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Topic: Pre-emptive attack too good?
Started by: Brian Leybourne
Started on: 6/28/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 6/28/2002 at 2:58am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
Pre-emptive attack too good?

Quick opinion poll / thoughts inquiry for those of you who have played TROS yet (or at least mucked about with combat).

Situation - two fighters of equal skill both with sword + shield and no armour (lets say 10CP each). One declares white and one red.

The red guy declares an attack. He's being careful because it's only the first exchange , so he uses 4 dice to attack and saves 6 for exchange 2.

Fighter 2 can now declare his defense, yadda yadda. However, he has the option of attacking instead. Now, stealing initiative is expensive, but who says he needs to - he declares a sim block/strike. To be careful he puts 8 dice into defense and 2 into attack. Doesn't matter that he goes second, because he still gets his block, and it's an almost guaranteed hit on the first guy as long as he doesn't fail his block (8 dice at TN5 versus 4 dice at - probably - TN6 or 7 is no contest really) and he doesn't fluff the attack (2 dice at ATN6/7 means one should probably hit). Probably not a killing blow, but enough to hurt the other guy, and as we all know, the first hit in TROS combat usually decides it.

Evasive attack works just as well, btw.

I've been over this situation trying it out both with a mate of mine with dice, and in the combat sim (v2 will be available in a couple of days, btw, and it has about 20 different weapons, all the maneuvers, armour, double attacks, initiative stealing, etc etc - but I digress) and the result is pretty clear that the defender who attacks instead of defending (as long as he has armour or a decent shield) wins the combat almost every time, because he has the chance to defend as well as attacking, but the attacker didn't. The attacker basically has no defense against this tactic except passive defense i.e. wearing armour.

Yes, you could allow the attacker to declare an evasive attack or sim block/strike just in case, but that eats up dice and the defender just wouldn't do it that round. Not really a solution. Likewise luck dice can help, but you only get a few per entire session.

Any thoughts?

Message 2628#25744

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On 6/28/2002 at 6:08am, Bob Richter wrote:
Re: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: Quick opinion poll / thoughts inquiry for those of you who have played TROS yet (or at least mucked about with combat).

Situation - two fighters of equal skill both with sword + shield and no armour (lets say 10CP each). One declares white and one red.

The red guy declares an attack. He's being careful because it's only the first exchange , so he uses 4 dice to attack and saves 6 for exchange 2.

Fighter 2 can now declare his defense, yadda yadda. However, he has the option of attacking instead. Now, stealing initiative is expensive, but who says he needs to - he declares a sim block/strike. To be careful he puts 8 dice into defense and 2 into attack. Doesn't matter that he goes second, because he still gets his block, and it's an almost guaranteed hit on the first guy as long as he doesn't fail his block (8 dice at TN5 versus 4 dice at - probably - TN6 or 7 is no contest really) and he doesn't fluff the attack (2 dice at ATN6/7 means one should probably hit). Probably not a killing blow, but enough to hurt the other guy, and as we all know, the first hit in TROS combat usually decides it.

Evasive attack works just as well, btw.

I've been over this situation trying it out both with a mate of mine with dice, and in the combat sim (v2 will be available in a couple of days, btw, and it has about 20 different weapons, all the maneuvers, armour, double attacks, initiative stealing, etc etc - but I digress) and the result is pretty clear that the defender who attacks instead of defending (as long as he has armour or a decent shield) wins the combat almost every time, because he has the chance to defend as well as attacking, but the attacker didn't. The attacker basically has no defense against this tactic except passive defense i.e. wearing armour.

Yes, you could allow the attacker to declare an evasive attack or sim block/strike just in case, but that eats up dice and the defender just wouldn't do it that round. Not really a solution. Likewise luck dice can help, but you only get a few per entire session.

Any thoughts?

My thoughts run along these lines: A guy who throws red has already comitted himself to a messy death if he doesn't kill with the first that's what he will try to do.

Have your red-thrower toss all ten dice into his initial attack and see how that changes it.

But there's a reason tRoS STRONGLY recommends the white die.

Message 2628#25755

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On 6/28/2002 at 6:47am, Jaif wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

So don't do a weak first attack. Attack with 9 dice, saving one for the next exchange. Go for the lower leg or arms to get the bonus.


Message 2628#25757

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On 6/28/2002 at 9:56am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

As I understand it, you canNOT attack if you threw white unless you use the Buying Initiative option. This only applies to the first exchange of blows following initiative, however, and beyond that you can choose to attack or block as you wish. Remember, however, that if you do get nailed, you're likely to go down... and in a case like you described (only not on the first EoB after init)I would make any penalties due to getting hit apply to the dice spent on the strike before those which sit uncommitted in the pool.

