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Topic: Unsung (formerly Unnumbered)
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 7/1/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 7/1/2002 at 1:49am, xiombarg wrote:
Unsung (formerly Unnumbered)

Okay, I've tried to prettify things a bit, make it more readable, and added the latest round of suggested changes. I've also re-named the game, as per hive's suggestion, which I liked.

Anyway, I'm looking for comments, particularly from those who haven't commented so far.

Message 2652#25954

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On 7/15/2002 at 6:19pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Unsung (formerly Unnumbered)

Hi Kirt,

I'm sorry I took so long get back to this thread. In a word, I like the new game very much. I don't know how it plays, of course, without trying it, but it's in a state that inspires me to do so. I think it's a big improvement over Rise Again.

There are a lot of "war RPGs" starting to show up lately. To me, dressing that setting/issue up with Powers (Godlike, Weird Wars, etc, etc) really doesn't carry much interest. I'm far more interested in the basic human stories in a wartime setting, and the snap and dazzle of the occult or superpowers seems distracting to me.

A Civil War setting seems like a great idea at the moment. I might whip up a quick demo/tryout scenario for GenCon.


Message 2652#26901

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On 7/15/2002 at 7:40pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Unsung (formerly Unnumbered)

Ron Edwards wrote: A Civil War setting seems like a great idea at the moment. I might whip up a quick demo/tryout scenario for GenCon.

That would be great! Especially since the next thing I'm going to be trying out on my group for playtest purposes isn't one of my own designs but Universalis.

As for Rise Again (for those who are curious), the plan is to turn that into a sort of "background module" for Unsung -- I don't want to "lose" all the background work I did for that, but I agree it's (a lot) more "pure" now with that stuff stripped out.

And as long as I'm rambling about my plans, I'm also considering doing a sort of "background package" on the Hundred Years War, since I've already done a lot of research on the 14th century for a couple LARPS I've run, and I think there's something to be said for the emotional resonance of having to kill a man face-to-face. (Not to mention you've got the Black Plague and the rapacious "Free Companies" in there -- just the sorts of thing to bring up ethical issues, especially against a Christian framework.)

If there's any enthusiasm, I of course welcome bits adapting Unsung to various wars, sort of mini-supplements. This is once it's been playtested more... right now it's firmly in "beta" status.

Message 2652#26917

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...started by xiombarg which xiombarg participated Indie Game Design
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