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Topic: LC RPG first thoughts again
Started by: shays
Started on: 5/14/2008
Board: First Thoughts

On 5/14/2008 at 7:19pm, shays wrote:
LC RPG first thoughts again

OK first I have to give props to Levi Kornelson for some of the attribute descripts.  Anyhow below is what I have for attributes and an experience/leveling system.  The idea is to have no level caps but still keep characters relatively under control for stat boosts.  Thoughts?


There are three main attributes that define a character.  These are HEART, MIGHT, MIND.

HEART deals with all of the skills a character may have.  The higher the experience the more points a character has to spend on:

Health * Fatigue

MIGHT deals with all of the physical attributes of a character.  The secondary attributes to MIGHT are:

Strength * Fortitude * Reflexes

MIND deals with the mental attributes of the character.

Reasoning * Willpower * Perception

Power deals with the number of special abilities a character gets and the strength of those abilities.

Attribute Descriptions

Strength: A measure of your character's muscle power. Players might make Strength checks to lift, bend, or break items in their way. GMs will probably call for Strength checks less often. Examples of Strength checks:

 Push a jammed door open.
 Keep a hold on the princess and the rope while you both dangle over the edge of a cliff.
 Push apart the jaws of a prehistoric fish as it attempts to swallow you.

Fortitude: A measure of your character's biologic toughness and constitution. Players will rarely make fortitude checks without prompting from the GM. The GM might call for a roll when the character is facing some test of endurance or resistance. Examples of using Fortitude:

 Holding your breath and remaining conscious.
 Recovering from exposure to poison gas.
 Resist infection after successfully retrieving an item from the innards of a disgusting mass of writhing alien flesh.

Reflexes: A measure of your character's ability to physically respond quickly to stimulus. Players may be asked to make Reflexes checks when their character is facing a situation demanding an immediate response. Examples of using Reflexes:

 Catching a potion vial dropped by the villainous enemy.
 Grabbing a root as you head over the edge of a cliff.
 Run down a steep hill without tripping.

Reasoning: A measure of your character's ability to piece things together. Players can use Reasoning to ask for "hints" from the GM, when their character is smarter than they are. Similarly, the GM can use Reasoning checks to limit a character's actions if the character might not be smart enough to take them. Examples of using Reasoning:

 Make a guess at the villain’s next move from his previous actions.
 Correctly deduce a NPCs motivation from his actions.
 Identify a murderer from scanty evidence.

Willpower: A measure of the strength of your character's mind, and his resistance to temptation. Players might make a Willpower check to ignore pain. A GM might call for a Willpower check in response to some Powers or actions of NPCs. Examples of using Willpower:

 Resist a temptress' attempt to distract your character through use of her feminine wiles.
 Stay awake on guard duty after a long day's march.
 Push your hand into a disgusting mass of maggot infested fleshy corpse to retrieve an item within it.

Perception: A measure of your character's general acuity in observation and alertness. Players may use Perception to look for hints, clues, or hidden and disguised things. GMs may call for Perception checks (or make them secretly for characters) to see if the characters are surprised by sneaky attackers, or notice subtle clues. Examples of using Perception:

 Notice the clothing bulge caused by the thug's dagger.
 Note a missing facial tick in an imposter.
 Get a "correct" feeling that "we're being watched."


As a character campaigns they will receive experience for their actions.  Depending on the action they perform they may gain experience toward MIGHT or MIND.  A character who uses Reasoning or Willpower to overcome an obstacle will receive MIND Experience where a character who uses brute force will receive MIGHT Experience.  Once a character has received 100 experience points (XP) they receive an attribute point for that category. To increase a stat such as strength they need to spend the corresponding attribute points.  For example to raise strength from a +3 to +4 costs 4 MIGHT attribute points.  To raise it from +4 to +5 costs 5 attribute points.  To raise an attribute from 0 to +4 would cost 10(1+2+3+4) attribute points.  Once a character’s combined MIGHT and MIND experience totals 250 the character gains one HEART level and may increase either their health or their fatigue.  Every 500 experience the character also receives an additional FEAT until they reach level 50.  At level 50 a character receives no additional feats but may instead specialize in the feats they have.  A character may not specialize in any feat before level 50.

Message 26257#251541

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On 5/15/2008 at 12:34am, shays wrote:
Re: LC RPG first thoughts again

A couple things I should have mentioned... First I am leaning towards a skill based system (dx+y) and more than likely a d20 since I like how it easily breaks down into a +/-5% chance of success per bonus more or less (well not really but I won't go there for now) Secondly the meat of what I am posting and looking for feed back on is the section under experience.  All the attribute info is only there since I make reference to it in the Experience explanation.

Message 26257#251555

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On 5/15/2008 at 6:35am, Michael Johnson wrote:
RE: Re: LC RPG first thoughts again

Hey shays,

I particularly like how the 'Reasoning' attribute works -sounds like fun :D
I like the experience system too, so forgive me for not having any advice to give xP

Keep up the good work though *thumbs up*, and lemme know when/if your ready to playtest ;)


Message 26257#251559

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On 5/16/2008 at 12:53am, shays wrote:
RE: Re: LC RPG first thoughts again

Positive feedback is always nice.

Michael wrote:
Hey shays,

I particularly like how the 'Reasoning' attribute works -sounds like fun :D
I like the experience system too, so forgive me for not having any advice to give xP

Keep up the good work though *thumbs up*, and lemme know when/if your ready to playtest ;)


Message 26257#251591

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On 5/16/2008 at 5:00am, Michael Johnson wrote:
RE: Re: LC RPG first thoughts again

Indeed ;D

So the first 50 levels decide the basic 'template' for your character (ie 'might' or 'mind' based, or a hybrid), and any levels from then on simply specialize you further in the type of character you have designed? Sounds cool.

What I want to know is:

-Will there be a class/profession system to go with this? The reason I ask is because you say 'additional' feat every 500 experience, suggesting that there are feats gained from other things -though perhaps additional simply means that you gain 1 feat every 500 exp and that your character is built from a combination of feats and attributes, without any influence from classes etc?

-Have you posted other threads concerning this project? I should very much like to read them :D


Message 26257#251597

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On 5/16/2008 at 5:35pm, shays wrote:
RE: Re: LC RPG first thoughts again

Personally I am not a huge fan of classes.  Though they do a good job of balancing a system the just feel to cookie cutter to me.  I am leaning towards a template system.  I'll balance out feats by including feat trees to make it a little harder to munchkin out.

Message 26257#251628

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