That'll make someone think twice about splitting attack and defense.. It's a nice maneuver, but it's a gamble.. I did it once, and died because of it, but another time took the advantage because of it.

Message 2628#25767

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On 6/28/2002 at 2:23pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Hi Brian,

This thread has some comments from me about the pre-emptive attack, from a slightly different perspective:
The Riddle o'Steel 'n' me.


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Message 2628#25780

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On 6/28/2002 at 3:06pm, Psychopompous wrote:
RE: Re: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: Quick opinion poll / thoughts inquiry for those of you who have played TROS yet (or at least mucked about with combat).

Situation - two fighters of equal skill both with sword + shield and no armour (lets say 10CP each). One declares white and one red.

The red guy declares an attack. He's being careful because it's only the first exchange , so he uses 4 dice to attack and saves 6 for exchange 2.

Fighter 2 can now declare his defense, yadda yadda. However, he has the option of attacking instead. Now, stealing initiative is expensive, but who says he needs to - he declares a sim block/strike. To be careful he puts 8 dice into defense and 2 into attack. Doesn't matter that he goes second, because he still gets his block, and it's an almost guaranteed hit on the first guy as long as he doesn't fail his block (8 dice at TN5 versus 4 dice at - probably - TN6 or 7 is no contest really) and he doesn't fluff the attack (2 dice at ATN6/7 means one should probably hit). Probably not a killing blow, but enough to hurt the other guy, and as we all know, the first hit in TROS combat usually decides it.

Evasive attack works just as well, btw.

I've been over this situation trying it out both with a mate of mine with dice, and in the combat sim (v2 will be available in a couple of days, btw, and it has about 20 different weapons, all the maneuvers, armour, double attacks, initiative stealing, etc etc - but I digress) and the result is pretty clear that the defender who attacks instead of defending (as long as he has armour or a decent shield) wins the combat almost every time, because he has the chance to defend as well as attacking, but the attacker didn't. The attacker basically has no defense against this tactic except passive defense i.e. wearing armour.

Yes, you could allow the attacker to declare an evasive attack or sim block/strike just in case, but that eats up dice and the defender just wouldn't do it that round. Not really a solution. Likewise luck dice can help, but you only get a few per entire session.

Any thoughts?

I've found that a weak first attack is almost always a bad thing. It leaves you vulnerable to a counter, and has a fairly high probability of giving your opponent the initiative. On top of that, I have found it difficult to inflict much of a wound without 4+ dice more than my opponent (might have something to do with all the high-toughness characters... we like playing in Stahl for some reason).

Throwing defense is almost always a good idea, I've seen three fights where players almost died because they threw attack. Several NPCs HAVE died because they threw attack, and for that reason alone (a certain Gol captain comes to mind).

Also, Simultaneous Block/Strike is an offensive maneuver... it cannot be used if you declare defense.


Message 2628#25783

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On 6/28/2002 at 3:31pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Is this realistic? Shouldn't there be more of a feeling out period, an initial probing and testing of defenses before a character should feel confident in launching an all out attack?

Message 2628#25784

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On 6/28/2002 at 4:11pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Valamir wrote: Is this realistic? Shouldn't there be more of a feeling out period, an initial probing and testing of defenses before a character should feel confident in launching an all out attack?

Absolutely. When I fight in TROS, I rarely go all out to start. I throw a little attack, saving lots for defense, just to see how big their CP is, so that I can wisely allot dice. Depending on how you run it, an aggressive opening can be very lethal, but you have to play your cards right (just like for real).


Message 2628#25787

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On 6/28/2002 at 4:19pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

So given the comments by Bob and Jaif and Psycho above, which seem to indicate weak (i.e. low dice) first attacks are a mistake...what are they missing...

Message 2628#25789

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On 6/28/2002 at 5:05pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

If you want to go for a quick kill, and hopefully, your opponent doesn't have a larger CP pool than you, blitz attacks are a gamble you may want to take. On the other hand, if your opponent has a better DTN than your ATN, a bigger pool, and Counter, you're in trouble.

Say I drop 8 dice on the attack, and my opponent puts 9 on the defense, and still pays for the counter. No matter how little they had left, if they successfully block it, then they get 8 dice back at me on the next exchange!

Can you get wasted on red? Sure, but there are a few tricks that will help you do it...

•Manuever...if both of you are throwing red, it may not hurt to take high ground, work your way around some debris, a chair, or a table...
•Diversion...toss something, bat it at your opponent, use intimidate, acting to act like something is important over there that you're looking at, etc.
•Get your opponent to hesistate... In real life, that's what the circling is about... that one moment the other person's attention slips, and you slide in. Of course, this is less likely to happen in RoS simply because the concentration involved in real life is way more intense than throwing dice...


