a web-page or something to attract playtesters? I imagine that the quality of the materials and especially how they are presented would affect the interest of prospective groups a great deal. For what it's worth that seems to be the kind of scenario-based campaign building I'd like, it's just that I'm far too busy to take on a D&D campaign at this point.

Already working on that.. I try to get some information up today.

Message 26209#251303

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