The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Poison'd] Variant Settings for Poison'd
Started by: HiQKid
Started on: 7/9/2008
Board: lumpley games

On 7/9/2008 at 3:59am, HiQKid wrote:
[Poison'd] Variant Settings for Poison'd

Hi, just wanted to throw in a few ideas I had about using Poison'd for other settings/themes...

The primary thought I had was the following:

Some sort of prison (probably an understaffed one), replacing the Captain with a Warden (at first) and simply a "Head Boss" or somesuch title afterwards. Not really sure how feasible this is, but it might be interesting.

The other idea was replacing the individual characters with nations, probably in an area split amongst many rulers... Kinda like the Three Kingdoms. You'd have to change a fair bit, but I think, especially given the focus on bargains and such, it'd be interesting to play.

Anyhow, anyone who has any related ideas should feel free to pitch in... I'll try to get something done when I can, as well.

See also this thread, as it is related:

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On 8/12/2008 at 2:15am, HiQKid wrote:
Re: [Poison'd] Variant Settings for Poison'd

I know I said I'd try to put something up, but I've been super busy lately.
Anyhow, I still intend to flesh this out a bit more, but it's on a back burner now.
I just wanted to let people know I didn't forget about it.

Message 26448#253793

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