Message 2628#25794

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On 6/28/2002 at 6:45pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

No, none of you (except maybe Jake) understood my point.

You can declare sim block/strike on defense, because a valid defense is an attack. You can then try to steal initiative, but you're not forced to, as long as you're happy to take the hit from the other guy first. This isn't a biggie if you have a defense (via sim b/s or evasive attack) and he doesn't. Essentially, the other guy is screwed. And not necessarily because he threw a red - the defender could do it at any point in the combat, even after several rounds of back-and-forth strikes between them.

My point is that at any point of any combat, the attacker is screwed if the defender wants, because he just has an attack, while the "defender" can also be attacking (not red/red but just because attack is a valid defense), and has defensive dice as well as attacking ones. And that goes for no matter how many dice the attacker does or does not spend - if he goes light, the defender can do this trick. If he goes heavy, the defender just defends and doesn't, but going heavy every time you have an attack is suicide because it's starving yourself of defense dice for the next exchange if the defender takes initiative (by blocking you, or whatever). As the book says "attack conservatively, defend rigourously" (or words to that effect).

Message 2628#25801

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On 6/28/2002 at 6:49pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Bankuei wrote: Say I drop 8 dice on the attack, and my opponent puts 9 on the defense, and still pays for the counter. No matter how little they had left, if they successfully block it, then they get 8 dice back at me on the next exchange!

Just a quick side point - he would only get 8 dice back if you got 8 successes - he gets one die per attacker success, not one per attacker die. But otherwise, yes I agree Counter is nasty.


Message 2628#25802

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On 6/28/2002 at 8:02pm, Psychopompous wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Jake Norwood wrote:
Valamir wrote: Is this realistic? Shouldn't there be more of a feeling out period, an initial probing and testing of defenses before a character should feel confident in launching an all out attack?

Absolutely. When I fight in TROS, I rarely go all out to start. I throw a little attack, saving lots for defense, just to see how big their CP is, so that I can wisely allot dice. Depending on how you run it, an aggressive opening can be very lethal, but you have to play your cards right (just like for real).


I wasn't (necessarily) suggesting that you go all-out on your first attack, but weak attacks don't help. Actually, I like throwing 8-die attacks... That way, if you have every reason to believe I'm an archetypical guard (which I've made some characters that you reallistically should) it seems like I'm going all-out, when I've really saved 4-6 dice for later.
If your character throws a weak attack at my character, I will put up a similarly weak defense (normally, actually usually a little stronger, calculated to give me good odds of taking the initiative), and you gain almost nothing. Alternately, I could go for a counter if I think I have the combat pool (and If I do, you have a serious problem... if not, yeah...).
As I run through scenarios in my head the guy with the lower combat pool has a serious problem no matter what, and if you have similar combat pools, going all-out is advantages.
And this isn't just drawn from scenarios I'm thinking over (I DO like to calculate odds, though), I've seen several fights go down, including the miraculous death of a Gol captain who was stupid enough to throw attack... He didn't go all-out, but he still died at the hands of a PC with a lower combat pool.

Of course duels between starting-level characters reduce the entire uncertainty factor... I know you can't possibly have a CP higher than 15, so I can calculate the odds from there... Any character I make with a CP lower than 12 fights dirty, while the higher CP characters are normally duelists.

Between developed characters CPs can vary a lot more... and probing might be useful :)


Message 2628#25808

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On 6/28/2002 at 8:29pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

I think this thread is showing some of what I've been saying all along...there's a lot of ways to play the odds and strategies in TROS combat, much to a Gamist's delight, and most of us haven't even scratched the surface. I came up with what I thought to be a flawless attack strategy which worked a dozen times (I used it to kill two players, even, but their deaths were important to the story)...until it got broken by something I didn't see coming. For the record, agressive fighters seem to do very well for a few fights, then the aggression ends up being their deaths. This was true of the Germanic hordes vs. the Romans, as I understand it, and is certainly true in what I've seen of IRL sparring. I am a pretty defensive fighter IRL. Sure, I initiate attack sometimes, but usually to lure so that I can defend, counter, or whatever. And I'm very hard to beat. I think there's something there. We've got another guy who is definitely my superior in the element of attack, but my defense and counter-techniques are very good, and he only sometimes beats me. I've got him about 70% of the time or more...and he's in much better shape than I am, with 2 blackbelts and a Free-scholarship (the same WMA rank I carry). I'm not bragging, but showing that this really is the way it works.


