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Topic: Laborious Wicked Age dice map
Started by: rycanada
Started on: 7/2/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 7/2/2008 at 12:17am, rycanada wrote:
Laborious Wicked Age dice map

I expanded on my Wicked Dice Map because I wanted to emphasize a few things to my players and really break down the action into concrete steps for absolute beginners.  The peach are from Vincent's suggestions instead of the text itself, the yellow are things my group often forgets.

Here's the file:

Message 26425#252786

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On 7/2/2008 at 6:00pm, Eliarhiman6 wrote:
Re: Laborious Wicked Age dice map

Hi Ryan.

From you dice map, it would seem that a player can cross his name from the owe list to roll an additional die to add AFTER having rolled the other dice and the advantage die (if present). (page 1)

So, for example:
A rolls "for myself with violence", d10/d6, 5 and 3
B rolls "for myself with violence", too:  d12/d8, 10 and 2

A rerolls, 4 and 3. E would be beaten on the first round and he wouldn't even go to the owe list.

In this case, I thought that "A" would be screwed (and this happened to me just yesterday, playing IAWA), but from your dice map, "A" could have, at this point, used the Owe list to get another d6 with pips

"A" scratch the name of one of his characters from the Owe List, gets a d6, roll it...  he gets a 6, so his better result is a 10 (4+6), tie with B, they see the other die and "A" win.

There is any text that I missed in the game manual or in some post by Vincent that support this?

And if this is kosher...  at what time we compare the dice used to know if "A" goes to the Owe List?

Message 26425#252808

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On 7/2/2008 at 6:14pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: Laborious Wicked Age dice map

When you cross a name off the owe list for an advantage die, you should do it when you're about to roll dice, and roll it with them. After you've rolled, you have to wait until you're about to roll again to buy an advantage die, you can't buy one just whenever and add it to dice you've already rolled.

That's on page 19, right hand column, halfway down.


Message 26425#252811

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On 7/2/2008 at 6:39pm, rycanada wrote:
RE: Re: Laborious Wicked Age dice map

I was SURE I saw something where Vincent said that you could roll an advantage after the other dice, but I must have been mistaken.  Sometimes telling the difference between memories and dreams is tough though.  And since I'm apparently dreaming about internet forums maybe I need to get outside more.

Message 26425#252814

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