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Topic: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)
Started by: Andy Kitkowski
Started on: 6/5/2008
Board: Connections

On 6/5/2008 at 9:02pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Hi all, I was waffling on Endeavor or Connection, but this is more a graphic designer casting call than anything.  I'm holding a contest to see who can design the best character sheet, given basic information and samples.  I originally posted this to :

Hi all! It’s been a while since I’ve updated the development blog. That’s because I’ve been too busy lately with development! Seriously, June’s going to be a rough month, filled with blood, sweat, and editing tears.

After looking over the rather plain character sheet that I’ve been using for demonstration games and the like, and faced with the idea of creating a new sheet with my limited graphical skills for an English release, I decided to turn my attention to those folks out there who have far more graphical skill than me, and hold a contest!

In short, it’s a contest, complete with prizes, for the person who submits the best Tenra Bansho Zero character sheets - a game which nobody owns, and which few have played! However, using my original English sheets as a frame of reference, and with a little explanation, I doubt that folks with some graphic/layout experience would have much trouble making something awesome.

The bleeding short: Deadline is June 29th (3+ weeks); Prizes are $50, $20, and copies of the final game book; you retain the rights to your work, and allow us to distribute the sheet; final submissions are emailed to ziggurat ATMARK
The “Contest Pack” can be downloaded at the following location, in RAR and ZIP flavors. It contains the rules and all the reference material you need to begin:

I'll post the full contest rules in the next post, so you don't have to chase them:

Message 26332#252117

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On 6/5/2008 at 9:04pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Tenra Bansho Zero is nearing completion at long last. This summer, we will see pre-release play guides, and enough material to get started playing the game. However, the original Tenra Bansho Zero character sheet was pretty pedestrian, and my attempts to bring it into an English version have been highly focused on “pragmatic/practical”, with zero focus placed on “it doesn’t look like ass”. So I’m looking to the fan community, folks peripherally interested in the game: Folks with some design talent, who would be interested in making a character sheet up for a game they’ve (most likely) never played before, know little about, in a contest with some small prizes.
I want to encourage fan creations, fan-made materials and the like for the game, and this is the first step in doing so. The character sheet. The cornerstone of any pen-and-paper tabletop RPG.

The winner of the contest will receive $50.00 Cash (US), plus a free copy of the final Tenra Bansho Zero RPG (plus shipping) when it is released in early 2009.
The runner up in the contest will receive $20.00 Cash (US), plus a free copy of the final Tenra Bansho Zero RPG (plus shipping) when it is released in early 2009.
The third place winner will receive a free copy of the pre-release Tenra Bansho Zero rules (plus shipping) when it is released in late summer 2008.
For people outside the US, I will send the money via Paypal or International Postal Money Order (your choice).

Begins Immediately (June 05, 2008) and lasts until 11:59PM on the evening of Sunday, June 29th, 2008. A little over three weeks, and 4 weekends. Submissions are entertained at any point throughout the contest, up until the cut off date (Monday the 30th).

All judging will be performed by me (Andy K, Project Lead). I’ll be scoring them on feel, creativity, beauty, and usefulness/practicality. It’s understood that most people have not played the game, that’s already taken into consideration. Final scoring will be presented on the website on July 1st, 2008. Prize money will be awarded (sent) within 5 days of that date.

1) You will be given the following materials to work with:
A document called “tenra_char_anatomy.txt”, which walks you through the important parts of a TBZ character sheet, why the elements are there, and other important data bits.
Two pages of an English version of the character sheet, for reference.
Two pages of a filled-out English version of the character sheet, so you know what it looks like when filled out.
A sample character on the original Japanes sheet, for visual reference/historical knowledge (not looking to directly recreate this sheet, mind).
All these materials will be available for download from the following link:
(the file will be called “contest materials” or something like that)
2) You can use any outside materials you want to: Borders, graphical art materials, fonts, etc. However, you must own the rights to create and distribute works using that material.