Message 2628#25812

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On 6/28/2002 at 8:37pm, Psychopompous wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Jake Norwood wrote: I think this thread is showing some of what I've been saying all along...there's a lot of ways to play the odds and strategies in TROS combat, much to a Gamist's delight, and most of us haven't even scratched the surface. I came up with what I thought to be a flawless attack strategy which worked a dozen times (I used it to kill two players, even, but their deaths were important to the story)...until it got broken by something I didn't see coming. For the record, agressive fighters seem to do very well for a few fights, then the aggression ends up being their deaths. This was true of the Germanic hordes vs. the Romans, as I understand it, and is certainly true in what I've seen of IRL sparring. I am a pretty defensive fighter IRL. Sure, I initiate attack sometimes, but usually to lure so that I can defend, counter, or whatever. And I'm very hard to beat. I think there's something there. We've got another guy who is definitely my superior in the element of attack, but my defense and counter-techniques are very good, and he only sometimes beats me. I've got him about 70% of the time or more...and he's in much better shape than I am, with 2 blackbelts and a Free-scholarship (the same WMA rank I carry). I'm not bragging, but showing that this really is the way it works.


You have good points and I acknowlge your superior fighting experience (I don't have any formal training, and the sparring that I've done is not the greatest track record one could hope for), but I have seriously looked at how the combat rules in TRoS work.
Nowhere did I say that attack was a good way to start or fight, nor did I say that agressive fighters lived a long time. I very much favor defensive fighting, but you can't win a fight without attacking, and when you attack (from what I've seen in TRoS) it had better count.


Message 2628#25814

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On 6/28/2002 at 9:31pm, Ace wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

On this line of thought. If you have a shield why not throw red?

With the simulataneous attack/block manuever if your opponent throws red you will have a defense. If he throws white you will have tempo in the fight and with a bit of luck be able to keep initiative.

Oh there are nasty tricks your opponent can do if he also has a shield but I would think the presence of a good shield would make a huge difference in fight pacing.

AFAICT it allows a lot more attacks to be thrown than being armedwith just a weapon.

Message 2628#25819

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On 6/28/2002 at 10:30pm, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Ace wrote: On this line of thought. If you have a shield why not throw red?

With the simulataneous attack/block manuever if your opponent throws red you will have a defense. If he throws white you will have tempo in the fight and with a bit of luck be able to keep initiative.

Oh there are nasty tricks your opponent can do if he also has a shield but I would think the presence of a good shield would make a huge difference in fight pacing.

AFAICT it allows a lot more attacks to be thrown than being armedwith just a weapon.

That's part of why shields were so prevalent. They're relatively easy to use and effective. On the practical side, they're heavy, a pain to use for long periods of time, and not so much fun to travel with (also true of armor, especially leg armor, which was largely discarded by the Landsknechten and other career infantry.


Message 2628#25828

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On 6/29/2002 at 10:43am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

That's part of why shields were so prevalent. They're relatively easy to use and effective. On the practical side, they're heavy, a pain to use for long periods of time, and not so much fun to travel with (also true of armor, especially leg armor, which was largely discarded by the Landsknechten and other career infantry.

A truism, but even when the Seneschal enforces this reality on the PCs, you have to keep in mind that they are not generally grunts, and can afford a mule at least (esp. if you've a party mentality, or a patron) to carry armor and shields... Which is why I ambushed my PCs in the last session. The sword and board/greatsword guy wasn't even able to get a weapon out, and ended up kicking his foe in the forehead (incidentally killing him... 6 successes and a ST of 7 can do that)

Remember, however, that sword and shield, while a very nice combo, does impose certain penalties on the CP. In full chain armor, on foot with sword and shield, a CP 14 can be quickly whittled to a more manageable 9 (though anything besides a face shot had best be counted out if you fight with a short sword... bugger.)

And again, I reiterate, and will continue to do so until Jake says otherwise, that you CANNOT declare an offensive action after throwing white unless you attempt to steal initiative. In and of itself, that is a balancing factor. You can, however, declare a simul. block/strike on any round thereafter, even if you do not have initiative. It is a risk though, becauseif you fail to block, you will almost certainly lose.. I know, I have used this technique to both good and ill effect.

Message 2628#25849

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On 6/29/2002 at 11:58pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Also remember that simultaneous block/strike is an offensive action, and doing one from a defensive stance gives you -2 dice (that's 8 dice instead of 12 for our example in the beginning). In this event, he'd have to attack with at least 3 dice (one can't be more than twice as large as the other), leaving him 5 dice to defend with. That's really, really gutsy. Especially considering that, if he screws up the attack (which is possible), then his opponent will have a nice 8 dice to attack with... basically for free.

Simultaneous block/strike is NOT the be-all, end-all of "defensive" moves. Mostly, this is because it's an aggressive move.

