The Forge Reference Project


Topic: While We Were Fighting — Ties of Blood?
Started by: Peter Nordstrand
Started on: 8/13/2008
Board: Publishing

On 8/13/2008 at 8:41am, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
While We Were Fighting — Ties of Blood?

I have friends whose excellent and very funny cardgame Spank the Monkey turned out to be almost unsellable in the US, while it is a great commercial success in the rest of the world. The game is actually about spanking a monkey.

I am thinking of chaning the name of my game. The working title has been While We Were Fighting, which captures its spirit quite well, I think. However, I am about to take the game to the Swedish convention circuit, and I'm not entirely happy with the title. I've discovered that people have trouble remembering it correctly. It is kind of awkward in many ways. It is also somewhat hard to pronounce, even for people who speak great English.

So I've come up with a new title: Ties of Blood. As I am probably going to be stuck with this name, I would like to hear your imput. No, I'm not polling for general opinions. My specific question is this:

Do you know any reason why Ties of Blood should be considered unsuitable for my roleplaying game?

Thank you.

Message 26587#253809

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