1) The submitted format should be 8.5×11 inches, “Letter” sized.
2) You may complete the character on one sheet, or use up to two sheets. Portrait/Landscape is up to you (original is two portrait sheets side-by-side, which formed a landscape sheet for printing).
3) If you are from Europe/Asia, feel free to aim for A4, but in a way where there will be no issues printing on letter-sized paper (the final format for the book).
4) You should create two versions of the sheet: If using Photoshop/Illustrator or the like, submit the work as psd/ai with all layers attached (for later editing/expansion), or else if it’s a software that can save as pdf, send the pdf. With it, submit a picture version of that sheet (TIFF or JPG). Extra consideration for winning will go to people who submit the sheet in a presumably editable format like ai/psd with layers, or editable pdf (so that I might use your sheet as a base, and craft downloadable complete character and the like, using Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat or compatible software).
Again, that is:
-original PSD/AI/PDF/DOC/other “worksheet” data

1) See format guidelines.
2) When you submit, compress all materials you are submitting with RAR, ZIP or TAR.
3) If possible, email the set to me at ziggurat ATMARK
4) You can also post your materials online somewhere (your own website, etc), and send me the download link.
5) If neither method is available for you, contact me before Friday June 27th, 2008 and we will work something out.
6) You can submit as many different character sheets as you want before the deadline.


0) Submitting an entry to this contest means that you accept the following:
*You give me the rights to edit, use and distribute the sheet as I see fit.
-By edit, I am primarily referring to the ability to update attribute/skill/other names if they change for the final releas of the Tenra Bansho Zero game, or minor changes like changing a font you use to one that is more consistent with the core book’s font selection, and the like. Game Editing, essentially.
-I also mean the ability to use your sheet to draft ready-to-play sample characters for free download, or to be inluded in the game book or future supplements.
-All edits will be told to you in advance, so you will not be left in the dark.
*However, you will still own the rights to your work as well, and can publish, distribute, use or change your sheet however you see fit after you submit it to me. You are giving me the rights to use your sheet, and in so you do not lose the rights to your own work as well.

1) I will post ALL submissions on the website for one week.
2) After that, most (if not all) of the submissions will remain on the website indefinitely for the benefit of the community.
3) I will include the first and second place winners’ submissions in the final version of Tenra Bansho Zero core rulebook as optional character sheets.

can be directed to Andy K, at ziggurat ATMARK or through private messaging here at The Forge.

Message 26332#252118

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On 6/9/2008 at 5:41am, Illetizgerg wrote:
RE: Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Sounds like fun! Now I've just got to find some Japanese-esque fonts that are royalty free.

- Gregory Zitelli

Message 26332#252174

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On 6/9/2008 at 7:26pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Thanks for your interest, Gregory! 

Yeah, I want to make sure that if people use fonts, they own the rights to them.

However, I don't want that to be too much of a tripping point ("Damn, I don't have any asian-y fonts, I can't participate!"). I'm looking more for clever information arrangement and general design over the fonts themselves, when it comes down to it.

In the end, if it's a concern for you, I have access and license for this font called Linotype Seven, a brushstroke-looking font that is used for section headers and the like in the actual Japanese Tenra Bansho Zero book. It's a sweet font when used sparingly (too much use, and it's simply overdose; hard to read, etc).

So, like, if you had an awesome character sheet, but just didn't have a cool font like the above to highlight a section or a few words, then you could perhaps make a note of that:

"I used ARIAL for the titling on the border of the page. However, in a final version I'd have liked to use that Linotype Seven font." And in that case, I'd do the replacement from my side (unfortunately I can't simply share the font with all the folks participating, because of the terms of Linotype's agreement on using their fonts once purchased) and weigh that in at judging.

In other words, if you can find some rocking royalty-free fonts, go for it! Just know that:
- Fonts, while nice, are lesser on my priority scale than just overall nice design, data arrangement, etc.
- And if it helps, you can imagine parts of your sheet using the above font: Let me know you're doing so, and I'll take that into consideration.

I just don't want anyone to not join simply because they don't have a good font, when they're sitting on a great idea for a sheet layout (which holds far more weight in my opinion).


Message 26332#252190

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On 6/10/2008 at 3:22am, Illetizgerg wrote:
RE: Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Do you have official artwork that can be featured on the sheet? In particular, a nice logo would probably be helpful.

- Gregory Zitelli

Message 26332#252196

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On 6/10/2008 at 3:00pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Illetizgerg wrote:
Do you have official artwork that can be featured on the sheet? In particular, a nice logo would probably be helpful.

Heya: Unfortunately, because of complications that I haven't explored the depth of at this point, there isn't any official art that I can throw out to be used on the sheet.

There is a logo, if you wish to use it: . However, it's kind of a giveaway. There's no extra credit for using it or anything like that. But if it helps you organize your design-brain, feel free to look at it/use it.


Message 26332#252207

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On 6/20/2008 at 5:24am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: WANTED: Graphic Designers for an Asian Fantasy RPG Character Sheet (Contest)

Only 10 days left (and two weekends) to get in on the action!  We're already received a few submissions, so there's a good chance of winning with a little creativity and effort!


Message 26332#252448

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