Message 2628#25876

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On 6/30/2002 at 12:20am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Lyrax wrote: Also remember that simultaneous block/strike is an offensive action, and doing one from a defensive stance gives you -2 dice (that's 8 dice instead of 12 for our example in the beginning). In this event, he'd have to attack with at least 3 dice (one can't be more than twice as large as the other), leaving him 5 dice to defend with. That's really, really gutsy. Especially considering that, if he screws up the attack (which is possible), then his opponent will have a nice 8 dice to attack with... basically for free.

Simultaneous block/strike is NOT the be-all, end-all of "defensive" moves. Mostly, this is because it's an aggressive move.

Who says he's in a defensive stance? Could be neutral. Plus, I'm not just talking about the exchange after initiative dice are thrown, it could be 7 exchanges down the line (when stance isn't an issue anyway).

You're right about the attacl/defend raio however, although you can still do 6 block / 4 attack with 10 dice, and assuming uour opponent only attacked you with 4-6 dice, 6 blocking dice (at DTN5) would make me feel pretty safe.

I can see this thread is going nowhere (well, not on my original point anyway). All I was trying to sayis that IMO the guy who holds back is in a far better situation because he can have an attack as well as defense (via sim b/s or evasive attack) while the other guy who went first only has an attack and no defense except armour if the defender chooses to attack.

Can't be bothered arguing any more actually, so this will be my last post on the subject. Rather than blindly arguing numbers, try it out and you'll see what I mean.


Message 2628#25878

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On 6/30/2002 at 12:29am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Wolfen wrote: And again, I reiterate, and will continue to do so until Jake says otherwise, that you CANNOT declare an offensive action after throwing white unless you attempt to steal initiative. In and of itself, that is a balancing factor. You can, however, declare a simul. block/strike on any round thereafter, even if you do not have initiative. It is a risk though, becauseif you fail to block, you will almost certainly lose.. I know, I have used this technique to both good and ill effect.

Alright, it was my second to last post. THIS is my last post.

Page 77 of the rulebook:

"Finally, should the loser wish to attack in the next exchange (normally impossible), he has two choices. First, he may simply declare an attack. The winner attacks and resolves damage first; if the loser has any dice left he can attack. This is a foolhardy maneuver. The second choice is to buy initiative, as per Setp 2..."

Pretty clear cut there. And Jake has already confirmed several times that the guy who goes second still gets his defensive dice against the first attack, he just might not get his attack if the guy with initative hits him (he would lose the dice assigned to attack, but the defense part still works).

And for those of you fixated on the red/white dice thing - I'm not just talking about the exchange after the red/white throw, I'm talking any exchange at any point in the combat where one guy is attacking and the other is defending, but chooses to attack instead.


Message 2628#25879

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On 6/30/2002 at 12:39am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Unless I am totally reading the rules wrong, Simultaneous Block and Strike can only be used when you are the aggressor. If you throw white you have to steal initiative in order to use it. As it says, offensive maneuvers are only done when you are the aggressor (red dice) and defensive only when you are the defender (white dice). This is stated pretty clearly on pages 59, 64, and 74.

Also, in the description of Simultaneous Block/Strike itself it says, "This maneuver is obviously only useful in situations where both you AND your opponent are attacking at once."

If you want to knock your opponent's weapon aside and then counter attack when you've thrown white, the maneuver to use is block open and strike.

Now, all that said, if you do throw red Sim B/S is a good maneuver, and can be lethal -- until you miss. If you've used all your dice and miss then chances are you die in the next phase. Trust me on this one, I've been playing RoS for months now and anytime someone puts too many dice into one maneuver too many times they end up dead.

Message 2628#25880

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On 6/30/2002 at 12:42am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: Page 77 of the rulebook: "Finally, should the loser wish to attack in the next exchange (normally impossible), he has two choices. First, he may simply declare an attack.

Ah, thanks for pointing that out! I'd forgotten that part. If Jake's said you can still use your defense dice from sim B/S in that situation then you are right -- it is a bit too powerful. I don't know if I'd allow it though, as shifting to the offensive like that should carry a heavy penalty that getting full defense from sim B/S would negate.

Message 2628#25881

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On 6/30/2002 at 3:02am, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Announcing one's moves goes in order from least reflex to greatest.

Thus we see the strategic importance of a high reflex.

Message 2628#25886

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...started by Lyrax which Lyrax participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 6/30/2002

On 6/30/2002 at 3:35am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Okay Brian, you've not proved me wrong, but simply reinforced my point. I *know* that you can opt to attack rather than defend any time during the fight, except after throwing initiative. I've done it, many times. MY only point is that it cannot be done when you've thrown white. At other times, I totally agree that it is an effective maneuver, and so we have no contention. To be perfectly clear, I will requote the passage you quoted back at you.

