The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Nighttime Animals?
Started by: wishbone
Started on: 6/6/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 6/6/2008 at 1:44am, wishbone wrote:
Nighttime Animals?

Hi, I'm a homeschooling mom who's a former rpg player and I'm looking to get my kids into rpgs now. I'd seen Nighttime Animals Save the World mentioned on a few sites and it seemed like a great option...But I can't find it anywhere. Just wondering if it was still availible somewhere?

Message 26334#252135

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On 6/6/2008 at 2:03am, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
Re: Nighttime Animals?


You can find "The Nighttime Animals Save the World" here!

Message 26334#252137

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On 6/6/2008 at 8:43am, wishbone wrote:
RE: Re: Nighttime Animals?

Thank you! This will definitely help me raise some proper geek kids! :D

Message 26334#252139

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