"Finally, should the loser wish to attack in the next exchange (normally impossible), he has two choices. First, he may simply declare an attack. The winner attacks and resolves damage first; if the loser has any dice left he can attack. This is a foolhardy maneuver. The second choice is to buy initiative, as per Setp 2..."

The part bolded is what is important. This does not allow you to ignore the fact that you threw white, it only allows you to ignore the fact that you lost initiative in the previous exchange and attack anyway, albeit after their own. If you are well enough armored, this can be done without considerable risk. As I said, other than that, we have no argument about the effectiveness of the maneuver. That is why tactics and playing it safe against better armed and armored opponents is the only way to keep yourself alive.

Well, actually.. one more tiny quibble.

You're right about the attacl/defend raio however, although you can still do 6 block / 4 attack with 10 dice, and assuming uour opponent only attacked you with 4-6 dice, 6 blocking dice (at DTN5) would make me feel pretty safe.

No you can't. 6 is not twice the size of 4. 6 is a safe number if your opponent is attacking with 4-6 dice and you are using a shield, but the attack of 4 is a No Go. Of course, an attack of 3 can be effective, esp. if you are using a weapon with reach issues, like I do. Any successful attack, whether or not it does damage, will get you inside their range.

Message 2628#25888

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On 6/30/2002 at 8:09am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Wolfen wrote:
You're right about the attacl/defend raio however, although you can still do 6 block / 4 attack with 10 dice, and assuming uour opponent only attacked you with 4-6 dice, 6 blocking dice (at DTN5) would make me feel pretty safe.

No you can't. 6 is not twice the size of 4. 6 is a safe number if your opponent is attacking with 4-6 dice and you are using a shield, but the attack of 4 is a No Go. Of course, an attack of 3 can be effective, esp. if you are using a weapon with reach issues, like I do. Any successful attack, whether or not it does damage, will get you inside their range.

I certainly don't take from the description that one must be EXACTLY half the size of the other, just that it must be AT LEAST half the size of the other (thus, as it states, 7 and 2 is no good but 6/3 would be fine and, as in my example, 6 and 4). Jake? What's the story?


Message 2628#25900

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 6/30/2002 at 4:52pm, Lyrax wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

I think, Brian, that ratios other than 66/33 (as long as they are not less uneven) are acceptable.

I also think that, if you simply keep playing the game (perhaps with this strategy in your mind), you will find something that can beat this strategy. It's all a big game of paper-rock-scissors. Many people just throw out scissors, and you found the rock.

Message 2628#25921

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...from around 6/30/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 12:38am, Jaif wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

The ruling I've done with sim block/strike is that it must be at least 1/2. I'm not Jake, but I'm betting that the reason the rules were written with the limitation was to force you to be very uneven: either a large commitment to offense, or one to defense.

Another interpretation, and entirely inline with the rules, is that you can only do sim block/strikes with 3, 6, 9, 12... dice.

I agree with Brian that there's a big advantage for a shield guy going second. The only counter that I've found is to attack with a lot of dice in the first exchange, and that's not perfect by any stretch. Certainly attacking with a small amount of dice is suicide - you won't get through the armor, and the other guy will get through yours.

Frankly though, I'm of the opinion that a shield/armor guy should always toss red and declare a simultaneous block/strike if double-red. I can't see one reason not to do so.


Message 2628#25949

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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 1:00am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Jaif wrote: The ruling I've done with sim block/strike is that it must be at least 1/2. I'm not Jake, but I'm betting that the reason the rules were written with the limitation was to force you to be very uneven: either a large commitment to offense, or one to defense.

Don't you mean exactly the opposite? :-) By making it be at least half, you *prevent* uneveness. For 10 dice, 9/1 or 8/2 is unacceptable, as is 7/3 but 6/4 or 5/5 is fine.

Jaif wrote: Frankly though, I'm of the opinion that a shield/armor guy should always toss red and declare a simultaneous block/strike if double-red. I can't see one reason not to do so.

Very true, and if you're facing a shield/armour guy, and you're a no shield / no armour guy, you're screwed unles you have a *massive* CP advantage, and I mean massive - even a difference like 14 dice to 8 is often (80:20 IME) a win for the 8-die guy with a shield and 4-6 armor everywhere.

It's a pity Jake's gone away actually, since I have sent him the Combat Sim v2 which I think you guys will like, there's about 20 weapons, full maneuvers etc. I have used it a fait bit testing out my theories in this system (as well as with dice with a mate). I guess it'll have to wait until he gets back to put it on the page (which on top of all this is down at the moment anyway).


Message 2628#25953

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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On 7/1/2002 at 4:29am, Jaif wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Don't you mean exactly the opposite? :-)

Well, I suppose if you want to get all technical about it. :-)

Yeah. At first, I couldn't figure out why the rule - it seemed rather arbitrary. Then I guessed he was trying to force a commitment: mostly offense, or mostly defense.

Btw, there's at least one other counter: feints. It's not a good one if the "defender" goes all out, though.


Message 2628#25957

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On 7/1/2002 at 4:37am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

After some thought on the topic, I decided how I personally will interpret the Simo Block/Strike dice divisions. This is my take on it, so feel free to ignore it or debate it, as you decide.

I will strictly enforce the 1/3:2/3 split. The reason I will do this is because it promotes a bit more thought on the decision. If you want a stronger attack, but want it to be the lesser of the two, you will have to bump up both of them. For instance, if you are going for a 3:6 attack:defense, but decide you would like to raise the attack number, but still keep it the lower value, you will have to raise the upper as well, for instance to 4:8. The more aggressive your attack, the stronger defense you'll have to mount to avoid being hit, or the tougher your defense, the more effort you'll need to put into the attack. It's a matter of what level you are committing to the maneuver on. It also avoids a bit of twinking by allowing a better attack for a lower level of commitment. (4:6 or 5:8 for example)

However, I will note that even with a very high level of commitment (say, the aforementioned 8:4 defense:offense) you risk leaving yourself open. This is how I will interpret the rule. Any flaws in my reasoning? Feel free to point them out.

Message 2628#25959

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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 4:54am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: It's a pity Jake's gone away actually, since I have sent him the Combat Sim v2 which I think you guys will like, there's about 20 weapons, full maneuvers etc.

Which you "think" we will like? Now, not speaking for anyone else here -- but I will have your babies for you once you make this avaliable.

Message 2628#25962

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...started by Brand_Robins which Brand_Robins participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 2:42pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

I've got the sim, and I can vouch that it is very nice. I was thrilled when I saw that he'd put in arming glove, just for me. There are a few things which I still think need tweaking, but either didn't feel important enough to mention, or simply forgot, but overall, it is a very, very nice program. I can see that it will be very useful in trying out strategies and techniques. Only major problem I have is attempting to play both combatants to their full capability by myself. Once he gets the link-capability up and running, this will be an unparalleled piece of software... Get it while it's free, folks.

Message 2628#25989

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...started by Wolfen which Wolfen participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 8:42pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Wolfen wrote: I've got the sim, and I can vouch that it is very nice. I was thrilled when I saw that he'd put in arming glove, just for me. There are a few things which I still think need tweaking, but either didn't feel important enough to mention, or simply forgot, but overall, it is a very, very nice program. I can see that it will be very useful in trying out strategies and techniques. Only major problem I have is attempting to play both combatants to their full capability by myself. Once he gets the link-capability up and running, this will be an unparalleled piece of software... Get it while it's free, folks.

I've done all the fixes you *did* mention. Anything else can be tweaked while I wont on V3, so let me know whenever.

As for link capabilities.. hmm.. that's going to be a tricky one. The most likely thing that'll happen is that V3 will have a computer AI for you to fight against, and then V4 will have the matchmaking/link to other human players across IP feature.

I know that people are keen on both, but I think the AI will be easier, thus I'm happier to tackle it first :-)

As for having my babies... sure, why not. Although I should warn you, my wife is the jealous type :-)

Message 2628#26008

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 9:03pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote:
As for link capabilities.. hmm.. that's going to be a tricky one. The most likely thing that'll happen is that V3 will have a computer AI for you to fight against, and then V4 will have the matchmaking/link to other human players across IP feature.

Pick up the DirectX SDK from Microsoft and use their DirectPlay. Most of the work is done already. If you've used a Microsoft SDK before, it's actually quite a bit easier than writing a challenging AI

Message 2628#26013

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...started by Furious D which Furious D participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 10:05pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Furious D wrote: Pick up the DirectX SDK from Microsoft and use their DirectPlay. Most of the work is done already. If you've used a Microsoft SDK before, it's actually quite a bit easier than writing a challenging AI

Actually, the IP linking isn't that hard, it's the redesign of the combat sim (which is 17,000 lines of code) to accommodate it that takes a lot of work :-)

I'll get to it, honest!


Message 2628#26021

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 10:43pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: I've done all the fixes you *did* mention. Anything else can be tweaked while I wont on V3, so let me know whenever.

Gah! I can't wait for Jake to get back. I must have this now! Please, please, please!?

Message 2628#26027

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...started by Brand_Robins which Brand_Robins participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 10:56pm, Furious D wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote:

Actually, the IP linking isn't that hard, it's the redesign of the combat sim (which is 17,000 lines of code) to accommodate it that takes a lot of work :-)

Heh, I'll give you that. Hacking in stuff that wasn't an original design consideration can be a serious, serious pain. I can imagine that alot of the code which would be expedient for a single computer combat sim could be a pain for a multiplayer version.

Message 2628#26028

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...started by Furious D which Furious D participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 11:52pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Brand_Robins wrote:
BrianL wrote: I've done all the fixes you *did* mention. Anything else can be tweaked while I wont on V3, so let me know whenever.

Gah! I can't wait for Jake to get back. I must have this now! Please, please, please!?

Hmm.. well, I could theorteically email it I guess, all packaged up in its installer it's only about 700kb, but I don't really want to email it around lots of people (that costs me money). I could also theoretically put it on my webpage, but since I wrote it for Jake, it's really his decision and he might only want it hosted on his page (plus I pay for downloads from my page...).

So, no way springs to mind. I'm open to suggestions though :-)


Message 2628#26039

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/1/2002 at 11:54pm, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Furious D wrote:
BrianL wrote:

Actually, the IP linking isn't that hard, it's the redesign of the combat sim (which is 17,000 lines of code) to accommodate it that takes a lot of work :-)

Heh, I'll give you that. Hacking in stuff that wasn't an original design consideration can be a serious, serious pain. I can imagine that alot of the code which would be expedient for a single computer combat sim could be a pain for a multiplayer version.

Thats right. Where as, on the other hand, the AI can be easily inserted - all I have to do is change each place where it pops up a decision prompt for the player to check if it's a human or AI, and if it's AI it goes off to a decision subroutine instead.

Easy, except for the actual algorithm that makes the decision, which is a lot of work, especially since it has to cope with all the different weapons etc.


Message 2628#26040

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/1/2002

On 7/2/2002 at 1:03am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

If what I've got is the final V2, I can e-mail it out to whomever wants it, with permission from you. It doesn't cost me anything.

Message 2628#26044

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...started by Wolfen which Wolfen participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/2/2002

On 7/2/2002 at 1:26am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Wolfen wrote: If what I've got is the final V2, I can e-mail it out to whomever wants it, with permission from you. It doesn't cost me anything.

No, you have a v2 beta. I made a lot of fixes after that, and added some stuff.

However, if you don't mind we can still do this - I'll email *you* the file (that way I only have to send one copy), and if anyone wants it you can email it to them.

Get that guys - ask Wolfen for a copy, but wait a day or so because after I email it, my mail marshal will hold it for up to 24 hours before sending it. I hate this place! :-) In a week or 10 days, Jake will be back and will stick it up on the webpage anyway.

Wolfen: you can run the installer and it'll install over the top of the old one, no problems, however if you have created new fighters, back up the fighters.ini file from c:\program files\ros to somewhere else, then put it back after the install, otherwise the installer will replace it with the default list again.

Everyone Else: Get it from Wolfen (in 24 hours), and send me feedback if you like it or hate it. I'm not getting paid for this, so consider your comments payment :-) By the way - it only works with Windows 95 and later, and there is not a Mac or Linux version, although it you have a Windows emulator it should function properly I suppose. Sorry. Also, it'll look ugly if you don't have 16-bit color or better (although it'll work even with only 16 or 256 colors I guess, just look nasty).

Finally, if you find a bug (you shouldn't, touch wood) and want to send it to me, make sure you include a transcript of the battle showing where the bug occurred. In the options screen you can save the current battle to a .ros file (which is actually just a text file) or you could just copy/paste from the combat sim directly into your email.

Finally finally - what you'll get in your email is not the combat sim itself, but an installer. Just run it from wherever and it'll install the software.


Message 2628#26047

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...started by Brian Leybourne which Brian Leybourne participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/2/2002

On 7/2/2002 at 1:35am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

BrianL wrote: Get that guys - ask Wolfen for a copy, Get it from Wolfen (in 24 hours),

You guys both rule.

Message 2628#26049

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...started by Brand_Robins which Brand_Robins participated The Riddle of Steel
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...from around 7/2/2002

On 7/2/2002 at 4:43am, Brian Leybourne wrote:
RE: Pre-emptive attack too good?

Brand_Robins wrote:
You guys both rule.

That's true ;-)

By the way - I have never coded anyhting in my life that didn't have a hidden backdoor *somewhere*. Ten points for whoever can find it and actually manage to access it.

Just tell me where it is / what it does and I'll believe you :-)

Message 2628#26067

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